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So, first off, some of you may have noticed that the Patron channels on Discord have disappeared! Patreon and Discord have been having an issue for over a month and last night it came to a head, removing those channels for almost everyone. We're working with Patreon to find a solution and hope to have things fixed soon!

Onto better news: "Polymorph," the 18+ Short Transformation Comic Anthology that Proxer, ComicTF and myself released in 2015 is now available for free on Itch.io! Although our art styles have evolved since then, it's still worth checking out if you haven't already. Pick it up here:


Also don't forget that today is the last day to get Transformational Geographic for free! Be sure to grab it before midnight!


In game news, we're still churning out finished art for Grace's Chapter 3, while at the same time prepping our Steam page for launch! We just polished off a new Demo including all the features current in the Early Access, as well as story content up to each MacLeod girl's Chapter 2. That will go up on Itch the same time as we release the finalized Grace Chapter 3 build, and hopefully in tandem with the Steam page (fingers crossed!)

Lastly, a big thank you to everyone who offered their thoughts on what we should include in Marion's finale! The big takeaways were that you guys want 1) a milking scene, 2) alternate or bad endings, and 3) an epilogue wherein the couple start a family. Fear not, for we've got you covered on those! We also like some of your specific suggestions and will try to work in what ones we can.

Stay tuned next week for the next funding goal and the latest on Baird's!




Hoping Polymorph gets a second part, but it needs more content next time around. Good work either way.


Getting hyped every time I hear the words "Steam". The more folks that see this game; the happier I'll be! Looking forward to Grace 3's polished [that's a word that appears to coincide with her as of late XB] chapter and the upcoming conclusion to a sizable chunk of players' favorite bovine beau as well!


I am glad that steam will launch your game. But last I heard, they have trouble with +18 content on their platform. This won't be an issue with this games NSFW content right?


I wonder how mainstream the game will become once it hits on Steam. Fingers crossed that we begin to see some Youtuber's or Twitch people playing it.


We'd love to, time permitting! Just a matter of all of us finding the extra time to invest in another issue @_@


About a year ago they relaxed their rules on 18+ content, so hopefully it shouldn't be a problem! We'll find out soon enough ^^;


Haha, that would be wild! There is one person who has let's played the game and posted the videos on YouTube: Blitzversion01. I can't imagine what it would be like if it found its way mainstream, though!


it would be familiar travels... But maybe less controversial as the creator hasn't kicked or banned anyone for opinions.

Fox Face

Exciting stuff! Hope we get a chance to see pregnant Marion (with even bigger udders, I'd imagine).


Hey, don't forget about The Pirate's Fate!

Luxuria Unus

Ah nice, some great news on the latter halves, looking forward to checking out Polymorph, and the Marion stuff sounds absolutely fantastic. After an attempt of theft my card got locked up for a week, right near the 1st too, but glad to be back supporting this gem, gave me time to work out my budget though, and now I can finally do the $25 I originally wanted to float this project. Looking forward to seeing Changeling Tale on Steam as well, here's hoping you guys get some much-deserved attention for this bad boy once it hits the public in a more visible manner.


Sorry to hear about the card theft attempt-- glad they were able to prevent any fraudulent charges, though. And thanks a ton for the support!