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Zoey has it out with Pari, maybe for the last time...



Bob Fink

Find him? Okay now I'm confused, obviously there is a certain male out there that needs Zoey's help. I still don't trust that Pari is done messing with Zoey.


I believe the gadget was a ruse. Darci's powers were restored by Pari. Darci is the predator, Zoe is the stalking horse and Pari is supposed to play the role of guide and teacher. Based on the last panel, Darci is able to speak, meaning either she has or has had her powers all along and the two of them are in cahoots to use Zoe as a puppet.


Where can i find the first meld's candle?

Kaffeyette Lektor

So, Pari and Darci are manipulating Zoey to get her to do something they want done, but obviously can't or won't do themselves. Narcissistic bitches. I hope Zoey exceeds expectations, flips their plan and turns them both into something unpleasant.