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Hey! Tyler here with a few things.

First, some of you who follow my work on DeviantArt have seen that I've changed the name of the account to Spiraling Shape Comics. This is simply a rebranding, and doesn't mean I'm abandoning TGTrinity. What it does mean is there will be new comics coming to the campaign soon that do not have gender transformations, or maybe any transformations at all.

Second, when the brand change hits this campaign it will come with other changes as well. Chief amongst those will be the end of the open tier system. I love being able to create so much content for such a low price as $6, but it is unsustainable. But with that change comes others, such as an increase in weekly output (120 to 150) with complete comics still coming to $6 and $9 tiers when completed. I won't get into the nitty gritty until the August update, but know that each tier will have 50 pages a week (50 for $6, 100 for $9 and 150 for $12), and each tier will have an update dedicated to TG Content. I'm literally going all in on this campaign instead of creating another, but know that the vibes of "TGTrinity" will remain.

Lastly, I'll be adding a much requested "Producer" tier to the campaign, but I'd like to hear from those who are interested in what that would look like. I love the idea of each Producer getting their name and maybe a phrase on each full comic release, but it has to be more than that. I'm thinking of maybe adding a Monthly Pinup Suggestion Post or even polls helping dictate what content comes out. I'd love to hear your thoughts on anything you'd like to see below, and as of now I'm aiming for $24.

As I said, there will be more news on this in August, and the change over won't fully hit until later this year. Til then I hope to hear your thoughts on these changes and any recommendations you have for me.

Thanks so much for being here and supporting my work! It truly means everything to me :)

-Tyler Adams (TGTrinity)

PS: I do want to mention that one thing going away is the 24 page transformation sequences. I thought adding the extra detail would be nice, but it grinds the comic to a halt. Anyway... :D



Scott Pettigrew

Please don't lose the transformation comics altogether...but I think condensing the actual transformation sequences would be good. They do bring the comics to a halt. Maybe keep them in certain comics to appeal to those who like them? (Or as "outtakes"?)


will we be able to get the non tg comics in our subscription