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Whilst the flocks of sheep and passels of hogs are left to their own devices, the steadied and leisurely cows strewn about their pastures are watched over, sheltered and safeguarded by the loving mother milkmaid, the Banarach. The fiery redhead is pure magic, born of the Fae and sent by the faeries to offer her gift to farmers throughout Scotland. Her grace shields the herds from harm and defends them from hidden dangers. The fair maiden Banarach honorably preserves the integrity of the dairy farm. 
Her cheeks are ruddy and her heart is pure. She is gifted with beauty matched only by her kindness.  Part cow herself, she blends in with any livestock, so as to perform her duties with as little rustling as possible. The Banarach’s delicate, yet cloven, hands glide gently over the Highland heifers’ shaggy manes, bestowing them health, longevity, and full udders. Under her apron hides her own udder, full of bounty itself, ready to provide milk to those in need. With each swish of her tail, a sprinkle of imperceptible faerie dust coats the grass that feeds the heifers. Ye’ll ne’er be without fresh double cream with the Banarach performing her duties as the herd’s main protector.
We are to thank the one who protects the herd. Should ye possess four legs and be uttering a low moo... ye’ll never walk alone



Our third Baird's entry is the friendly banarach! The illustrator seems to have caught her just after a milking...

Month by month, we'll keep filling out the compendium with new and mysterious creatures voted on by you. Sponsors can vote on next month's entry here:


This week's vote is the ultimate showdown: Cù-Sìth vs. Cat Sìth, i.e. fae dog vs fae cat!  May the best dangerhousepet win!




Once again, love the art! Well done! ❤

Scott Wulf

Well....now I'm a might thirsty....and she is a lovely Ginger to top it all off.....Well.....Thank Ye very kindly M'am for your good work! And to the Artist! And now that I have Discord tagged to my Patreon....


So this is what Marion is becoming... But how is this creature different from a minator? Unless its a gender different like how a Fox is a Todd (male) and Vixen (Female)?


lovely lovely udder perfect size X3


Well, we don't know if this is what Marion is becoming-- this is just Baird's take on it ^^ As for the difference between a minotaur and a banarach, it mostly lies within the mythology.

Luxuria Unus (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:43:11 Ah, this is wonderful! What a thing to come back to. You're starting to change my favourite from goat, to cow between Marion, and this. <3
2020-07-28 12:21:48 Ah, this is wonderful! What a thing to come back to. You're starting to change my favourite from goat, to cow between Marion, and this. <3

Ah, this is wonderful! What a thing to come back to. You're starting to change my favourite from goat, to cow between Marion, and this. <3