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That's right, two more funding goals were reached since our last update!  We will be including some new music composed just for Changeling Tale, and feline fans will be happy to know your favorite cat bobby is a new romance option!  Rhoswyn is now here both to purrtect AND serve... if you know what I mean ; )

Since we blew past all the original fundging goals, the team has put together some exciting new Stretch Goals that will add a personal Patron touch to the game:

  • Fae Village - Reaching this goal will add a new rewards tier for people who would like to have their character cameo as a villager in the game!  (Some restrictions may apply; stay tuned for more details when we get closer to hitting this goal!)
  • Easter Egg Endings - At this level some super-secret, over-the-top endings will be added.  Try to find them all!
  • Limited Animated Effects - Let's add to the atmosphere with some fireflies, flickering lights, and other ambient effects!
  • Patron-Developed Character - If we hit this goal, you, the patrons, get to decide on a romantic interest to include in the game!  We will use polls and feedback to build a character and his or her story from the ground up.

We also added a new tier, "Adventurer," for one lucky person to include their character as a romance option in the game - and boy, was it gobbled up fast!  Revere will be assisting us during development to help include his character Karen, who, for those of you familiar with her, happens to be a perfect fit for the setting and the lore.  That brings us to 8 Romantic Interests total now - wow!

In keeping with the theme of more patron involvement, expect to see some posts soon that give you a chance to help guide the game's direction!  Until then, thanks for reading and have a great day!




Stop these cat puns right meow.


New goals already? You've gotta be kitten me!


So many goals! It will be a catastrophe to work on all of them D:


Wow. Someone already snatched up the adventurer tier :)


You could say someone couldn't wait to get their paws on it :V


Aww cute! Are there changes being planned for her too? *becoming more catlike, more breasts if they aren't already hidden, paw hands, all fours etc*?


Trying to avoid spoilers, but Rhos herself doesn't change :V


(Well... she kind of changes... but such spoilery things might best be discussed over in the Discord!)


Huh goodness sounds like I need to download discord and get it goin! I guess I'm a sucker for thinking she would look cute with big kitty handpaws. *laughs*