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Today we have for you... well, most of Jessie's finale!

We're still working on the last few assets, but seeing as the holidays are coming up—and since I have to make a temporary move this week—I wanted you guys to have something to sink your teeth into earlier than later!

If you'd rather wait for the full release of the chapter, feel free to do so. The full chapter (still in Beta) should be finished in just a few more weeks! But if you're eager to start Jessie's finale now, you can download it here:

> > Get the Jessie Chapter 4 (1st Half) Early Access Build < <

This Early Access Build includes the first half of Jessie's Chapter 4 as well as the latest features, such as Baird's Compendium. We hope you enjoy it! As always, let us know what you think in the comments or in #Project_Feedback in Discord.

This chapter has taken much longer than we expected, and we can chalk that up to two major culprits: the multiple major branching endings, and an unprecedented amount of art. As we complete each sister's story, we put ourselves under increasing pressure to outdo the previous chapter; to make each installment bigger, more choice-driven, and more illustrated. We pushed this chapter the furthest yet, already adding over 25% to the game's filesize... and we may have pushed too far :S

Will it have been worth the wait? We'll let you be the judge of that! But the time it's taken to produce this chapter sadly means we need to push the game's first official launch well into next year. Going forward with Grace's final chapter, we will focus on better balancing its scope with the need to give her story line a grand finish, and hopefully have it to you in a substantially shorter time frame than Jessie's finale!

We can't thank you enough for supporting us through the development process! We hope you enjoy this segment, and wish you all a very happy holiday season!!!


Patreon access for Changeling Tale - In Progress Early Access

Do you support Little Napoleon Transformation Games on Patreon? Patrons can get access to this project by connecting with their Patreon account. A minimum pledge of $3.00 is required to get access to this early access.


Shiny Umbreon

With how you guys keep significantly improving each chapter like this, it does concern me a bit. By the time the game releases, the oldest chapters may feel quite out of place and outdated in comparison to the ones you made most recently.


Agreed! We definitely plan on taking a few weeks before launch to polish earlier chapters and bring everything up to speed as best as we can within a reasonable time frame.

Awesome Dude

Yay, we in the first halve bois, time to play the heck out of them, and salute to the Changeling Tale team for working hard on this final chapter for our favourite woldie =3




We've conquered the great river of werewolf sex. Smooth sailing from here!

Rey Fox

It's taken so long because Jessie is the best

Rey Fox

-Werewolf -Redhead -Scottish -Flapper It's kinda unfair how many of my buttons she pushes. I've only played until Mal finds Jessie, I need to save it for after Christmas trip, but my heart already aches.

José Renato

finally the best character is having her final arc.


while im definitely excited im curious if Jessie will be a bigger wolf by the end this finale what with this big personality talk XD, still im curious each chapter plays out i understand Jessie reasons but i feel for Malcolm at the same time XD.