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Oh no-- Marion lost her glasses in the hay! Will you help her find them?

Wait... Marion doesn't wear glasses...

Good news! The new tablet arrived, and with it, I can start mixing some art back into my daily work schedule! Looking forward to getting back into a regular posting schedule and breaking up these long days of code to draw a few more spicy scenes like these <3 Enjoy!



That pose is just amazing


The shading is very nice. Marion's preparations are pretty nice too. Very...meaty 0.0

Luxuria Unus

Oh my, I didn't know I was getting an early holiday AND birthday present today. This is great! P.S. Didn't notice her little pubic tuft, it is very cute, and very happy to see a return to that from her human lewds. Very nice!


When is Marion's next chapter releasing?


We hope to have the second half of the beta ready in September and roll out the finished chapter soon thereafter!