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AnthroCon is behind us, and I'm happy to say it was a big success! Managing our first ever table in the dealers' area was quite an undertaking, but it was all worth it to have the opportunity to connect with so many people.

On the first day we met quite a few patrons who made the time to come say hello. Thank you so much to all of you who dropped by! It was wonderful to get to meet you and put faces to the names I've seen here for so long. I hope you all had a wonderful time across the rest of the convention and an easy trip home!

Days two and three picked up in pace, and we introduced lots of curious passers by to the game! It's hard to do justice describing a game with as much depth as Changeling Tale, so by the end we were just referring people to the art book and letting the illustration speak for itself. It seemed to work-- we piqued a lot of interest! But outshining even the art book, the biggest hit were the stickers. Wat did a great job on them!

I want to give a special shout out to Ardail, Mits and Nocturn, who all went well above the call of duty and helped out tremendously while we were there. And the most special thanks goes to you—all our supporters, new and old—who made all this possible!

A few people who weren't able to attend the convention have asked about the merchandise we had available there, and we do indeed have plenty left over-- prints, stickers, and Jessie dakis, with additional pins on the way! We plan to make it all available online at some point in the future, once we have caught up a bit more on readying Changeling Tale for launch. You'll be the first to know when and where Changeling Tale merch is available for sale!


Our booth and our neighbor's booth, Mice Tea! We shared a demo station in the middle and ran both our games' trailers on the monitor.
Opening day! Look at that poor, naive Little Napoleon. I had no idea how hectic it would get-- but I had a lot of fun! :D
I didn't put these here, but spotted on the furry sticker pole downtown, from left to right: Grace, Jessie, and Marion!
The furry sticker pole in all its glory. Can't wait to come back next year to see if the MacLeod sisters are still here!



Great news!


It was an honor to help a friend! A shame you couldn't hang out with the rest of us for a majority of the con but I'm happy as a clam to know that you and the mice team were able to get some good exposure for your projects! Here's to the full release success! (And uhhh...future dakimakura produced of the other two sisters...)

Jared K Gonzalez

It was fun meeting people in person, despite social awkwardness. Goodluck with any future merch stuff, I know the stickers were cute to grab. I should have grabed 2 extra sheets.

Jackson triggs

Glad to see yall had a successful time!


It was great to meet you in person, I'm glad the stand was a success!


Super excited!


Haha, thanks Noc! We'll be on it one of these days! (I haven't forgotten that other daki either!)


Thanks Jared! I just wish there'd been more time to spend with everyone, and that the hall were a little quieter and less hectic. It made it tough to hear folks-- but it was a blast to connect with everyone!


It was a lot of fun! AnthroCon is a great convention, well worth a visit even just for the experience of seeing so many fursuiters in one place!

Scott Wulf

Awesome sauce! Sounds like you had an great time! For an artist, Wat a guy! Those stickers look amazing! Looking forward to the merch becoming available! Loving the game, enjoying the music. looking forward to the Artbook, and with merch on top...I see this as an absolute win! Sadly, can't drop that Hulk Meme in here, so you're just gonna have to imagine I did!


Great to see you

Rey Fox

Computer screen says "Press X to doubt"


That's good to hear. So how long until Grace's Final chapter is done, and the game is complete?

Jackson triggs

Would be interesting to go one day, but i would probably be crusified by everyone i know if i we’re caught there 😅

SirSnufflepuff & Son

Man wish I had the ability to go see all this. Maybe if a similar show comes to my area i will get a chance to see you guys one day.


It was fun to see everyone!


Thanks Scott, we're looking forward to it all too! I just wish that getting things to everyone was as easy as it was at the convention!


We're working hard on Grace's chapter right now! The next step is to get it to Wat so he can start converting the placeholder assets into illustration, after which I can release the chapter into Beta and clean his sketches up into complete art pieces. After that's done, Grace's final chapter will go into Early Access and we will then spend month or two polishing everything up for launch. Hope to have it all done by the end of the year!


We're not sure right now if we will host a dealer table again-it was a lot of work!-but if we do, we'll let everyone know when and where it's happening!