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After talking it over with friends, other creators and my therapist, I've made the difficult decision to cut back monthly content in 2022 to 300 pages a month. This will include three 25 page updates a week instead of four 25 page updates. Cutting back on the amount of pages and different comics I have going will give me time to learn, study, and practice new design/writing techniques in the hopes of keeping the quality of the comics as high as I can.

To that end I'm also going to make the move to create only TG Comics in 2022 and beyond. Ever since I started publishing TF Comics back in the day I hated that they were gated behind a TG Tier. Making people pay for something they don't necessarily want never sat well with me, and after hearing some sage advice from Ron Swanson I've decided to whole-ass TG Comics. That being said, I'm still aiming to have the Gold Tier comics include both TG and General Transformations, so fans of TF Comics should still have something here that interests them.

Lastly, due to these changes I'm unpublishing the +Tiers ($14, $17 & $20) to help simplify things when the campaign returns to tiered publishing in 2022. If you've signed up for those tiers you have plenty of time to pick a new tier of your choice, and I'll be sure to send out messages during that time to ensure everyone can make the change.

I know change is never easy, but this is something I really need to do. Bringing such high amounts of content a month to you has been great, but it has taken a heavy tole on my mental health. And like I mentioned above, all my time is spent creating comics, leaving me very little time to study my craft and keep up with all the new tools available to me.

If you have any questions please feel free to send a comment or direct message to me. Thank you for being here and for all your support, and I hope you like what's coming in the weeks ahead!

Tyler 🥰



Skippy Hugo

Always put your mental health first. Be interesting to see what new designs you come up with.


*tries to figure out what “TF” comics are*


Cool with me, if it gives you more time to focus on planning out and making cool story / transformation instead of just having to pump out comics to meet the deadlines I'm all for it. Much rather that then samey stories down the road. Your catalog is already leagues larger then any other tg artist I can think of so there's not much you have to prove in that regard, everyone knows how great you are at this. so if this gives you more time to relax and put together some excellent works in the future then go for it! We'd rather you be happy making these then burning your self out. (:


It's the branding I gave comics that don't have any TG transformations in them :)


Yes, I'm very interested in branching out and making more dynamic stories that are much more involved, and this will give me that chance. I'm also looking to work with different writers and editors to ensure the work doesn't get stale.


Some newer creators are making some really amazing images in their comics, and I want to do that too! :D


Always. -Always-. Take care of yourself first. You are one of the most prolific and regular Patreon artists out there… taking a small step back won’t change that. And if it means improving your mental health and having time to improve your craft…so much the better.


I thawt i was paying $10 a month for the high tier, I'm paying $20? If so fhats to much for me even the small amount of 14

Faye Fatale

I'm happy to see you prioritizing your mental health, it's one of the most important things you can do. I'm also happy to see TG content will remain the focus of this campaign. I really hope that you can do some more writing and maybe return to the Timber Grove stories or something of the like.


I"m sorry to hear that. I've always been a fan of your AP and AR work. But I can understand you not wanting to burn yourself out. I just hope that in time you'll be able to get to a work rate that will work out better for you. BLZBub


Your $11 a month gives you access to everything on the site and will continue to do so in 2022 :)


I hope to return to Timber as well, but the first comic wasn't received too well. Still, it's a comic that's close to my heart, and who knows what the future holds? :)


Just because I'm focusing on TG doesn't mean the other transformations will disappear. Age transformations are my first love, so I'll always try to get them in :)

Bob Fink

Sounds like a sound plan to me and your being able to find some you time is a win win as far as I'm concerned.


I completely understand taking care of your mental health as I’ve suffered with bipolar disorder since I was 19 and probably younger than that. So I am glad that you are taking that seriously. Personally I’m quite disappointed to here that TF comics will be essentially going away. As you and many other patrons know, Multiple Minnies is my favorite story of yours. Also, I could be wrong but it seems like TACOS is a fan favorite. I’ll always be a patron regardless. You have to do what you feel is best for the overall campaign in the long run. Thanks for the transparency.


BIG respect for reducing your workload! I know this is a really hard decision to make when you have a paying audience, but I genuinely think it's the right decision. As you can see from the comments so far, people care about YOU as well, not just your work! Well done TGT, it's the right choice 💜

Jenni Starr

The most important thing is your own mental health. Will definitely keep supporting you and your work!


Looking after you is number one. I enjoy your content so anything you do to help you and allowing me to help supporting here is awesome.


Im happy for you! But a little sad we won't have anymore female TACOS.

William Starfox

What does it gain a man if he wins the whole world, but loses his soul? Do what you need to do Tyler to keep your head on straight. We'll be right there with you.

Phil G

Actually i was going to dropout after the actor was finished because my primary interest is tg stuff. I will stick around.

Kaffeyette Lektor

Keep yourself healthy and keep some life balance. Smashing yourself continuously is not sustainable. Anyone who criticizes you for not burying yourself in a hole is an idiot. Do what you you need to do to have a happy life.

Mr. Phoenyxx

"I'm cutting back from publishing an entire novel every week to only doing 3 novels every 2 weeks." Sounds like a plan to me. Even after talking with you, I still can't fathom how you produce so much content. :) Anyway, just be healthy my friend.


I'll let you in on the secret behind how I'm able to produce so much: Caffeine. 😂


I'll still find plenty of ways to have F2F transformations in TG Comics, so don't worry too much :)


The female transformations aren't going anywhere, they'll just be part of TG Comics going forward. And how about a TACO where Lex changes a married man and woman into two sexy women? :D


Do what you need to do! Taking care of ones self (not that I do it FOR myself much lol) is what matters most. :)


I've always focused on making others around me feel safe and happy, so trying to do it for myself is hard :)


I would rather you maintain a high quality of end product than just quantity only, Walmart does that enough for us all. I am glad someone understands the idea of self care.


I 100% support this decision ❤️


Stay healthy thats what most important and we know it is a hell of a job to even draw all this. Always great ideas and stories. And you also need to look at yourself so now and than. Great work 😀


Like I tell my girlfriend. “You take of you” Yes, it comes from a movie, and it applies to you as well. Even though your not my girlfriend Lol

