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Hey, Patrons!

I'm sharing this news here as I promoted the Milf Peaks Patreon Campaign last month.

My friend, who's been working on the Milf Peaks comic with me, has taken another opportunity that will take them away from that campaign, and I simply do not have the bandwidth to work on that comic alone. Yes, I was doing all the images and fixing a lot of the lettering, but writing and storyboarding on my own would take too much time from this campaign. For that reason, I'm pausing the Milf Peaks campaign during May as I try to figure out how I can make it work without them.

I'm still very invested in Milf Peaks, but I don't want to skimp on the quality and push something out the door I'm not proud of. I hope to have good news to share in May, but for now, I feel pausing is the best thing to do.

Lastly, a bit of life advice (and please understand this isn't an indictment of my friend): Building something from the ground up takes time. I worked two jobs for two years as I launched the TGTrinity Patreon Campaign before I got to a place I could support myself on it alone. Some never see success doing stuff like this, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try even though it may take longer than you like.

Anyway, I know it's a non-transformation comic, but I thought it would be good to share this here as well. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy, and here's to an amazing end to April!

TGTrinity :)



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