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With all the focus on finishing the MacLeod girls' chapters lately, it's been a while since we last touched on the subject of the romantic interest you all are helping create!  To come up to speed, you can check out all the previous entries by clicking the Patron Romance tag below. We last left off with your decision on the color scheme of the character's dragon form:

(Dragon romance hype!)

And as a refresher, here's the back story Patrons voted for:

  • Friend of Malcolm's who was disabled in the war
  • Dragon, M/F Relationship
  • A positive story about camaraderie and overcoming disability
  • TF Themes: TG-TF, Size Growth, Instinct, Difficult Decisions/Major Consequences, Flight 

We have a design and a plot, but we're still missing something really important: a name! And we need your ideas!

What name do you think would fit this character? Here are some considerations, but any and all suggestions are welcome!

  • The dragon is wood-themed. Maybe part of the name is too?
  • The character transforms from male to female. Perhaps the name is appropriate for either gender? Or the first name can be exchanged for the last?
  • A name that would be found in turn of the (20th) century Great Britain would fit the setting!
  • The sole remaining free letter for coding is R. The first or last name totally doesn't have to start with R (but it would make life easier ^^;)

Let us know your ideas in Discord or in the comments below, and we'll set up a poll in the near future so we can finally start referring to this character by their proper name instead of "the Patron Decided Romance!" Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!



Maybe Rowan?




If the dragon is wood-themed, one of the first names that pops into my head is "Elm," which is also pretty androgynous in and of itself, so that could potentially work well! And then you could make the last name start with R, and looking over the internet for Scottish last names that start with R, there's Russel, Robertson, Ritchie... Lots of good options there, tho I'm personally leaning toward Ritchie lol.


I was looking up stuff from Scotland and read somewhere that they have a river called Tay or something like that. So how about Tay? Kinda sounds like Taylor too.


Faye, seems pretty fitting for the theme of the whole story ;)


Either Rowan/Rowanna (as a couple others already suggested) or, if the first name doesn't need to start with "R", Ash; as wood + dragon(fire) = ash.


Ryan / Ryana (if the name changes) Riley (if the name stays the same) Surname suggestion regardless of first name: Esbenshade


Rhona or Ronalda


Ross/Rose perhaps?

Austin Judes

Building on Ash, perhaps their original name is Ashton and becomes Ashley? Or perhaps just Ashley both ways as that can be a male name and he goes by Ash.


I like the recommended Ashton and Ash.


Rowan seems a popular name. Also: "The European rowan has a long tradition in European mythology and folklore. It was thought to be a magical tree and give protection against malevolent beings."


Alex cause it can be both?


Rowan. It's both the name of a tree, and a unisex Scottish name (both given name and surname) that was popular pre WW2. Much like Ashley and Lindsey it can be both male or female, and is also in use in Irish, having gaelic origin. The rowan tree is also known as the Mountain Ash tree, which fits sky themed dragons with mountains, and ash being the color that was voted for (as depicted above) =D


Incidentally in Arabic it's separately a female name referring to a river in Paradise


The European rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) has a long tradition in European mythology and folklore. It was thought to be a magical tree and give protection against malevolent beings.[17] The tree was also called "wayfarer's tree" or "traveller's tree" because it supposedly prevents those on a journey from getting lost.[18] It was said in England that this was the tree on which the Devil hanged his mother.[19] [11:49 PM] In Neo-Druidism, the rowan is known as the "portal tree". It is considered the threshold, between this world and otherworld, or between here and wherever you may be going, for example, it was placed at the gate to a property, signifying the crossing of the threshold between the path or street and the property of someone.


Actually I changed my mind. Rowan is really really good for all the reasons that Tharkis explained. I vote for Rowan.


Rowan was the first thing that came to mind, and I see others have also suggested it. Seems like a good one. Although the change to Rowanna seems unnecessary to me. It's already gender neutral


Given the explanation, Rowan seems pretty well suited :)


I support the pick for Rowan, but hear me out... Have Ash or Asher be the given name at the start. There is the double meaning for both the ash tree and what remains of that tree after the war. He is pale, ashen-faced from his experiences, shell-shocked worse than Malcolm. By the time he is introduced Ash is already disfigured, and as the story progresses his body and feelings betray him more and more. He might even walk with the help of a shoddy cane that breaks. It plays into the physical he's sustained and the theme of rebirth. Rowan becomes her adopted name, the red-headed tree sprouted from Ash. Both are trees but they've grown into something new over the course of the story. Plus there's things to be said about flowering trees, budding relationships, yada yada. Alternatively, Rowan can be a last name and provide some freedom to have the first name be something else. Maybe Silas, later to Sylva or Sylvana? Also, just have to say I love the design space of this character. I imagine her fire being able to bring life back to dead plants, burning-bush style. (Fun fact: Rowan wood also has some occult connotations as was apparently one of the woods used in dowsing)


Richard Woodman: First name taken from their old internal codename and Woodman because...tree? Also from Richard Woodman, an Ironmaster from Sussex. Or Rowan Briar: Taking what is currently the most popular choice as well as the old internal last name. And last: Reggie McDurgface. Because screw it, someone had to suggest it first.

Chau-ta-u-auch-ca Rollings

I am in agreeance mostly with Tharkis Rowan should be part of the characters name but since I am a huge Bruce Campbell best known for the hero Ash in the evil dead movies I think the name should be Ashely Rowan Campbell for this story arc.


Maybe Rosslyn like the town/chapel. Semi-unisex and shortens to Ross easy enough. There was something on the wikipedias on a statue with a dragon eating away at the roots of Yggdrasil if there's something parallel for bodily rejection in their future (probably a stretch in the first place, but eh). But, y'know, Rowan might just run away with it.


The name Alex I think would fit nicely here.


First name Ideas: Alex, Aiden or (saint) George Last name Ideas: Snapdragon, Antirrhinum, Rowland.

Thed Preston

Rory is a Scottish name meaning "red-headed" and is traditionally male although JFK's youngest daughter was named Rory.

Thed Preston

Other "R" names I like that are possibly Scots in origin include Regan, Rae/Ray, Raine/Rahne/Ronnie


Seeing as no one suggested it yet, I'm guessing we already have a character named "Robin"




Throwing my vote with Rowan


Juniper and Aspen are some good native to Scotland trees, that double as lovely gender neutral names

Some Foxy

I agree with the others, Rowan is a fine choice and even fits all 4 points in the post, and was said to be a magical tree that could repel witches, heck it even means little redhead which helps it fit even more! As for some last name ideas. Reid (bit on the nose, i know) Clarke. Bloomfield. Lambert. Wayland. Dashwood. Ashfield. Sorry for the long list.

The Polish

I also throw my vote towards Rowan


How about Ainsley? It's Gaelic and means 'ones own meadow' (or hermit kind of).

Some Foxy

Man Tharkis, almost took my idea right out of my head. XD


My vote on Ash. Also, here's an idea: Think of Mulan, but with a twist; The character is a tomboy in disguise to put a front that she's a man, cause of military stigma, and family, which ended her up crippled, now has a chance to be a women, but feels guilty for hiding it from everyone else. But due to her transformation, it starts to show her true physiques, with some boons. So now the girl is in conflict: Live as a crippled, disguise as a man, with all the honor of being a soldier, and a proud family member. Or live as the girl she was born as, with "restored" limbs, with Malcom and wings of freedom, but disowned by her family, and exiled by the folks. Also, she's bi, due to this upbringing. Last name Rowan.

Tyler Green

My suggestion would be Riley or Randy


I vote for Rayley or Raylegh. Either spelling works but are pronounced the same. Love the idea of a dragon tf/tg. Also hi, I only recently got the game and marathon played it over the course of 4 days.


I like Ash(e) as well.

Fox Face

Love this choice. Also would love an egg-laying scene.

Fox Face

Ash is a good one. I think thematically, new beginnings HAS to be the theme. A new beginning post war, a new beginning as a disabled individual, then becoming female and a dragon. Wood regrowth after a burning is perfectly symbolised by his experiences in war and his colour scheme/wooden aspect. I think the TG element needs to be tied to reluctance at letting go, anger at losing part of oneself, and finally acceptance and love of one's new form. A slow journey to acceptance rathee than eager alacrity.


Kim, Barley, Juniper, Qincey, Ash is quite noice too but a tat generic ngl.


I'm jumping into the Patreon to vote for Ash.