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Grace's Final Form Poll (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)

  • Her Current Form (see existing sprite art) 113
  • A more traditional Uilepheist Form (see sketched concept art) 134
  • 2021-08-15
  • 247 votes
{'title': "Grace's Final Form Poll (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Her Current Form (see existing sprite art)', 'votes': 113}, {'text': 'A more traditional Uilepheist Form (see sketched concept art)', 'votes': 134}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 15, 16, 42, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 247}


While we wrap up the code and assets for Jessie's story line, Little Librarian is writing the finale of Grace's story, and we're looking for your feedback on how it should play out!

What do you think Grace's final form should be? Check out the images below and help us decide!

At the end of Grace's Chapter 3, Grace ended up looking like this (Warning: minor spoilers if you haven't played yet):

This can be her final form, or she can continue to transform even more into something akin to a classical Uilepheist (sea serpent): taller, longer, and less bipedal. Watsup has sketched some concept art of what that form might look like:

If you had an aquatic girlfriend, which form would you want her to take? Vote below, and feel free to ask questions or discuss in the comments below!



She should have a nessie cameo: some poor schmuck sees her and takes a photo of her, but it's blurred and grainy and no one believes him.


If we do the sketched version, that means *more tf* :B


The sketch version reminds me a bit like Shisu from Raya and the last Dragon


Anthro all the way...


Reject humanity, embrace noodle!


Maybe her head spike should be more prominent in her final form. They look sorta like a tiara in her current form, maybe give them a crown-like appearence?


"What if Grace was LONGER?" -CT Dev Pitch Meeting


I dont know. It is really close for me. But I like her current form more for all that I would like more transformation. Better hips and not sure how well her cocky 'hand on hip' stance she always holds would translate. Also the hair feels a bit out of place on the new form. Reminds me of the little girl from full metal alchemist who got turned into a dog/chimera. Also poor grace. She just keeps getting a new final form. She is turning into an anime boss.


I'm cool with her 4th form but let's go for broke, upgrade her from yacht size to cruise liner size. She'll still be my favorite girl no matter how big she gets.


I'm glad we made this poll-- I truly didn't know if it would be lopsided one way or another, and the fact that it's relatively close is even more interesting!


Gah i cant decide, i like them both !


Why build a Chunnel when you can just drive your Model T from England to France across Grace decades sooner!


I would at doing both... Might be a good option to make both sides satistified.


This really is a hard choice to make


Grrrrr, noodle snugs sounds so satisfying.


I like fish. Hell if she made me a noodle I would smell like fish too.


Both forms would be great to see. But for myself I feel that I would prefer the original sprite work just because I feel that it would be a more normal form and work better for the overall story. Though I cannot comment on anything as I am little behind on releases. But I also feel that taking on the more traditional Uilepheist form would end up losing many of the human mannerisms that she has as well as more human features will be lost. Though I do not know how hard it would be to implement the idea that she could change between forms at will. But regardless what happens I am just always happy to see the series updated.


Technically, it would be like Marion's multiple choice with her milk either being used for butter or as a fertilizer. So I don't see why it can't be done.


I like them both, but how about keeping her old look when engaging with Malcom or on land and having the other form when in the water...kind of like Luca but less human when on land, just her current form.


Doesn't really matter what choice to pick anymore. Gotta wonder the logistics of porking something at that size though.


I may not be caught up but I am going with the final form just gotta have more to love with it all even if it means getting a bigger boat just to bang her....... or something.


I say go full Uilepheist


My coombrain tells me current form but a I think the narrative is better served by full serpent mode, tough though


I expect there to be an updated character sheet. And something on par with the tf sequence in ch. 3


I am sure that the art will be amazing either way. Though I find myself agreeing with other posts about Grace being able to shift between the two forms. The new form seems like it would be awkward on land.


Why not both? I love the idea, that other people have brought up, of Grace changing depending on if she’s in the water or not.


Hey, more humanoid ladies are good and all, but we’re all here for a reason: to see how far these girls go!


It's not a bad idea, although we approached each of the sisters' transformations as having different qualities, and shapeshifting wasn't an original intent for Grace


Alternatively, would allowing for a player choice be a viable option? I again saw it suggested previously though I am not sure if that would be in line with your vision and narrative.


I mean i dod go back and read i like the idea lf a further transformation when in water zones and anthro on land

Val Salia


Some Foxy

Well, to be completely honest i want both. But let's see where this goes.

Thed Preston

Why are you asking us? Shouldn't you be asking Grace what SHE wants?


I like both designs quite a bit, so I'd hardly be disappointed either way! I do find non-standard body proportions really interesting, so if this goes the way of the vote right now, I'd love to see what you do with it.


Thanks! That does look like where it's heading-- it'll make for some interesting themes and challenges to write!

Xaziana Tenebris

If this goes the way of the vote as it is right now, I'm really gonna miss the titties, I don't know what it is, I just find titties on an aquatic form to be incredibly sexy


I think the intent in the finalized design is that they'll still be there, just proportional to the size of her larger body.


The shock on both of their noses as the shift alters the body beyond such barriers! Wonderful!


both would be nice as when she goes ashore she could have one more fitting when shes with her family and beloved and that allows her too interact witht he land better plus hows she going to drink with no hands we know grace loves a good drink


shes bloited half the time in the Marion story anyway so yes :P


A Little late to the conversation. I love my noodles so i go with the latter. Ah but in all seriousness Grace going full Uilepheist is not only more appealing to me but also more effectively fits her thematically.