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Grace Sprite Concept Art & Input (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)

  • Option 1 280
  • Option 2 92
  • Option 3 321
  • 2022-07-14
  • 693 votes
{'title': 'Grace Sprite Concept Art & Input (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 280}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 92}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 321}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 14, 19, 1, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 693}


Today we wanted to share with you some concept art for one of Grace's forms. You may not wish to read ahead and view them, though, if you don't want spoilers!

When we sought your feedback last year, the community was fairly split on the idea of giving Grace an additional form, with those in favor slightly edging out those who would prefer her to remain as she is. We've listened, and as part of upcoming chapter we've refined the original concept art into potential future sprites:

The eagle-eyed among you may notice one key difference between these sets :P

We know that Grace's chest size has been a topic of interest in our community, with some people on the Itty Bitty Titty Committee and others on the Flotation Device Front. Although we have a pretty good idea of the direction we will be heading in, we wanted to poll everyone to get a sense of how popular each version is, and where the community stands as a whole.

Are you pro-hydrodynamic, or do you prefer Grace to be big everywhere? Let us know what you think!



I prefer the choice of the older design, not a big fan of this final form.


Marion should be allowed to remain the “biggest” sister IMO

Lunatico Ursus

I feel that I need to see a "whole body" to make a decision, but with the sketches, I would like option 2


I would prefer option 3, but 2 would be fine as well. The only one I don't like is 1.


Looks like option 3 is taking the L 😔


oooh, option 1!


She should at least have some bust on her! She's still got some human in her....somewhere.


I'd say that a mythical creature needs to be of mythical proportions. (-O_O)*


Can we have a vote with the top 2 winners of this poll, I feel the vote of any bust is being split making them both less than 1

Jared K Gonzalez

All of them seem neat, then again her design is pretty beautiful.


Here's what I think would be really cool. If people are that insistent of Grace having an alternate form 1 works. Here's what I would do with that idea. Not for sex but rather to ride her like a mount. Think how cool that would be and she can take the player to a location to be alone with them (Yes I know it's not the player, just bear with me), then change back into her regular changed form to make love. Plus can you imagine how terrifying it would be for those trying to attack to see her emerge from the water with someone riding her like a dragon rider on her back?

kizer omega

Well I am super lean press I can't wait for the story to come out I'm only choosing option 3 because because I think it would look great Option one in my opinion is more like dragon rider


I think option 1 would fit the best on her (aesthetically). The other options are a bit problematic imo, caused of her final form. I dont know what you planned for her, but i think it would be nice if she would be alble to alter her appearance between this aquatic (Ness like) form and a "human" form. So she could change her form by entering the sea, lake, river.....to her aquatic form, and on land to her "human" form. Just an idea of mine. Keep up the awesome work :)


As much as I am a breast-man, tits on that form just look... awkward. Really, she'll have middle-forms where the breasts will look great, I'm sure. Just not that final form.


Hmm this is a tough choice. Though i will say i prefer option 1 as i really like how slender she looks. Though i can imagine some funny scenarios with her "floatation devices".


I feel that options 1 and 3 should be in the game and just make it a players option to choose in game


Non-anthro dragons shouldn't have mammalian's boobs >_> They are just ugly looking on them >_>


I'd go with 1 since it looks better to her new design. 2 and 3 kinda look goofy. I understand the idea but it doesn't seem to go with her shape

James Parsons

Personally, I think this poll is ridiculous. If you're going give a character an aquatic serpent form; then make it believable. There are routes that don't have the serpent form, so that should help stratify those who(like me) voted against this form's inclusion to began with.


Split the difference have them small till she gets preggers make them middle of road and then blow them up once they have kids.

Procrastinator Dave

I'm a little split, but i'm gonna go with option 1. Though if it's this much of a debate i'd put in both option 1 and 3 in game so the player can pick what they prefer.


Option 1 pretty plain, Option 2 is ok, My vote is on #3. 😳


No! Why can't I vote for all three choices! It is not so much her chest size that I really care about, but having more artwork of Grace. All three of the girls are beautiful in their own right but there is just something about Grace that makes her ephemeral and I want more of her. Though no matter what choice is made I am going to love seeing more artwork of her. My only two cents would be, as she is covered in scales I do not know if her having nipples would fit the composition and would rather see her with only breasts if that makes sense.


I'll have to consider giveing her path a try if 3 win >w0


As unusual as it is for me to say this, I think 1 is the best and that 2 and 3 look kinda off.

Travis Sebastian

If Grace is to be a creature of the sea. She needs to be streamlined for fast swimming. I can't imagine she would be with Option 3. Seems to me that Option 1 would be the best.


Wow! Talk about a close race between 1 and 3. Still, if option 3 wins, would wish to see Malcom floating between Grace's boobs like in the original design. That's my wish.

Gabriel Teixeira

1 looks sleek and natural. 2 and 3 just look goofy lol


That's actually a good idea. Give the players an option can give the story and game preferences for the desired design, so there won't be any backlash for preferences of the players.


Despite it winning atm, form 3 would ruin her appeal to me (personally). Doesn't feel right with her form or personality imo


For a full sea serpent form, aquadynamic makes more sense. There are more humanoid outcomes where huge badonkadonks fits better, and Marion's endings also fit that bill. I would also love to see at least one ending where oversized mammaries aren't included.


A lot of talk about how goofy some of these might look. Just keep in mind that these are just sketches, the finished art will be awesome! Personally I'm stuck between 2 and 3. I really don't see how it makes sense for her breasts to grow during the previous stages of her transformation to only get rid of them for her final form.

Rey Fox

Come on, the boob people already have Marion.


Yes we do... but we could have so much more.


I'm just saying that it is kinda pointless that her breasts grew in the previous stages only for her to lose them in the last form. It would be like if Marion's were absorbed into her udder and she was left with just the udder.


1 is best for her final form. Somehow the extra large tiddies look off.


So a shapeshifter? That is a pretty cool idea. Then she could use all of her forms. While I love G4, G3 is too cute.


Not a shape shifter, just more like a water leviathan that is being ridden by the player


Please, please, at least make 2 an option or configurable setting for Grace. I absolutely loved the cute look with the little breasts of the original concept art for full-Uilepheist Grace. Please don't ruin it by giving her gigantic breasts that overrule all the rest of her beauty and adorable lovable-ness! I know people are horn-dogs, and to most guys bigger boobs always == better, but overly big breasts also tend to define the woman possessing them in and of themselves, distracting from and disguising the rest of her natural beauty. Don't give in to the mob, please! (Or at least do it both ways. I am fine with that.)

Rey Fox

They haven't really gotten bigger though, not in proportion to the rest of her.


Judging from the post, I'm assuming this isn't actually a post to decide what she'll look like in the end. Just to see where the community opinion on the matter lies. I'm sure that LN and Wat will settle on something that will make most happy as usual.


If this is a tie, then put both in the story. How? One is by player's choice, or as an Easter egg prize. Can't we just agree to this, and get both designs in?


Hydrodynamic is the best. So, I chose 1. But it'll be more hilarious if she can adjust her boobs size at will. Lol


Booo I knew people would pick 3


They all have an appeal and I'd be happy with whichever, but gotta go with 1 personally. It has a nicer flow to the feral character design without her "floaters".