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Okay... here's the big one.

2021 brings with it the new campaign setup, and the best part about it is you don't have to do anything unless you absolutely want to. I'm making this monumental change in the hope of making it easier on those of you out there who are affected by the ongoing Global Pandemic, so I'm happy to announce that this is becoming a Pay What You Can Campaign...

As of January 1st all tiers $5 and up will have access to 400 pages of new comics a month! Those who choose to join the upper level tiers of $14 or more will also have access to polls that will help shape what new comics are coming out as well as a voice in which beautiful model of mine will be featured on the new Lady of the Week Post. 

The content will be split over 4 weekly updates that contain 25 pages each (if not more). Two updates will be TG Comics, while the other two will be TF Comics with the chance of a TG Comic showing up (as Geeky Girl 2 is doing in January do to it's focus on Age Transformation).

The Bronze Tier is now a Tip Jar, with $1 giving you access to these Campaign Updates as well as the Lady of the Week Post.

When I started this campaign back in September of 2016 I was asking for $5 for 25 pages of content a week. I've come a long way and feel I've improved tenfold since then, which is why I'm capping the tiers at $20 a week for the 100 pages of content. The suggested tier is $11, but you can pay what you think the content is worth or less if you need to.

I also want to point out that with this new campaign setup focusing on 400 pages of new comics a month there will be four weeks in the year where there will be no content published. Rest assured that you will be getting 400 pages every month (even February), but those four weeks give me some much needed breaks in the year without the need of doubling up on regular work to get some time off.

If you have any questions about the new setup, please reach out to me through a Private Message or by commenting on this post. As I mentioned above there is nothing any Patreon has to do to take advantage of the new campaign tiers, so this should be a very easy transition.

I hope that everyone out there has an amazing New Years Day and continues to stay safe, respectful, and healthy as we enter 2021.

Thanks for your support!!!





Thank you, seriously. It's been a very difficult year, and I hate having to downgrade my pledges, but this really helps. I hope I'll be able to offer more support again soon.

Bob Fink

Sounds like 2021 is going to be another amazing year for your comics. Happy New Year!


Yay! I'm *so* looking forward to the Round Robin one! How many charges / tfs did a RR pill have? Was it 12? And if I remember correctly the original title / setup had somethibg to do with acting / filming? Will they transform and then be required to act a certain role? Or *maybe* they are playing a game where everyone (once tfed) has to create some sort of sexy getup and the sexiest one wins? Will they employ costumes? ^^ And Happy New Year to you :D

Nicholas Craig

More PPP! 2021 is already looking up! BTW, Trinity is killing that long hair! <3


Happy new year !! :D Trinity looks SO hot in this outfit, can't wait for all the beautiful work you have planned for 2021 : )


There were 11 changes in the first comic, and this *what if* comic will have the same amount. :)


Just hearing it's made a difference for one person makes it worth it for me :)


Very excited for Round Robin! Is this a continuation of the last one? I was always hoping to see the Super Sextet Sexy Soirée!


Reposting this comment which I had posted on TGT2 just days before its closure, so you probably missed it (Happy new year btw!!) "I hope to find you well :) Sorry for commenting so late, it's been such a busy month, I would've liked to participate earlier in the discussion regarding this campaign. Can't be disappointed though, if I got this right it's basically the same thing over a single Patreon page, which I guess would be easier to manage. I think the main advantage of having two different pages would have been to have a clear and separate track of your audience preferences, but that's still achievable with some work. In any case, it was nice to see what a quick and big response you got on this new campaign. Only thing not crystal clear to me about the new pledges on TGT is the poll system; how will it work, do patrons get to choose between comic ideas or just a general theme to be realized? Will there be separate polls for TG and TF? Also, don't worry at all about the $3 dollar base level, you're right, $5 is still way more than fair for its price."


Thanks for your thoughts on the new campaigns, and I'll try my best to answer your questions. Each month there will be a new poll for an upcoming comic, switching between TG and TF Comics. You'll typically have a choice between three comic ideas, and I include the genre as well as the general outline of the comic. Please let me know if that clears things up, and feel free to ask any other questions :)