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Any sneak peek we'd have posted this week would be a major ending spoiler, so instead we decided to share something a little different! There's been plenty of Marion pics lately and we have many Jessie pics on the way for the next chapter, so here's a little something for all you Grace fans out there!

This lounging Grace is the result of a request for a Grace dakimakura over on Watsup's Patreon. We don't have plans to make any official dakis just yet, but maybe someday down the road there will be enough demand to justify them. In the meantime, hope you enjoy this glimpse at what may someday come to fruition. The full resolution sketch is attached!

The new build is right around the corner, so don't forget to let us know in this post if you'd like your name changed or omitted, if you haven't told us already. Thanks so much, and looking forward to sharing Marion's finale with everyone!



Xaziana Tenebris

Ah, but here's the real question, how will you know when there's enough demand to justify making the dakimakuras if you don't put it out there that you'd like to start making them; I know I'd buy dakis of all 3 of them, assuming they're all NSFW and post-transformation of course

Scott Wulf

Well.....ummm...YES!!!! I also would buy all 3.....and....pardon me, need to see me way to a cold shower....Grace is looking particularly fetching I must say...


IF you ever did, I'd reiterate what I said on Wat's patreon. Daki resolution should go on a 3 to 1 ratio. The height needs to be 3 times the height of the width. Example: if the width is 1431 pixels, the height needs to be at least 4293 or so. Otherwise, the image will look unnatural and stretched out. A good example to look at is the Fem. Bunny Evan design he made around the same time.


I could see myself buying this. Grace is the best.


It's actually a question in the feedback survey on our navigation page! So far about 29% of 177 responders have said they'd be interested. Assuming a fraction of that would follow through, and then that Dakis would need to be made of at least three girls, I'm not sure that we'd be able to get them printed at an affordable rate at that level of demand. But as our supporter base expands, particularly closer to the game's release, we'll definitely look into it!


Excellent point! We'll definitely consult with you if and when it comes time to make these a reality!


If she gets any bigger in ch 4 you guys might have to upgrade this to the size of a mattress. Lol


Though my advice is do not get a poly fiber filled pillow (the synthetic cotton filled ones).

Xaziana Tenebris

I'm willing to bet that there are plenty of furs who shop on InkedFur and FurryDakimakura that don't even know about Changeling Tale, but would love dakis of these characters.


The more daki's the merrier, and yes I would get a few for sure

Luxuria Unus

Just saying, I would super buy them if they ever get around to being made, especially some Marion Dakis! Really cute, this!


What do you think if instead of two sides like this, one side was human and the other side transformed?