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If you're just tuning in to the saga of the Patron-Decided Romance, here's what we have come up with together so far:

  • Name: Rowan Ashfield
  • Backstory: Friend of Malcolm's who was disabled in the war
  • Transformation: Ash-colored, wood-themed dragon
  • TF Themes: TG-TF, Size Growth, Instinct, Difficult Decisions/Major Consequences, Flight
  • Plot: A positive story about camaraderie and overcoming disability

Rowan's story is starting to get pretty well defined, but we don't yet really know who Rowan the person is!

What are his likes and dislikes? What were his hobbies and his dreams, and how might his transformation affect them? What did he and Malcolm bond over when they met in the war? What would ultimately forge a strong romance between them? These sorts of questions and more need answers, and we want your input!

Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments or on Discord! Let's start fleshing out Rowan's character together! 




Considering you're having them change gender there are a couple of different ways you could go with it. The most positive would be they wanted that all along, a darker path would be them being forced to choose between keeping their gender and having their limbs and eyes restored.


One way I see telling the story is that he wanted to get a wife and settle down, but now this transformation makes him feel he has to choose between that dream and this new path with his body whole again but in a new form. Another could be he was always secretly trans and sees this transformation as a blessing and maybe always had a thing for Malcolm.


Maybe he actually always hated some part of war like maybe he hates guns or killing. Maybe he actually loves guns and is a collector or something. Maybe he doesn't like cows. Maybe he and Malcolm came from a similar background or had similar family problems.


Just an idea, maybe Rowan aspired to be a pilot, but he was assigned infantry duty instead because of poor eyesight. That would thematically align with the "flight" part of the transformation as something desirable to the character.


Maybe he had a passion for horses and riding, and becoming a large dragon means he's unable to do this (and s/he now terrifies all manner of Livestock)


Wow.... that's actually a lot of things to consider. It's definitely a reminder of how much detail and thought goes just one character. Makes me wonder about how you guys went about creating the other characters that already exist.... you must've went through a similar process eh? Er anyway I'll take some time to consider some details to suggest.


Her (them?) Developing a fondness for wood carving (wood sculpting as an effect of draconic affinity/magic) could be cool also. Maybe he did woodcarving in the trenches as something to distract himself from the terror of war.


Have them be form different countries but similar upbringing. Rowan Ashfield could have no where else to go but living with Malcome reminds him of home. Also, I when I was in the military, some of my best buddies came from one's that we all got stuck on some of the crappiest details or missions.


Since Rowan doesn't have any real introduction in the current iteration of the story, why not make it so that he saved Malcolm during the war and that's how the two of them came to know each other. In alternate paths where Ro isn't chosen, he could have been just a nameless casualty of war where in their romance path, Malcolm could remember back to his buddy. How his strength and attitude in the face of all the horrors of the war managed to keep his group sane. Maybe when Ro comes back home, they are a shell of their former self. Like a dead tree devoid of all life. The turn around for their attitude could be like how even a dead tree could be shaped into something beautiful.


So the plot says "overcoming disability" and I was thinking, rather than the easy way out of having the transformation eliminate his disability, what if the transformation gave him a work around? For example if he lost a leg in the trenches, it wouldn't grow back but being able to fly would allow him/her to get around anyway.


Simple hobby ideas: Hiking (disability making that more difficult now?) and making small wood carved animals. (great for giving to the local kids.)


Oh boy, there are a lot of idea's I'm having about Rowan character. First, by how you describe Rowan in the document and using the trope "the most interesting man in the world", he most have been well train as an military solider at a young age from his family; it does explain his relationship with his cousin Balgair, who was an veteran of the Boer War. His experience and teaching for years by his parent's had made him become a well-known figure when he join the army, and in the first few months became well-known among the soldiers (even for some to spreading rumors that are may/may not be over exaggerated). I believe the dream he had before the incident was to be one of the few that will lead to the end of a war, like any young man dream of being the hero. A course, the war soon became more bloody and gruesome, to which even someone like him to begin to get sick of and be haunted by the sight, though he will try to hide behind a façade of being the brave and ace soldier for the men. In his private time, I do believe the wood carving idea does sound nice, as a way to distract himself and pray for a mythic creature (a dragon could be his family sigil or symbol of power and courage, as well as how one day Malcolm stumble him and join in. The way how I see how they bonded, it would feel strange for Malcolm to befriend a well-known figure and a sort of legend among the ranks, while he maybe somewhat a low-ranking soldier in the trenches, thus were just comrade when they were in group, but afterward they had a chance meeting to discuses their feeling about the war and slowly form a bond of friendship. A course, it would be on that fateful day that when Rowan saw that an enemy had their weapon train on Malcolm, he chose to give up his position to safe Malcolm, only to have a shell hit him and took both his arm and leg. After the war was done, it had severely traumatism Rowan whenever he think too much about the war and his injuries, though he will try to instead again us the façade that he still that ace soldier to not show the fears and panic.


Sorry about the first one being so long, yet I'm afraid this one will be too, but just too deep with this character. I would say that his dislike or fear is how people would view if he wasn't the brave ace hero before the incident. But more so to say, that he doesn't like to be view like a freak or a monster by anyone, due to the fact in truth he hadn't have any interest with women in his adult years, and that he actually had a crush on a fellow male student in his teens'. Yet his father soon learn of this and was disturbing angry to think his son was becoming a queer, thus had to "discipline" him to in the attempt to rid of these feeling. In the sense, Rowan felt that the way he was feeling was wrong or monstrous in his parents eyes, and thus had to become the idea soldier to shown that he was normal like them. But the lost of limbs have only made him feel depress to the point he didn't want his parents to see him like this, instead going to his cousin Balgair. A course, meeting Malcolm at Ach-na-Creige soon felt like the only good thing in his life, as a good friend who understood the pain of war and was still treat him like an man despite his condition.


A course, I don't know what will cause him to transform (either they went to the wood and the living wood chose Rowan for a reason, or that the wood carving of the dragon was in fact once part of the living wood and sense Rowan desire), but the changes may not only affect his body in many ways, but perhaps his mind and inner self as well. Obviously, slowly changing into a woman is going to be quite traumatic (almost how Marion reacted at the start of chapter 3), but in time it may give him a different view to understanding his true desire when he and Malcolm slowly grow together. A course, the other issue though (following the Instinct and Tough decision theme), is that the draconic persona will cause much changes to both physical and mental self. Like the dragon of fable, it may have a bigger affect on his hunger and meal (it's going to be tough to satisfices her with just a normal standard diner, and the sheep are going to have to worry about flying dragons at night) , along with being a much taller humanoid than any human, thus how things went with Marion story may not go so well for Rowan. I don't know if he can breath flame, but that maybe another issue he will have to learn carefully.


As for Rowan mind, both his personality and mental-self will be changing by the aspect of the dragon. Not enough to say he has gain another personality like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but the changes in his mannerism or approach is a bit obvious. Once he was courteous and patient, the dragon aspect has made him a bit bolder and more brazen due to dragon being so powerful and territorial. More interesting, perhaps during the time when the two are alone, the draconic instinct will it will also cause Rowan (once he gain a female organ) to become sexually dominant toward Malcolm and lead in the sex scene. Who doesn't imagine of being the one dominated in a sexual intercourse by a 8/9 ft. tall, strong winged dragon woman? Almost remind me back when people were enthrall with a certain tall, mature vampiric woman from RE8 that most of them (or perhaps everyone) fanaticize being stepped on by this woman (if they don't die in the process). A course, that is if you want to go that route, I'm down for it. But anyway, the point is that this will become sort of a rebirth for Rowan, to realize he can't be what he used to be or how people (like his family) want him to be. To realize the things that you tried to bury isn't something to be a shame, and that sometime letting loose your inner dragon might feel incredible. A course, the real question is what challenges that the two will have to face, if Rowan draconic instinct might cause some trouble, or if there are other consequence we aren't seeing in having a very tall, winged dragon lady in the world?


P.S., I think that perhaps having a Duel-Persona theme would make it interesting in future stories, if you will have to date not just a single person, but one with two minds. Can we then consider that sort of love triangle if it the same person?

Tmothy B. Ross

My idea for this character would be for Rowan to come from a old noble family line. When he was a child, Rowan wanted to see a dragon. He was fascinated with the creatures, hearing and reading all sorts of stories. As he grew up, Rowan developed an interest in knitting. But changed his hobby when rumors about him being gay started to circulate around the private school Rowan went to. Finding he had a real talent for wood carving. The rumors still persisted, however. This put his family in an awkward situation. To prove Rowan was not gay, he declared he would sign up for the army and marry the first woman Rowan's parents approved of. Rowan would be assigned to Malcolm's squad, the war taking a heavy toll on all of them. Fortunately, the men of the squad developed a bond of brotherhood. Helping each other cope with the new and terrible changes the war brought with it. But it was not to last. One by one, the men were killed off as the war dragged on. Rowan was caught in the blast after an enemy shell hit a munitions crate. Malcolm saved his life, bringing him to a medic. Malcolm would be assigned to a new squad, not being given time to see Rowan in the hospital. Having lost an arm and leg, Rowan started to feel bitter when no one from his squad came to see how he was doing. Sent home, Rowan's family had difficulty dealing with both his new handicap and bitterness. At the beginning of the story His therapist convinces Rowan to stay with cousin Balgair, who he has not seen in years.


There is a whole bunch to consider here, but this just let's everyone know how much thinking is required to create a character. What about this, they both met while in basic training and stayed together all the way through it. After they were done they parted till the day of their deployment where they met again and realizing they were in the same unit, they were overjoyed that they had somebody to talk to on they way to battle. Before they arrived to their hellish destination they promised each other to look at each other's back and stick together like brothers no matter the situation while fighting or even after they make it back from battle. With the promise in mind the two never left one another no matter the situation they were on, either fighting for their lives or passing time in the hell of the trenches waiting for the next battle to begin. In the many times of waiting in trenches Malcolm got to know Rowan very well. He learned that Rowan had a fascination with all matters of flying, mostly on birds because of their beauty and their skill to fly. He was also a nature lover, that loved to spend his time exploring the outside world while at the same time watching birds live their lives. Malcolm also learned that Rowan tried to become a pilot for the military when he saw for the first time the biplanes, but was refused because of bad eye sight. After many hellish moments of death and despair and almost losing hope of ever going back home, the call finally came after one last night, the war was finally over. Many soldiers cheered while others were in disbelief or crying after realizing their nightmare had ended. Malcolm and Rowan started laughing and then hugging each other, they were happy that the nightmare was finally over. A couple of days later before leaving for home, Rowan looked kinda sad, Malcolm of course asks if everything is all right, Rowan answers to Malcolm, "I just remembered that I have nowhere to go, for the first time Malcolm learns that Rowan has no family and that he used to live at a church with a orphanage in the city. Malcolm learning about this shocking news of his best friend, didn't even hesitated to invite him to his village far away from the city and to the peaceful and quiet of his home with his grandma. After hearing this Rowan rejoiced after hearing Malcolm's proposition and went on their marry way.

Tmothy B. Ross

Rowan would still be able to carve wood, but his bitterness and loss of limbs from the war just make him frustrated. As the story progresses, Rowan reconciles with Malcolm. When his changes start, he isn't sure how to handle turning into a woman, let alone a dragon.


I think a big thing about the disability portion should be how difficult it is to do certain things now. Losing agency of your body can be a scary humiliating thing, and as a result Rowan should be a little fragile because of it. This of course leads into the TF\TG side of things, where Rowan regains some functionality, but then is thrown for a loop because of the changes to his species and sex. Messing with his balance and muscle memory of course. Making him further frustrated and more than a little desperate. This of course leads into his/her discovery of flying.


Is there a full piece we can see of Rowan to draw inspiration from? I'm 100% in support of the overcoming a disability from war. His transformation into a dragon could be his rebirth or something. Sorry I don't have a lot of ideas to offer but I sure what you make Rowan will be awesome.


And a bit of tftg for Malcom if we are lucky. Still wishing for that to maybe happen.

Tim Ti

Perhaps going over shell shock and treatment post war.


I Like the idea of some Here with the Wood carving to overcome his disability. Also the Dual behavior of Ro: timid and fragile as person and dominant as a Dragon. Lot to consider, but that would be the rough points I like to see^^

Endark Culi

To my knowledge, there's only two reasons to go to war: you were drafted, or you genuinely believe that your contributions will make the world a better place and a bit of self-sacrifice is worth protecting the people you care most about. And while veterans certainly receive praise for their service, it's always a challenge to reintegrate back to society, between the PTSD and having a skillset more suited for war than peace. If I were asked to guess what Rowan's dreams would be, it'd start with a desire to protect his family and town, turn into a desire to just feel NEEDED after war has taken a toll and they feel like a burden, and then acceptance of their "new normal" and trying to achieve inner happiness again without having to rely on Malcolm's validation.

Tim Ti

I see him vengeful at those who sent him and his unit to die in trenches. Then coming home to see his men as a number or glossed over with propaganda and heroic narrative while the higher ups who didn't get dirty in the trenches take all the credit.

Sam wolf

Maybe he made trench art during the war , like wood carvings

Awesome Dude

Well, hmm, I already feel like my feels are going to be hit, this set up alone makes you feel many emotions, a blessing or a cursed kind of tale such as a immortality question; you live forever but you don’t get to die v.s you get to cure disability but you don’t live as you once were: that in a way could be seen as a blessing or another disability or heck even a add-on to the current disability. In short, this will be a wonderful (not in the I enjoy what’s happening to the characters but in the I enjoy how they’ll overcome this) storyline in the changeling tale story and I look forward to it


The Germans called the Scots "Die Damen aus der Hölle," or, "The Ladies from Hell," during the war (on account of their kilts). It would be more than a little nerve-wracking to find yourself shortly thereafter in the body of a hellfire spitting she-beast. PTSD can be a heavy thing. I can easily see how Rowan would feel like it's just more pain and torture and teasing inflicted by the enemy. And to discover Malcom might be responsible would feel like a betrayal. To end up with a romance after that without it feeling forced is a monumental task. I think it's easier if Rowan ends up envying the women who served their country at home. He discovered that war wasn't for him and he wasn't made for that (as much as anyone is). He's already a broken man, but he'd give up what little he has left if he could have different responsibilities. That way, even at its darkest, it's nothing more than a monkey's paw wish.


I'm fond of the idea that Rowan joined the Royal Flying Corps because he wanted to fly and got injured when his plane gets shot down, there's probably some symbolism about being able to fly again to be had there


I see Rowan Ashfield, as being born between two worlds of nobility by an affair between his mother and the Lord of the Manor, yet also being stuck in the system of conformity as it could never be admitted too. Thus being raised by his hurt ‘father’ the Game Keeper of the Manor he found a love for nature while helping him in his duties. Not only because the life of the woods fascinated him but also because it allowed Rowan to hide from the scorned looks people gave him and his family when they saw how remarkable his resemblance to the Lord was. Yet, Rowans connection to the Lord also allowed him to have access to education and the estates vast library where he discovered a fondness for botany and ornithology and to a certain extent a secret father whose attentions he could have there. Seeing the war as an attempt to escape the cloud he was born under he joined the Cavalry where he met Malcolm during training and ended up being his battle buddy. Albeit, not friends and at worst enemies. As Rowan is arrogant, strong willed, and has a temper that get Malcolm and their whole squad in more trouble than they should be in, but… Rowan is quite good at going out and smuggling in contraband for them so the consequences he suffers from his fellow enlisted are limited. As discounts are offered depending upon issues caused. Yet once in combat, Rowan couldn’t handle it. Upon seeing their Sergeants and Officers fall and the cohesion of the platoon falter Rowan started to panic nearly falling into shell shock. Yet Malcolm earned a chevron that day, the first of three, pulling not Rowan together but saving the platoon as well with Rowan giving as much effort now with Malcolm's support. Leading Rowan to not only become Malcolm’s strongest supporter, friend, and eventually Sergeant Malcolm’s Corporal but also giving into a secret infatuation for Malcolm. One he hides thru the war as they grow closer through their shared trials of trying to ensure every man under them makes it thru and the pains they share for those who didn’t. This time also leads Rowan into another infatuation that he could give voice too and one that he had never seen on the estate outside of his beloved birds, flight. Watching the planes fly overhead fills Rowan with both fascination and envy. As the sheer freedom a person in the sky must feel, being able to escape this world and all its worries with ease and enter into another free of any scorn and nearly any conflict, must be wonderful. And should any conflict come your way, you could easily escape it with a few good maneuvers and luck and be free once more to go wherever you please. Thus Rowan dreams of becoming a pilot once the war ended and maybe even learning how to build his own plane. Heck, the idea that maybe him and Malcolm could both become pilots and start a company that could fly mail together even enters his head and they could possibly stay together that way. Regretfully, that was not to be. For during the last months of the war that is when it happened, an unexpected shell and dreams torn asunder. No longer able to even think of flying, let alone being able to ride a horse, or hike the difficult terrines and valleys of the woods, Rowan is a cripple. His life saved by Malcolm a person he feels deeply for yet now also despises for saving his life, one he could no longer live as he imagined and what kind of life could he even live now.


I see a lot of fun and interesting in this co-creation of the character. So far, I like everything about Rowan Ashfield's description.


I am assuming that Rowan and Malcolm meet either on the battlefield or in basic training and were then assigned to the same squad or company. I feel that the best way for them to have bonded would be being in the same situation in terms of who has been looking after them, (cannot remember if the old woman for Malcolm is his mom or grandmother). So there is a desire to return home to them and to help them look after their home. But when you say they were disabled does that mean a wound that paralyzed some part of their body, whether that be an arm or leg; or has he lost a limb that during the transformation it is regrown? I think his dreams would have been similar to Malcolm in that they would want to head home and settle down with a woman that would be considered his equal. Not someone who is submissive to him but someone that can hold a strong conversation and is willing to voice their opinion and to help take care of everything. Keeping the theme with being a wood-themed dragon, his profession could have been lumberjack or a trapper. Someone who goes into the forests felling trees to be sold for lumber for building and or firewood for the winter. But his hobby could be woodcraft, taking pieces of wood and whittling interesting designs into them. Things to be hung up in a home or set up outside as decorations, could even create wooden toys for children. This would still allow him to not feel as if he can not provide or that he does not have a livelihood. Honestly I feel that it would be helping Rowan overcome his disability and sparking the desire to grow again. By showing him that the disability does not define him and that he is not stuck just doing the basics. Reigniting a desire to practice woodworking and whittling that he is strong enough to overcome it. Maybe his body has recovered from his disability and the only thing preventing him from doing something is all in his mind and Malcolm helps to expunge that darkness.


Rowans full transformation has been posted before, not the human form though. You can click the tag "Patron Romance" at the bottom of the post to see the other posts with him.


I think for interests and hobbies something like baking would be interesting. Maybe they loved to create and bake but then when they were wounded it became harder to do. I think the dream of being a baker was destroyed when they returned but as they change they begin to attempt it again and want to continue their dream, even in such a different way. I think they and Malcolm could bond over home, the blue skies not covered by smoke and the smell of fresh grass rather than gun powder and death. The thoughts of home and the people there can bring people together. Also maybe the two talking about their PTSD as a way to overcome it brings them closer as well. I think what would bond them together is Malcolm not leaving them after all this time and being a kind of rock they can lean on. The two help one another overcome their horrid memories of war and love replaces those much darker memories.


Other thoughts: Might also make sense if either he likes nature before becoming a wood dragon, or if maybe he doesn't care for it, and learns to like it over the course of the story. Perhaps he first met Malcolm when he did something to save malcolm and/or his company, and then malcolm found him after his plane crashed and pulls him out of the wreck and saved his life. malcolm invites rowan to ANC to help with ptsd from getting sent home missing half his limbs and probably several comrades. (maybe rowan is secretly jealous of malcolm not getting maimed during the war at first)


I see Rowan as someone who used to be very lively. A jokester, someone who made the horrors of war a little more tolerable until his accident, which I would imagine would be being too close to a shell hitting the trench, with him losing his left arm in the initial blast, and then his left leg when they couldn't stop it from bleeding. It resulted in him being sent home from the war early, which not only hurt his pride not being able to finish out the war, but also caused everyone in town to constantly talk about his circumstances, which in turn brought forth his self awareness. It would result in him staying home most days to avoid himself being a topic in idle conversation, which would lead to him becoming a more reserved person in the process. It'd be bad enough that Malcolm only would finally see him again after running into Rowan's mother one day, who is grateful that he survived and after some conversing, visits Rowan's home to see him. Though he stays near his homestead, there are a few things he still does. He tries (emphasis on tries) to help his mother around the farm, usually unable to do too much to help her to his own dismay. She also helped him relearn to cook with one arm, and also how to sew, although he still needs her help to make the cloth go through smoothly. He also has taken up reading quite a bit, too. And most importantly, he still goes out to fish at the loch. He may have lost his arm and leg, but when it comes to fishing, he's still one of the best in the village.


Both of them could be connected, for example, by a long-standing friendship since childhood. When they grew up, their paths parted and now they met in the war. His hobbies were music, painting, poetry.

Val Salia

Yeahhh the whole setup of "Oh you wished for a little pile of X? Well here's a mountain of XXXXXX!" can make for a really compelling narrative, especially in the case where the person might've wanted something different because they see it as an out for a bad situation, without considering all the other factors involved. That, and there could be a lot of potential emotional narrative in terms of a man feeling humiliated and/or "lessened" by something in life, and obsessing over it... and then being handed a solution of sorts to that problem, but in a way that introduces a *new* humiliation (in his mind, at least). Gender norms in society *were* very different in that era, with women often considered the weaker and more passive/submissive sex in just about every regard, especially in the minds of some people. So even though he might have all his limbs back, being "lowered" to being female might seem like an even more humiliating "loss," at least without the help of a good friend to help them rediscover themselves in a more positive light. Hell, maybe Rowan was an individual who was fairly invested in the idea of women being weaker or "lesser" in some ways, perhaps fueled by seeing them being relegated to domestic and non-combat duties during the war. "If they weren't weaker, why did the entire world expect them to stay home and sew parachutes and be nurses? Why would we shield them from the horrors of war, the same way we treat children; with gentleness and patronization? Why 'women and children first?'" Which could result in a strange breed of disdain, but also envy towards women. One wouldn't necessarily have to be a sexist dickbag in order to harbor some feelings of resentment in that situation, especially when PTSD and the agony of war is involved, and if he was among them, he might not have been put through hell.


Another idea I had, perhaps Rowan is a originally from a different country, there's some fish-out-of-water drama to be had from having him be an outsider. (especially if he was from a central powers nation)


What's the nature of his war injury? Does his transformation heal or grow back the missing or damaged limb? If he lost his leg, legs, does the dragon form have 2 legs or a naga like tail?


I guess one main point is if he served together with Malcolm or if they only meet again after the war.