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As we finish illustrating and coding Grace's Chapter 3, our writer is wrapping up Marion's story line for our next build! We have a pretty good idea how it will end — several endings, in fact! — but before everything is set in stone, we wanted to reach out to you guys for your input.

What elements would you like to see in the end of Marion's story? What scenes would you like to see, and how do you envision the epilogue to Malcolm & Marion's romance? Let us know in the comments below or in Discord!

(Maybe she should become a beer maiden at the Stag & Nanny like General Irrelevant has drawn here! That is beer... right? Thanks to GI for this fantastic animation!)




Our first last chapter, I'm actually excited to hear what people are expecting out of it since this is a pretty big step for us :B


Full Cow Marion as one of the endings would be nice ;)


haha, the gif totally made me think of https://youtu.be/jPQK0cW5NUU?t=152 I think the sisters should all dance!


That's quite a loaded question. There's so much that could happen in this last chapter. Marion and Malcolm could lead normal lives together (I see Marion being a teacher for some reason) or Malcolm becomes the local Milkman as he lives with his cow wife :D

DeAnte McCombs

If you can, add Marion going full cow as a bad ending.


Vague question...but maybe Marion being less hated by the town due to what happened to her?..idk...


I'd like to see Marion with a calf on the way. Maybe get a sisterly reunion where Marion informs grace and jessie that they'll be aunts.


Ok so definitely naughty milk shenanigans are a must! But I can see her becoming an upstanding cow-woman running a "self made" dairy business ;) with Malcom running the sales sides of the company with his Milk-laden wife . 👌🏼


Hmm, the obvious personal and romantic milking would be something - but that would merely be a scene. So - something that shows Malcolm finally have found a new home and a future with a bovine wife, accepting both?


I'm on board with an ending where she goes full cow. Maybe a bad ending where she doesn't accept herself, and that causes her to go full cow?


Maybe have the actual wedding scene that Malcolm imagined and them having hybrid kids in one of the endings (good).


i hope marion is in it


Im still banking on a super secret ufo ending. Im just pulling this outta thin air here. Maybe one where one night after the ending; the two go out for a stroll and encounter two greys trying to tip over one of Marion's herd. "History then repeats itself." as to not dip into spoilers.


Having her learn, after confronting her father, to revert back to human, control herself to go between forms, having her getting milked with her breasts and udders, and getting married. Also, Jessie returns to confirm the rumors of a "minotaur" lives back in her hometown (epilogue). Another ending is that for Marion to live her life back to normal is to transfer her Puca heritage to Malcolm, and have him turn into a buck, with Marion becomes human, reliving the nightmare he had before, and making love before the story ends (lactation, stomach deformation, inflation, tf between hybrid and feral during the scene). Another (Secret story) possibility is that after the "daddy issue" is resolved, Grace tries to start a love triangle, to try and become a full fledged sea dragon, but with different outcomes; bad being broke up and the sisters becomes outcasts from the land and Malcolm is given a bad name, good is that Malcolm gets two wives (threesome, size difference, blowjob while grabbing the horns, lactation, breastfeeding, "sister incest", hotdog with two butts, titfuck and double titfuck, spitroast with tail and dick, and titfuck with udder). Maybe make the story arc "connect" to the other sisters story, meaning that the story ends and begins another romance story, if the story is done in a specific path, certain choices, and make a game+ that allow Malcolm to know how to save all three sisters and become one big tf family. (Possibility)

Tmothy B. Ross

As far as chapter content..... Milking would be nice. And maybe Marion finding out she's pregnant. The latter especially, giving her and Malcolm thoughts (for better or worse) of the child's future. For the endings...... Malcolm and Marion splitting up and Marion becoming a full cow (physically and mentally) should be bad endings. Their relationship not going any further for years could be a normal ending. Malcolm and Marion are married with four kids and possibly a fifth on the way would definitely be the Best ending. Maybe show one or two taking after their mom.


An animated ending.


Everything they said please, especially the positive ending

Shiny Umbreon

As fetishy as this sounds, there's a certain charm to her being self-sufficient in this way in providing for the both of them, leading to a happy ending together. I like it.


"It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!"


I really want milk to be in those cups, definitely. Seeing Marion and Malcolm married with half-cow children, or maybe Malcolm transforming for real (not just a dream)!


Considering Marion Has a girl next door vibe to her, an ending where she an Malcolm settle down and start a family seems in line with genre expectations, Though, I'd personally hope for a a unique twist on the happily ever after scenario

Brian Stuckert

A lot of interesting ideas. Of course like others, I would love to see one with the couple married and having hybrid children. Maybe with her standing up to her father and not afraid of being accepted by the towns people and beyond, I think with her cow form it should not be too bad since she hard looks scary nor like a monster. Also this might go with other girl's endings, people being aware there is other girls like this and be accepted and not have to hid in secret and treat this as an alternative universe then something like ours. The full cow seems like much and most likely would be a bad ending and not sure its possible and may go against the rules, I guess. As for Malcolm transforming with Marion, I rather he remain human and still have children with Marion in her Cow anthro form. Although be fun if someday there would be a path/ending of Malcolm transform to a woman and maybe some hybrid, even though there is already another character (romance) that does that. Regardless, we look forward seeing the final chapter of Marion before the full game with a good/best ending.

Thed Preston (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:43:41 I'd like to see Marion as a (loving, of course) S&M dominatrix with lots of rubber and PVC. Obviously that would have to be some sort of dream sequence.
2020-04-20 02:39:11 I'd like to see Marion as a (loving, of course) S&M dominatrix with lots of rubber and PVC. Obviously that would have to be some sort of dream sequence.

I'd like to see Marion as a (loving, of course) S&M dominatrix with lots of rubber and PVC. Obviously that would have to be some sort of dream sequence.


I just want to see Marion begging for a milking

jpgreen (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:43:41 a wholesome ending with some good milking is all i want happy Marion is best Marion <3
2020-04-20 03:02:17 a wholesome ending with some good milking is all i want happy Marion is best Marion <3

a wholesome ending with some good milking is all i want happy Marion is best Marion <3

Lunatico Ursus

Malcolm transforms into a bull, to be "closer" to Marion also... that means that we will see the Grace chapter 3 final build soon?


A milking scene, followed by some more of that *ahem* NSFW love making scene, some more milking and then lets go with marriage and happily ever after, yep would be super content with that :D oh and maybe a surprise cutscene at the very end with her revealing she is pregnant (only at the end though). Like Brian, I believe a full cow is a bit too much in my opinion and as with previous comments, her staying an anthro cow like that seems to make more sense.

Eric Strause

Malcolm should under go some sort of a transformation to be closer to Marion

Fox Face

Beyond the obligatory milking scene, I agree with everyone else who says that having Marion be pregnant, maybe an epilogue with several kids and another on the way would be lovely - especially since there would be some humour and sexiness in her body producing even more milk for their kids! Marion's story is the most 'girl next door' story of the three girls, so that would be a natural and cute ending. Also, given the content of Grace's chapter 3 talking about her . . . developments, it's kind of interesting that neither Marion or Malcolm mentioned how much bustier she is up top. I'd love to see that acknowledged in dialogue by one or both of them. Malcolm should stay human though.

Fox Face

Also literally any scene where Grace embarrasses Marion with her bluntness. Because it's always hilarious.


I also vote for marrage and town acceptance along with finding out she is pregnant with his younglings.

Reginald Trout

I apologize if I jump the gun on some ideas. Perhaps we find out if and why her transformation is different then Jessie's. If she can change at will, allowing her to reconnect with the town and friends or if she is stuck, then finding acceptance with them in her new form. Perhaps Grace managed to reach out to Jessie and she returns, not necessarily for good, but reconcile and offer some closure. Maybe as time moves on Marion's Cheese operation could grow to be a business in the Marketplace. I feel after what the characters go through they could use a win or two.


cowgirl position for sure

Lil fox thing

I kinda agree with everyone I just want a wholesome ending with Marion and Malcolm happy! Though Milking and maybe a bit of weight gain would not go amiss...

Val Salia


Val Salia

Seriously though, post-TF daily life stuff, and things like the "town acceptance" angle being thrown around has a tooon of nice potential. Maybe there's like, a big celebration but OH NO there's a shortage of milk, how will the town make the commemorative cake and/or other milk-requiring recipe? FRIENDLY LOCAL COW LADY TO THE RESCUE after a certain amount of friendly community pressure


May be she'll gain ability to control the transformation (and can control how 'far' it is, anthro or feral, to hide herself among the herd in some situations such as to catch some 'milk' thief). A warm hearted wedding. Have (many) children and secretly transform to milking herself to make money with the help from Malcolm.


As long as Malcolm turns into deer girl somehow but is able to turn back and forth into himself (possibly uncontrollably unlike Jessie) so he can experience what she went through but they could still have kids at the end. Maybe being caused by drinking Marion's milk after that infamous milking scene everyone wants. And for the thing with her father I'd want it to be pretty emotional like with her father blaming Malcolm for her change and somehow revealing to the whole town her transformation so that way her and Malcolm are forced to share they're secret.


Milking, pregnancy, weight gain... all good things.

Mr Tan

maybe a secret cowtaur ending? that would be nice

Isac Arellano

i would like to see anything involving a fey community where maybe malcolm becomes the odd one out or we start to see him changing :)


definitely malcolm changing

Luxuria Unus

I think something pretty tame fits an ending to Marion and Malcolm's romance. I feel like Marion deserves a "normal" domestic life, and maybe she gets that? Kids, possibly, but just a quiet life at the very least. I think everyone who chose her, probably finds that appealing as well? I know she is certainly my favourite, despite her being an absolute cutesy, for the fact that she has similar aspirations in life. Simple, ordinary, quiet. I find solace in boring mundane life, the 9-5. I think despite her new body, it would be fitting for her to get that, and I'd like to see that kind of conclusion, if just in an epilogue. This is just my broad desire. Despite all that bigger picture stuff, some of the more NSFW things I would love to see would be some milking, a return of her ample pubic hair she seemed to have as a human if you can fit it into her new design that is, more naughty sprite artwork of her as well. The scenes are incredible, but I do love the sprites a lot. Also, it may be awkward to fit it in there due to the time and place of the setting, but some naughty wear would be great to see. It would have to be pretty tame I think, to fit Marion, but maybe some frilly undergarments, or just some undergarments, in general, would be fun to see on her. Maybe some ill-fitting ones? No matter what you do, I'm sure I'll love it, both the story direction and the NSFW content. Marion has been my favourite, not just because of how cute she is, but because she has a great personality, and her story is handled perfectly. But also, she is very cute. P.S. That animation is very cute.


Little too much reliance on distortion in that Marion animation. The base pick is really cute but the amount of effort put into turning it into for frames of animation from one without another base image has kind of stretched it past the point of visual appeal IMHO.


Any bad endings?


GI made it, not LN, you'll have to let GI know :V


I'll take the lashings for not checking what's already been suggested, but my girlfriend and I are both gonna have an aneurysm if there isn't a milking scene. We love your work tho thank you kek 🙏🙏🙏


Agreed, more chonk for Marion would be 👌


I don't know what your plan is for Marion's father, but if he's as antagonistic as he comes off a scene where Malcolm has to take on an old bull might carry some nice weight to it. Somewhere in the build-up to a pivotal confrontation with Marion's father, maybe not literally "taking the bull by the horns" but winning the encounter nonetheless.


I hope there is a tf and a tgtf option for Malcom.


I may sound old fashion but I'd love to see where her a Malcolm where they have a life together and marry. I'd like to see that with all of the girls where he and one of them end up happy together in their fae forms. I love the story with this. Every branch I keep feeling like He is going to lose the girl and it puts me on edge. Which is good, it means it's very engaging.


I wanna see an ending where something terrible befalls one or more of the sisters. Malcom then discovers a way to use magic to go back in time where he must amass an army of Fey to <strike>fight Thanos</strike> save the sisters from a terrible fate. *Avengers music starts playing*


Honestly, if it were possible in any way, I would like Marion to gain some more bulk. Like, thicker arms and legs, wider torso and hips. I know she grew taller but given the...erm...mass she gained in certain areas, I thought that she could get a bit stockier as well, just to help her stay steady. Given that we already saw a clothes-rip scene however, and the fact that I like her new dress, well. I’m aware that this is unlikely.


An ending where Her and Malcolm have a daughter. I can imagine that a their daughter would be pretty cute.


This is the one thing I want the most. The TFTG in the April's fools bit got my hopes up.


I think we need Pregnancy and kids and the two of them living happily.


The beer maiden thing is super cute, but I think she is content with a life in the country. Maybe a beer maiden scene as she volunteers for some sort of festival would be great. I think just a wholesome ending. Get married, have kids, and are genuinely happy running the farm. Maybe have her learn to relax a little and enjoy life beyond work now they Malcom is there to help her.


Wholesome family ending. Gotta have them two kids and life on da farm.