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★★★★★ Exceptional Comic; A true must-read

★★★★☆ Great Comic with minor issues; Lacks that "certain something"

★★★☆☆ Decent Comic; Nothing special, nothing awful

★★☆☆☆ Severely Flawed Comic; Not recommendable

★☆☆☆☆ Truly Awful; No Redeeming Qualities

Please feel free to share a comment with things you liked and would like to see again, or maybe something that didn't quite click for you.



Mika W

Awesome Story.


Interesting story, but I get the feeling this is going to be part of a longer campaign. Is it related to Fuck It Out of Me?

Mr. Mayhem

Hard 4. Great story just seemed a tad bit short. Would love to see a sequel in the future


It's too much of a static "he said she said" intertwined with some hard sex scenes (also static), and this comic needs a bit more dynamic interaction and motion. Personally I'm not a fan of the overt naked sex as I think that you should get your imagination working more. Most eroticism plays itself out in the head anyway. But I assume that's a personal thing. Further, it seems like a "Chapter 1" to me, as if we're going to be seeing much more of Max and Jace


Meh..not one of my favorites


It is, and we'll see more comics set in the Femmeria universe from time to time.


There will be other comics (possibly involving these characters) set in the universe soon enough.

Matt Zenn

I'm going to read it now but just the fact that I haven't looked past the thumbnail suggests there maybe something off about it. Might be that the title isn't really evocative of anything but I'm not sure that's the issue either.

Matt Zenn

Ok. I could easily be in the minority here but it took me most of the first issue to make any connection to anything beyond this comic. I eventually remembered that Femmeria was the disease in FIOOM. But it didn't really connect with it even after it did. I think it may lack movement but whether or not that's a useful critique will depend on it meaning anything to you.


It's an awesome story, the only thing that marks it down for me is it could be longer, so if there's going to be further chapters then that's great!


My only complaint is that I feel there's more we don't know yet about Femmeria, based upon what we saw in the previous comic. The guy in that comic could still "control" it and be male, while this seemed to imply that both characters could never be male again. So that makes me think there are degrees of severity of the condition. I'm just hoping we see that explored more in future comics, as I think there are so many more stories you could tell with this premise.


If enough people like the concept there will be more comics set in the Femmeria universe :)


Good point! When prepping for the TG Comics release I'll try and do a better job of explaining the difference between Max and "everyone else." Only men who forgo sex during their bout of Femmeria remain women but regain control (like Max), while others (like the Senator inevitably) have sex and revert to their male form.