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Four sisters-in-law have a nice afternoon alone, away from their husbands and kids, but is it really just the four of them...



Jacob Keller

Well I'm definitely looking forward to when the title card is accurate!


Trinity ..you got my interest..nice job on the new mom renders


I'm interested, I think it would be funny if Leia became the biggest slut and Felicity changed the least and became the voice of reason in the group.

Bob Fink

Well that was a shock, I really did not expect the voice to be a well hung male, but is it a male just for Leia? Since she apparently recognizes him.


Not to spoil anything here, but there's not going to be a whole lot of reason being thrown about in this :D


Fair, can’t wait to see them all change I’m guessing each chapter will be a corruption of a character!


Nicely done, sir. I like that the voice just manifests itself into someone the person desires. Good compromise between those of us that didn’t want to see the voice have a true body and those that did. This development makes for an interesting element for future TACOS.


With the count so close I didn't want to fully reveal everything about the voice, so I 'm happy you like the compromise :)


Imagine four of the comics told back to back, so around 50 pages for transformation followed by the sex actually being shown for the first time for about 25-50 pages :)