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Last month we revealed concept art for Malcolm's werewolf forms. We listened to your feedback and finalized his designs, which are now live in the Jessie Chapter 4 (First Part) Beta Build that we released last week for Beta Testers.

This week we're looking to choose a color scheme for Werewolf Malcolm! Here are some options we came up with:

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts below, or if you're in the Sponsor Tier, be sure to vote in the poll:

Vote here! 

Voting ends next week so that we can get started on finishing Malcolm's werewolf assets as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing which design you all like best!



Oh plenty of colors to choose from. I wonder what will be the winner.


My thoughts are good colors and what I thought was a possible ending for Jessie. However the question is, is it the only choice ending, or perhaps one of them? No answer to that question just thinking here.


I've always felt like the fur color of an alternate form ought to match the hair color of the human, unless there's some compelling reason not to, so I think the timber is the best for Malcolm. That said, they all look pretty good.

Anders Danielsen

I þink timber ⁊ silver fit good togeþer hǷy single colour hǷy not tǷo tone colour hǷæt do you þink


It only makes sense for Malcolm to retain his hair color like it was for Jessie

Rey Fox

Is Jessie gonna have a big ol' were form now?


I definitely know what you mean, and I've tried to add some brown highlights to the head hair of each of these to pull them together at least a bit ^^

Rey Fox

I don't have a vote, but I think gold could work.


So, I've been wondering for a while now - and maybe this has been answered somewhere and I just haven't seen it - but is there any particular reason that Jessie is the only one of the sisters whose change is reversible? I mean aside from her animal form being that of a wolf and werewolves holding a prominent place in mythology already? If it's something their stories will reveal later on and you don't want to spoil it, it's fine to say that. It just seems odd to me - especially given how central that one-way transformation has been to both of the others' stories, while Jessie's has had a lot more to do with whether to stay home or not than her magic (at least until the last cliffhanger).


I think cause they went with a werewolf theme with her which has a changing back and forth theme that comes with the package while the others don't


We've kept things subtle because the sisters themselves don't know the nature of their transformations, but the descriptions and categorization of certain Baird's entries may help explain things ; ) We'll add more explanation later in the second phase the game!