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The imposing horned God. The ruling leader of savage beasts and untamed lands. The only voice heard and obeyed by man and fae alike. The mythological conciliator of two worlds. Through his voice, battles were settled, the storms calmed, and wild creatures lived in harmony with civilized men.

Underneath his majestic antlers, cloven hoofs, and unruly beard, the Cernunnos possesses a voice that calms even the most wicked of animals. He is the protector and guiding light. Oft depicted as a holy spirit or deity, the Cernunnos has the strength of many men, but, unprovoked, may be gentle as a newborn lamb. This combination of patience and power gives him the natural ruling authority over his beastly kingdoms, of far away fae realms.

Those stories told by one’s grandfather, or great-great grandfather, holding noteworthy discourse with the Cernunnos, be wary of their tales. No written record exists of a meeting between the Cernunnos and mortal man, because the deity insists that no encounters be documented. His contracts are oral and binding. Any change of heart will result in a man’s curse the likes of which could never be survived.

Can the horned god still be found traipsing in the lush hills or in another world altogether? Most say yes. But seek not the Cernunnos. Should he want an engagement, he will find you himself.



If you're wondering why we haven't posted in a bit, it's because we've been waiting to make this joke for the first post of 2021! It was intended for New Years Day, but Wat kept adding more and more, turning this piece into an incredible TF bonanza for a couple of reasons: 1) To make up for the missed Baird's months, 2) Because the Cernunnos character is important enough to warrant it, and 3) Wat was having too much fun drawing everything.

We hope this makes up for the Baird's delay! Have fun perusing all the transformations going on in this mural. For a closer look, the full resolution is available here to our Sponsor Tier-- along with the next Baird's vote!

In the meantime I've been able to finish a lot of the remaining art assets, and it's looking like we'll have everything ready for Marion's Chapter 4 release around the end of January/beginning of February. Hope you all had a good holiday season and are excited for Marion's finale!




This piece looks absolutely amazing and the additions are nice to have XD


I hope Wat was having fun with this. It's hands down one of the best, most busiest pieces I've seen out of him yet!

Lunatico Ursus

Wow, this is definitely my favorite entry so far


This is fantastic, amazing work!

Thistle Fox

Impressive. Looks like some former humans antagonized the wrong deity.

Rey Fox

Surprised Malcolm isn't the nude deer


Love his write up: very definite and evocative.

Thed Preston

Happy nude deer to everyone!


Hmm seems similar to Malcolm School Teacher honestly i believes this connects to her transformation form im i close?


I won't spoil anything, but you're right, the teacher probably knows more than she lets on ; )