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The goat-hooved brùnaidh, the forest adventurer, the spritely uruisg. Much like their brethren faerie, the púca, the uruisg display an impish spirit, full of mischief-making, with a dash of cordiality. Elfish in visage and form, they work hard at being both troublesome and courteous in their actions.
These are roguish pixie spirits who fight their way through entangling vines and overgrowth only to climb trees and watch over the human world. They have been known to instinctively latch onto a human clan, performing chores and duties clandestinely when no person is around. Though sometimes after a whirlwind jaunt of tidying and washing, they will intentionally knock over a small bucket of water, or smash a petite porcelain carafe before fleeing, leaving their mark of minute destruction. 
Little, mighty scamps though they may be, these venerable creatures are more honorable than they appear. For every playful deed they may commit, innumerable pleasant tasks are provided. Should your wash need finishing, should your hogs need a feed, or should your shoes need a scraping… the wee uruisg may hear your wish at night and come scurrying secretly to your door. Listen carefully for the light sound of hooves clicking as you start to fall asleep.


Month by month, we'll keep filling out the compendium with new and mysterious creatures voted on by you. Sponsors can vote on next month's magic location-themed entry here:





Gosh this looks great! Cute expression and dynamic pose/perspective. :D


Urusig platformer when?


Feels like there should be an Easter egg were Malcom meets one in the barn, and realized that the Urusig was helping his grandmother while he was gone to war, and tells the tales of why the sisters and other ladies of the village are transforming. Perhapes have a connection with the good witch of the town. Maybe even a potential lover path in the game.

Some Foxy

Goat good!