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My apologies for the lengthy period without a post-- I should share the unfortunate news that our artist Watsup had a loss in his family, and that there will be a delay in Jessie's chapter's release while he tends to his affairs :(

I'll have brighter news next time, just wanted to be forthright about the cause of the holdup. Thank you for understanding!



A loss in the family is incredibly rough. i know from multiple experiences. Take all the time necessary. My heart goes out to Watsup. Give them my regards


My condolences, that's never easy.


Losing a family member is never easy. I'm sorry for your loss watsup. 😔

Lunatico Ursus

my deepest condolences. I hope everything goes well


Sorry for your loss, I only how u feel 😔

Scott Wulf

I am sorry to hear of his loss. My condolences to Watsup and his family. Take what time you need.


My condolences for Watsup and his family.

Harry White

Sincerest condolences.


Oh no... Please tell me you at least played "Flowers of the Forest" for them...


My condolences wat. We are all here for you. Take as much time as you need.


i hope they recover well im sorry for their loss


Sincere condolences. Please take whatever time is needed.

Endark Culi

Completely understandable. Wat has the sympathy of this whole community, and they can take as much time as they need.


My deepest condolences to Watsup and his family.


I'm sorry for your loss Wat. I hope you and your family can find comfort through all of this. Be well.