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It's official - Changeling Tale has been publicly announced!

To all initial backers, thank you so much for your early interest and for helping me pilot this Patreon campaign before going primetime.  And to all newcomers, thank you for your support and welcome aboard!

So, what's next?

My next goal is to create enough art assets to have a video trailer of the game ready next month.  Then Little Librarian and I will focus on writing and coding to create a playable demo in the April/May timeframe.

I will also continue to post regular updates with art and insight into characters, scenes and locations.  LL & I are really excited to share the Changeling Tale world with you!

What can you do?

Share, share, share!   Know folks who might be interested in a TF Visual Novel?  Tell your friends about Changeling Tale, retweet/reblog/link my screenshots, mention it in your Discord and Telegram groups.  Let's spread the news and build some hype for TF games!

Thanks again everyone for an awesome launch day!  Talk to you soon!



So the playable demo, which character will the story focus on for that? ;)

Cori Webb

Congrats on the successful start, LN! To Wat: I hope it's the moo. We all like a good moo.


grats on going public


Hope the new supporters like what they see. :D


Oh and congrats on hitting the $500 goal ^.=.^


I'm working with Little Librarian to come up with something fun! There might be a way to delve a little into each character's story a little using the three sisters talking about their experiences in a semi-4th wall breaking structure :3


Thanks Cori! It's already been an amazing ride - I really appreciate everyone's support!


Congrats on the accomplishments. Quick question. Will it make it to the android marketplace?


The game engine, Ren'Py, is semi-compatible with Android, so I will definitely try once there is a build to experiment with! I can't guarantee it will work, though ^^;