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It's been a while since we last actively publicized our Changeling Tale Patron Feedback Survey, so we want to invite all new and all veteran Patrons to click the link and let us know how we are doing!

>> Take the Survey <<

Your input is both valuable and appreciated, as it lets us know how we're doing and what we can do better. This survey takes about 10-20 minutes and asks questions about your experience as a Patron, as a Player, and as a Discord User. As a thank you, we've included some lovely fanart by GirlSay of Jessie strutting her stuff at the end :3

If you haven't taken this survey yet, please consider taking a few minutes to do so! And if you filled out this survey a while ago, you're welcome to do so again; it will help us learn whether or not we've improved. Don't forget to click submit at the end!

In other news, the last chapter vote for a while has been posted! We'll be completing all three sisters' story lines before moving forward, so this vote actually determines both who comes next, and, by extension, who comes after that. Be sure to get your vote in if you are in the Voting Tier-- the poll will be up a couple weeks to let people finish the most recent chapter. May your favorite girl win!

Hope everyone has been enjoying the latest chapter! Let us know if you did in the survey or in the comments below!


Changeling Tale Patron Feedback Survey

Thank you for supporting Changeling Tale! What follows is a short, four-part survey about your experience as a Patron, as a Player, and as a Discord User. Please consider taking 10-20 minutes to let us know what you think and how we can improve your experience.


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