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The main thing I want current Patrons to take away from this post is that if you're an existing patron you have to do nothing. You'll have access to the newly named tier at the price of the original as long as you stay with the campaign.


Starting in 2023 each of the existing tiers will be sunsetted and replaced with new tiers costing $1 more. This means no new Patrons will be able to sign up for the original Silver, Gold and Diamond Tiers, but the tiers won't be going away altogether. Anyone currently on the Silver, Gold or Diamond tiers will have access to the new tier's content while maintaining the lower price you signed up for.

Here's what it will look like:

  • $5 Silver Tier is now the $6 Rare Tier
  • $8 Gold Tier is now the $9 Epic Tier
  • $11 Diamond Tier is now the $12 Legendary Tier

Also, I want to remind all current and new Patrons that there is no reason to go back and look at old posts to find content. Each new post of a comic has all the previous PDFs attached, and all completed comics can be found in the Calendar & Exclusive Library Post and on TG Comics. I will be working to have all non TG Comics Content available here this year, but it may take a few months to get organized.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you have an amazing New Years!

Tyler :)

PS: Thea's trying out some new skin. What do you think?



Kaffeyette Lektor

Do they count as shorts when they are basically a 'thong' / G-string? I'm just wondering what the classification delineation is, if there is one - over buttock vs between buttock? I'm also interested in the freckle distribution thing. While I am definitely not averse to freckles - I had a long-term relationship with a beautiful 'ranga' girl, who was amply gifted with freckles - I'm not sure they are as evenly distributed as in your models, especially on the face. Don't they tend to concentrate in certain areas, I think from exposure to the sun - more densely concentrated around the nose and cheekbones and increasingly less (decreasing?) towards the side hairlines? I'm also curious if your software randomly distributes freckles or if there is a 'freckle protocol' that is supposed to simulate natural distribution?

Kaffeyette Lektor

The density of, "freckleness," was not at issue. rather the pattern of distribution, but extensive research suggests that freckles do whatever they wish and express themselves according to their own spontaneous whims. Otherwise, Thea's new skin seems to be functioning within acceptable parameters - most exemplary. You chose the best one for the front page - that look - the eyes and pout. Do carry on.