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Tiny and nimble, flying faster than most eyes can see, the pixie delights and deceives. Near in size to the pipistrelle bat, a pixie is but a mere miniature human-shaped being with gossamer wings that emit shining light as they flutter feverishly. These diminutive female figures flit about, most often in the night skies, and ne’er don a whit of garb. Though they perform their aerial dancing unclothed, they have a fondness for stealing scraps of fabric, so best to protect the loose ribbon in yer plait.   

Rumors exist of pixies thieving children in the night, luring wee bairns away with a spellbinding glow. Even a young one barely strong enough to walk will follow a pixie near to the fae realm unless the mother keeps a close eye on her. Pixies may even lead a grown man or a trotting horse astray, should either catch the gaze of these impish and alluring sprites. 
Pixies are feisty, fearless, and adore exploring new surroundings, able to dip in and out of hidden caves and rushing waters with delicate ease. If you spot a pixie in the darkness, aglow like a candle’s flame, know that their presence will always bring blessings to the home of those who show them fondness.



Our fifth Baird's entry is the tiny pixie! This hunter learned they are not to be trifled with, as their mischief is certainly not limited by their size...

Month by month, we'll keep filling out the compendium with new and mysterious creatures voted on by you. Sponsors can vote on next month's entry here:


The next vote is landscape-themed--but rest assured, we'll still find a way to make an alluring illustration no matter what wins ; )




Faeries. Fantasy's biggest jerks. Nice work LL, Wat!


Are all of Baird's entries linked to an eventual planned character? Or just background flavour for the universe? Either way, great work!


Honestly, compared to a lot of Scottish folklore, he's got off pretty easy... (remembers the man who got turned into a Molten Ingot)


You just gotta capture some fairies in a jar like Link!

Lunatico Ursus

It is not at all how I imagined this entry. but I'm not complaining at all


Malcolm: "Wow Gran, that person looks just like me."