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Drea finally get the thing she's been dreaming of for years, but not the climax she was hoping for...




Just one left! Excited to see how you wrap up this story

Emmitt Cleveland

Such a tease! He left her right on the edge!

Bob Fink

So much for her cream pie, now on to the last one, I wonder what he/she has in store for her.


I kind of feel sorry for Anne and Leia..if Andrea seemed bossy before..Drea is downright slutty scary..they might run for the hills 😏. But the new Leia is a wild one ..so she might be happy to see the dominatrix Drea 😆


Trinity I see there seems to be a pattern..just before the newly transformed versions of each sister begin to climax or show a true orgasm…Lex disappears . Is there a limit to what Lex can do ..maybe he is part of a deep curse that he can change women to their deep darkest desires..but he can’t fulfill their true calling which is giving them ultimate pleasure in their new personas 🤔 or maybe I’m looking to into this 😏

Jenni Starr

So with the new structure coming in 2022, will this be the TACOS series finale?