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I love and respect the shit out of the comics Sturkwurk and InfinitySign have created, but if you look at my work you should be able to see which creator influenced me the most: CBlack. Their new Premium Comic Ariel 2.0 is a retelling of Ariel Redux, and while some of the changes don't work for me it is undoubtedly a triumph of TG Comic creation. I highly recommend checking it out on TG Comics, and if you do be sure to let CBlack know if you liked it in the comments.

Tyler :)




GOAT recognize GOAT


It is a very good comic!


Yes; although named 2.0, it is not really replacement for the original - good story, but original (although graphically dated) is probably better of these two (IMHO). But this is still a CBlack story worth reading - twists & turns and lots of eye candy ;)


Yes! I bought it earlier today (at the suggested price) and I read it in one sitting. I agree that some parts were not quite on par with the original but what a great and fully realized story. Plus, their renders are just on point. I still think their best work is Superego and not just because she has modest breasts. 😏


Oh, and I forgot. Yes, I could tell immediately from Taken To Task that CBlack had to be your influence. CBlack was always my favorite creator but you have really stepped into your own and have your own voice and style. And I have to say it is a tie these days.

Jacob Keller

Damn that is one hot render of Ariel tho


Bonus gallery (18 textless images) just got posted.


Superego was the first time I critiqued CBlack, so I don't revisit it too often 😬