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Wat's putting in a little extra effort to make the upcoming Baird's post special, so while he finishes that up, we wanted to ask for your feedback!

Changeling Tale has been the longest project that anyone on our team has undertaken, and over the course of its development our skills have improved and our styles have evolved. This means that some of the earlier work we did on the game likely doesn't match the standard of content we're putting out now, and before we publish Changeling Tale, if time permits, we'd like to go back and improve some of the most outdated assets.

Which assets do you think are in most need of updating to our current standards? Be specific if possible! Which scenes, frames, sprites, or backgrounds don't stand up today? Let us know which stand out to you (the art galleries may be a useful way of reviewing them) in the comments or in the Discord #Project_Feedback channel, and we'll take notes for when it's time to polish the game for release!



I would have to say that some of the sprites with the main cast could use some updating. Not that they don't look amazing, but since the release of Marion Ch.4 you can see differences. For example, in some scenes with two characters it's like one appears in HD and while the other is in 4KHD. I know that is alot to rework but you guys did mention that your we starting to opt for a base sprites with interchangeable expressions. I hope this feedback helps. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Jessie chapter and even more so for the one after it.


We'll take a look through the sprites and see which ones look less sharp, but are there any specifically that you recall? If you run into them on a future playthrough, let us know!


Personally, I would like to see the transformations expanded.


I can't think of any really off the top of my head. But I will definitely send you a message via discord if I come across any. I don't think your going to be too suprised if most of what I send you involves Grace, since I've played her branch and reviewed her image files so many times. :) I'll do it that way and check everything in Faststone to get you some answers quicker.


Id say for me, the title having the fully tf'ed sisters upon completion of their paths is one. Probably a final pass on each of the sprites to make sure you don't have some resolution missmatches here and there. I know there was some fuzziness with Human Grace's face at some points compared to her other sprites.

Shiny Umbreon

I know it's no longer an option, but I still miss old Grace. She felt like so much more of a monstrous transformation, like it actually felt like a serious choice to make if you wanted to be with her, rather than now where she's super cute and beautiful and looks way more human.


Indeed. If were just looking for ways to polish things, just adding more to the TF sequences I think would go a long way.


If you are referring to the first design, in which she was so big that the MC was resting his head on her chest, and was to short to even reach to her feet, on the floating water scene MK1, then yes. I full heartily agree with you. Another thing to note is the difference between the three sisters TF. Jessie is the only one so far that can TF into her feral form and back to human form, while the other sisters still remained anthropomorphic or humanoid form. It should be rectified why it stopped before "fertalization", or why they can't switch from one to another.

Shiny Umbreon

I was referring to exactly that yes, and by the way you described it, you loved it as much as I did. Guess it's time for me to go digging through some old files for old times sake


In my opinion when Jessie looks into the mirror in the back of the stag and nanny after her first anthro tf, she doesn’t look the same as she does nowadays. I’d like to see a rework so what she looks like in the mirror matches what she looks like now.

Rey Fox

Honestly, it all looks pretty consistent to me.

Awesome Dude

I personally think that changing the art wouldn’t make sense, there doesn’t seem to be bad scenes or “clunky” parts, for the Jessie mirror scene I’m in the opinion that the scene needs to be like it is, it correctly portrays the scene and sets the mood for what occurs within it, so I don’t see why people want to change it just because of “style” inconsistencies, in-fact I look at the scene and wonder if more scenes could be in its style in the future, it’s a great visual and I would absolutely dread losing it just because people think it’s different because, well, it’s meant to be different. For the transformation scenes I agree there could definitely be more, or at least more detail or more “oomph”, some of them either feel really “meh” or really, oh that happened ok cool. The old sprites coming back is really a development decision. Quality of sprites have definitely changed throughout development so that would need to be looked at. Finally I fully agree with Nocturne on the title screen thing. That’s my rant.

Rey Fox

Maybe...those early sprites of Jessie facing to the side have already been tweaked, but I think her muzzle is also more slender in those than in the newer ones where she is facing more to the front. The snarling Jessie in the pub picture is one of the oldest...but don't you DARE touch that one.


Honestly the "Jessie Embarrassed/Looking Down" sprite never looked right to me. Something about her muzzle is off putting, like its pressed too far into her neck or something. For comparison, Grace's usual sprite has her muzzle angled downwards as well, but Grace's seems far more natural.


Good point about the sprites, we'll definitely do a final pass on those. With the title assets, is your suggestion to have their midpoint form a temporary state until their storyline is complete, and then replace them with fully tfed assets?


We'll see what happens in her chapter 4! As for her original form, we'll make sure that makes an appearance in the art book and/or the character packs if that goal is met ^^


That was the very first art of Jessie we ever drew! I agree, our style has evolved a lot, although I do still like how it turned out ^^; We'll take a look at it, time permitting!


Just to clarify, the image is stunning and I love the way it looks. It’s just that the style and feel is a little different that how it looked with Malcolm. That being said, I think just changing the Malcolm mirror scene to more closely match Jessie’s would be nice.


Yup! Like right now you have: Stage 1: no changes. Stage 2: Minor noticed changes which are implemented either after chapter 2 or chapter 3 completion So all that's missing is full TF versions for after each girl's chapter 4 is complete [like Marion being fully pooka'ed, in her new dress]