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With the first half of the chapter in Beta and the second half underway, my goal was to split this month between coding and illustration work... until my tablet broke x_x  I salute it for its five years of faithful service.  Can I get an "f" in chat?

A new one is on its way, but it's on the slow boat from China, so just a heads up that this month may be light on art until it comes in! I don't anticipate it will delay the chapter at all, as there is still plenty of code to keep me busy until the new tablet arrives. Wat's still able to draw as well, so there shouldn't be any issue with Baird's this month either.

Anyway, here's the last piece I was able to polish up before the tablet gave out! Seems like Marion's got a situation underneath that dress...

This pic and an NSFW alternate (if udders can be considered NSFW-- better safe than sorry!) are attached. Enjoy!



Tmothy B. Ross

F. Also, if Marion is ready and willing, then Malcolm should be more than able.

Scott Wulf

F. Condolences on the Tables....Holey Jabroneys, lookit the udders on HER! Just sayin'! Think I need to get myself some cookies....



Scott Wulf

o' course! I'm a decent sort! Bring enough for every one! Even if I have to bake them all meself! And yes, I do like to bake cookies, so that be no problem!



Rey Fox

I'll never be able to see this story the same now that I know how Scottish people pronounce "cow" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYvFxs32zvQ

Mr Tan

did Marion's breasts expand?