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In-game footage created in Ren'Py, with dialogue decided by unanimous vote!   




LL is writing and is going to write *all* of these? Am I understanding this right? :B -Spoon


Can I respectfully say that the font the name is in isn't very good? The J is too stylized and I find it almost looks like "Fessie"


I agree, it's not ideal. I'll keep an eye out for other Celtic-styled fonts that are free for commercial use! Sadly they tend to either be overly stylized, not recognizably Celtic, or cost a chunk of change...


An option for your font issue might be to find a J from another font and use that instead just for that letters replacement - you could also search "celtic text" and find a fancy 'J' to cut out and paste it in place of that one letter. (Like actual physical texts that have been scanned)


Looks more like a wolf than a gnoll to me :B. I agree that you should use a different calligraphy font for the names though


Sadly the font for character names is a blanket GUI option, so unless I go into the .ttf file itself (which starts to run into questionable license territory) I'm stuck with one font across all the letters of every character name.


I'll keep looking, but there's not much out there that's free, legible, and celtic themed but not overstylized. Are folks mainly unhappy with the letter J?


That's what I'm saying, you could quite easily make your own ttf file for this sorta thing