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Sex Stoned is now available on TG Comics for $10.95! It's 456 pages long and features some of the sexiest scenes I've ever made :D

It's been a long time since I published a full Premium Exclusive Comic, but as I mentioned earlier in the year this is what I'm getting back to. I miss the days when people were able to consume big comics like this in a few days and not a few months. I'm aiming to create two to three of these a year, and they won't get in the way of the 350 pages I'm making for the campaign each month.

Femur has put together a great preview page for the comic (with some minor spoilers) which you can find here. 




What is the reasoning for the piecemeal release? Just curious, they've done that a lot over the years and I have never quite gotten why.

Matt Zenn

I think the logic was to keep people coming back in hopes they would see something else which looked interesting.


Is there no other way i can buy it because i dont have a credit card yet :(


Sorry, it's only available through TG Comics. Femur is working on adding another way to purchase, and hopefully we'll have news soon.