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I'm happy to announce that The Absolute Corruption of Seaborns is coming in May, and it will be the first Premium length comic in the series. Four sisters-in-law go out for a day on the ocean while their husbands fish, but the arrival of something changes their afternoon from peaceful to darkly sexual....

But what about the voice? Is it time to reveal the voice's body, or does she stay hidden? Let me know what you think!

Also, it's been a while since I've made a sequence, so enjoy this!




I'm just excited about the idea of 4x the ladies in a TACoS comic. Hopefully some of them will enjoy each others company :-D


Please don’t show the voice. Right now each of us has our own idea of what he/she/it/they looks like. It is more fun and interesting that way. Don’t want to see who’s behind the curtain.


Mysterious voice🥰


Showing the voice kills the story. Don't do it! Btw, why do you say it's a "she", geez ... spoilsport ... 🙄

Bob Fink

I'd love to see if she's as sexy as I imagined her to be.


Please keep the voice hidden.


It's been a while since I've seen a good sequence


Such a close poll. Come on team mystery!


It could be the closest one yet, but just because one wins out over the other in the poll doesn't mean that's what will happen :)


I think I referenced her gender in one of the TACOS, but maybe I'm off :[

Kaffeyette Lektor

I may be late to the poll, but I'd like to see what you have in your head, and your cunning plan for having your cake and eating it too.


I think it's something everyone will like, but there's a chance it may backfire. Hard to please everyone when a poll is split so evenly :)