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What Transformation Themes would you like to see included in Changeling Tale?

Comment with your ideas below!  We will select a few that are not currently present in the game for a poll next week.  Patrons at the $10 tier & higher can then vote on which theme will be added to Changeling Tale!


Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!



Feral to Anthro!

Izzy Jones (edited)

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2021-09-06 19:50:00 Tf tg mc Petplay Sub & dom? Those are my main things 💜
2017-03-01 23:20:19 Tf tg mc Petplay Sub & dom? Those are my main things 💜

Tf tg mc Petplay Sub & dom? Those are my main things 💜


"Corruption"/Evil Conversion.

Izzy Jones

[TFTG] [Mind Control] [sub/dom] -- I'm unused to patreons comment autoformat system, so sorry about the previous post.

Silver Tongue

heat and hypnosis are nice. maybe inanimate? like a statue or something?




well TG of course and/or something more with canines (dog) or felines (cheetah personally) :P


Some sort of emphasis on clothing incompatibilities is always fun. The discomfort of trying to contain changing anatomy, a bulge and/or distortion of clothing here and there, trying to conceal what is going on beneath the clothing. Until the animal nature is literally bursting from under their human cloth; undeniable and evident to all around ;) E.g. Picture a character hurrying somewhere private, hastily undoing some clothing, then sighing deeply in relief as they release their mini udder from under constraining underwear. Taking a few moments to enjoy the relief before having to stretch their underwear over it once again, bulging like a well endowed crotch, the shape of teats protruding under the thin matetial, before venturing back out under the guise of normalcy... But eventually it would grow to be impossible to conceal, in time.


Gentle Giantess/Amazon


nonmorphic TF and feral bad ends for PC and love interest; like they TF too far and you lose them or something.

Anonymous (edited)

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2021-09-06 19:50:00 Horse, Dog, Cat, Donkey, Deer TF. Male -> Female or TG is also cool.
2017-03-01 23:39:45 Horse, Dog, Cat, Donkey, Deer TF. Male -> Female or TG is also cool.

Horse, Dog, Cat, Donkey, Deer TF. Male -> Female or TG is also cool.


TFTG for PC and/or love interests into one of the fae that started this if not a forest/farm animal. Adding touches of brief concern turned to high arousal can also be interesting. As can showing their feelings/discomfort on their face or in their actions toward/with their transformation can pull ya in more than words or noise. (Though those are obviously important...)


Muscle bound pig? Instinct play (I mean more than just heat and rutt stuff), flat chest (and I really mean flat like a guy), and multinipple.


Maybe with the actual transformation u can add comportemental/habits basically more they are transform more they gain habits or comportements from the animal like for the cat licking their fur and purring etc ..


im for an feral fox with a little TG ;D

Rye black

Multiple tits, Moments of losing themselves to their animal side, Going into heat stuff like that.


Mind control, Heat, Clothing incompatibility, Losing themselves to their animal instinct, and possible feral bad endings


A change that starts off bad in one way and then has the opportunity to shift in a good way. They could start by turning into something unpleasant, and based on the decisions continue down the "bad end" or reach a turning point and change into something appealing in the "good end" Thematically it could be something like the Change reflects a personal flaw in the character (like a failure to act or deal with something) causing them to change into something they dislike. With Malcolm's help they have the opportunity to turn things around and become something they admire.


I think of all our characters and endings you can already consider these themes covered :B


I've got a theme suggestion, I've been on this project for 3 days now, where are all the durgons?? :V


Maybe a mythical creature upset a witch and was turned human. They believe they're human completely until interactions with Malcolm cause the spell to unravel and the love interest has to deal with their old identity slowly returning. The witch could even play the mother/auntie/guardian keeping an eye over the bewitched love interest and having them as their child working for them. Bad end could be that the spell is re cast on the love interest and as a consequence Malcolm also has the spell cast on him resulting in him getting a new body and memories as the love interest's sibling/also working for the witch. Good end would be that they break the spell and have returned to their normal mythical form. It could result in a sort of dual personality/schizophrenic type, which can be fun. Sorry the example was so specific, but i do only mean it as an example. I wanted to say a sort of reverse mind control/they were -blank- all along, but that sounded sorta vague.


Also some softballs. Tsundere and Yandere are perfect for transformation themes.


I'm not sure I understand the question. Themes? Like, do you mean fetishes to see included? Since there is a ton of those available. Or actual scenarios?


Im sure this has already been mentioned,considered, or even done, but i figured i'd mention it regardless to toss my 2 cents. That being said, maybe like some sort of equine tf? horse, giraffe, deer to name a few, anything with hooves, etc. obviously i don't mean have a crap load of em, but it'd be cool to see a few. One scenario i can think of for one is maybe a character turns into something rideable and you can then make them you "Mount" of sorts, just an idea.


I am thinking something lapine based. The character spends a lot of time in a valley with rabbits

Mr Nibz

I'm always a fan of uncontrollable heats. Trying to conceal Transformations in public places. Transformations that can progress or reverse according to a controller or condition. The discovery of new tastes and smells. For felines, grooming behaviors are always fun. I'd love one of the ladies to grow into a more hulking style anthro. Multibreasts are always a plus.


personally I'd like it if the turned into a feral ending wasn't Necessarily the bad ending. IE there are feral tfs that are good ends and some that are bad based on your interactions with the characters.


also, a bird character or something really different from the current cast could be good


...also, because I'd hate to disappoint wat: a FTM story path :A


Maybe an owl? Maybe a owl.. bear? :P


What if it is a bear, that got too close to an owl? Then they are Bear Owl! CRIMEFIGHTERS!


Well myself am certainly hoping for bunnies, though anything cute and cuddly soft is good *mice, skunk, bear and such since it makes for adorable times* as for fetishes pregnancy, eggs, growth/shrink, multibreast, unbirth, come to mind right away, I've seen one where a person split into little versions of the first, each set smaller than the last. Anything that just keeps feeling like more change is involved. Also turning little fairies into animals is fun too. I've drawn that a bit, I feel it seems to fit smaller animals since little animals are big to them.


It's like you two have some kind of preconception...


I really liked the suggestions from 'Rye Black' and 'jpgreen'. Also, to put in my personal preference for a species, I absolutely love canine TF's! Rye Black said, "Multiple tits, Moments of losing themselves to their animal side, Going into heat stuff like that." jpgreen said, "Mind control, Heat, Clothing incompatibility, Losing themselves to their animal instinct, and possible feral bad endings".


Corruption, Musk, Heat, tftg, Mind control.


Tearing clothing is a nice visual metaphor


See! Even Wat agrees she's a fish!


In the future, there's actually a reply button, so you can just reply to the peoples whose ideas you like to support them, no need to copy paste the whole response! :B And we definitely have at least one canine tf :V

Paul Revere

Lots of Feral Tf's !!


Is there a word for something that can pass for feral but can still operate like an anthro? Like Scooby or Gromit?


That might be a little out of scope for this Visual Novel - it was meant to be a bit more lighthearted - but we'll see!


Those first two could fit! Inanimate TF might be out of scope for an anthro TF-focused novel, but I'll note it down ^^


Cool! We've got most of those in the game (well, except a cheetah; I think Scottish cheetahs had gone extinct by 1919 :B)


Not exactly. "anthro" and "feral" are honestly slang terms. Most "Feral" characters in the community are technically "anthropomorphic" as they show human-like personalities, intelligence, or speech. (Anthropomorphism refers to human-like traits, not just walking on 2 legs or having a human-like appearance) Personally I view "ferals" as anthro quadrupeds, and rather use "beasts" to describe animal-minded quads. Though my terms aren't exactly universal or agreed by everyone, just personal perspectives. Honestly i'm a big fan of feral characters as well, but i'm not so much into the degradation of intelligence into an animal mind; at most I can accept individuals gaining feral-like speech patterns or habits (gaining habit to moo, or adding extra s' into Sssnake vocab)


Yay, we've got a lot of those covered! We may also do a separate poll later to let people decide what Malcolm can turn into ^^


By TF theme do you mean how the transformation happens? Some examples I can think of would be like injection (mutagen etc.) or curse-based (witch's curse, contact with/wearing cursed item etc.)


I'm not sure we would let the game go too dark, but we might be able to fit in something along the lines of those themes!


Oh, that's really interesting! Not only dealing with a change, but the change itself being determined by how they deal with it? What a great idea!

Wat (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:49:56 I think the theme is a broad "what would you like to see" kinda thing, can apply to how the tf happens (trigger), the elemnts of the tf like when it ends, gender shifting, or what species it is, or the general story themes around it or the relationship (like a dom/sub relationship, mind control, etc). So pretty much anything <should> work as a theme suggestion. And it's mostly asking what you would really like to see, your preferences.
2017-03-03 06:18:54 I think the theme is a broad "what would you like to see" kinda thing, can apply to how the tf happens (trigger), the elemnts of the tf like when it ends, gender shifting, or what species it is, or the general story themes around it or the relationship (like a dom/sub relationship, mind control, etc). So pretty much anything <should> work as a theme suggestion. And it's mostly asking what you would really like to see, your preferences.

I think the theme is a broad "what would you like to see" kinda thing, can apply to how the tf happens (trigger), the elemnts of the tf like when it ends, gender shifting, or what species it is, or the general story themes around it or the relationship (like a dom/sub relationship, mind control, etc). So pretty much anything <should> work as a theme suggestion. And it's mostly asking what you would really like to see, your preferences.


I won't say Changeling Tale follows that exactly, but the parallels are... uncanny o_o GET OUT OF MY MIND, CHARLES!


There might actually be a law on the books that those archetypes must be included in any visual novel.


Hoowhee! That just made our list a lot longer, haha XD I think most of these could potentially find a place in the game!


I think we will be able to hook you up with most of that already, in one fashion or another! Except maybe the giraffe - not too many giraffes in Scotland XP


I'm shocked it took so long for someone to suggest a bird. We'll do a separate poll later to select a TF form for one of the storylines ^^

Mr Nibz

Hrrm, I'm going to guess thats the feline fatale?


Oh yes, we will definitely squeeze in some animals that can operate at a higher level! (P.S.- I love Gromit! <3)


I was never one for super dark themes, but a touch in the right places gives a bit of depth.


Would really like to see some shrinking/height-swap TF.


Personally I would love to see a feral gryphon transformation. Also since this seems to be referencing celtic folklore, it might be nice to have content of a natural shapeshifter (since they have so many). Perhaps say a selkie or a puca might be interesting.


That's ok the more I thought about it the more I realized that I do what to see some happy endings and knowing my luck I would get stuck seeing more bad endings then my heart could take. so for the most part I would say that I would just really want the Heat ,Clothing incompatibility ,and Losing themselves to their animal instincts on occasion.

Mr Nibz

If Malcolm starts each day in his room/apartment there should be an option to use a full length mirror before starting the day

Paula Braydi

I wouldn't mind seeing some TG come into play (either way, depending on the audience). Also, I loved your war-themed TF stories with the Russian werebears and the British vixen. I would love to see a storyline that features one of your creations.

Rye black

Ha you can't say no to tits! and you really can't say no to multiple tits ha! I mean I don't need to say anything else just MULTIPLE TITS ;)


Several people have already mentioned ferals, but how about intermediate forms for mid-transformation into (or from) such critters? There's one excellent piece from LN that is quite not anthro, but not yet feral either. ( <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8765161/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8765161/</a> ; NSFW )


You could add some ape/ primate transformation ? [ref: <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4514297/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4514297/</a> ]

Mr Nibz

I like FtM but I especially enjoy it in terms of a gender swap.


Injection might be a tough fit for a historical piece, but magic/curse/otherworldly stuff will abound ^^ We'll see what we can do! :D


I like it! There could even conveniently be a full length mirror in multiple houses ; ) (I'll make a separate note of this suggestion though, since it's not a transformation theme per se)


Thanks a ton! TG we will squeeze in for sure ^^ The war themed TF's might be a harder fit for this story, but I would love to feature that alternate history in a future game someday!


Ah, I see what you mean! We will try to blur the lines with some of the characters for sure ^^ (Glad you liked that piece!)


The rare Scottish ape! (Actually, based on the feedback, we will probably make a separate poll specifically for what some of the characters will TF into ^^ Stay tuned!)


Careful LN, last time you made a joke about an animal not existing in Scotland it turned out it did :V


Since I haven't seen this in the commenst yet (afaik) and I hope I'm not too late to suggest something: how about something consensual? And I mean really consensual, like "hey, I always wanted to be a sheepdog - great that I actually change!" That would be fun! Otherwise, another vote for TGTF and Cheetahs (cause they are cute...and Edinburgh had a zoo in 1913 ^^)


Absolutely! You're in luck - I think we have just the character for you. Well, regarding the consensual part, maybe not so much the cheetah part XD But we'll add that to the list!


Awesome! On the other hand, that means.... *sighs and ups pledge because of awesomeness...*