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Hey guys! Before we dive into this week's art sneak peek, I wanted to showcase another anthro-related project you all might be interested in. The team at Heartleaf Games are creating a 5e guidebook tailored toward our community with all sorts of anthro races that we can use in our next tabletop D&D session. RPG's were a big part of what inspired Changeling Tale and I know a lot of you must have played D&D as well! With this guidebook, you'll be able to create characters that mimic your own OC, or even Changeling Tale characters (that's right-- they even have a Celtic-themed Bovine Race!). They've put a lot of effort into the world building too, enlisting cultural consultants and some outstanding artists to make the characters and the environment they live in come alive. The people behind the project are really nice folks, community-minded, and the project lead told me he might even include a section in the book covering how lycanthropes tie into their world (fingers crossed!). I'll admit... I'm also sharing this because they have a stretch goal to include a dragon race, and I'd love to see that goal met ; ) So check them out at the link below and help make that dragon race happen!


Now, onto the art!

Here we see Jessie contemplating her next D&D character, and DM Malcolm pondering over how he wants to design his upcoming game. So relatable!

Wat is still streaming asset work most nights, so feel free to check in on Picarto (but beware: spoilers!) as he and I continue to push out the last assets for the final Jessie Beta build!



Awesome Dude

DND and some nice wolfies looks nice, It’s cool to see What people create and add on to our great fantasy role playing adventures and it’s frankly nice to see some of the inspiration that went into Changeling Tale, so yeah good stuff


I've actually never played a game of D&D though I am rather curious about how it actually works. Also cute art. I can't wait to see the Jessie finale.


Man haven't play that game in years. Though I don't think I can afford to support, it wouldn't hurt to check. As for the scene here? God I look forward to Jessie Finale and her being happy.

Jonathan Kevin Broadhead

It's my birthday coming up and I wasn't quite sure where to put my money but I'm always happy to throw it at some D&D thank you for the suggestion.


Yeah! I have a lot of fond memories of the RPG's I played back in the day, and know they helped foster some of the creativity we needed to make this project a reality ^^


Glad you like how the art turned out! It's been a while since I last played D&D too... most of my old crew have since moved away, unfortunately.


Yep for the art as watching stream recordings omg, some of those jessie scenes are so loving and kawaii and why I love her so much. As for the D&D thing yeah I get that. I stopped playing because I and those I did with lost interest.


5e's not my thing...but I do know a couple large groups who will definitely be interested. I'll pass this along to them :D


Whoa! Two cute thinking wolves on art! They look great! I really can't stop looking at them!))


Okay, thank you for bringing this project from the Heartleaf Games Team to our attention! I am already interested in it!

Rey Fox

Put some clothes on, Malcolm!


Gosh, I love Jessie and her whole story! I am curious though, if you don’t mind me asking, after all the characters stories are done, will we get to see a continuation of their stories at some point?


There's no plans to go beyond their epilogues at the moment, but we are thinking about adding a funding goal in which we would add one additional bonus ending to each of the three sisters later on in the project!