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Hey guys!  It's good to be back from my trip, and I'm hitting the ground running-- just wanted to share with you guys what's coming up now that Jessie's Chapter 3 is finished!

First, thank you to everyone who has played and given us feedback on the latest chapter.  You had some great suggestions, which we'll be rolling out in a patch with some additional content-- that's first on our to-do list.

Next up is setting up the interactive backgrounds.  The funding goal was met a little while back, and with Jessie's chapter out of the way we can finally concentrate on getting that feature up and running.

After that we'll be fully focused coding and illustrating Grace's chapter 3.  Meanwhile our writer will get started writing one of the girls' final chapters... and whose it will be is up to you guys!  Be sure to vote whose story arc gets finished first if you're in a voting tier.

Thanks again for all the responses you've given us on the newest chapter-- we really appreciate the insight, and are glad you guys are reading and enjoying it!



Yay, Grace art next, my favorite! :V


Yes Marion is my favorite I hope she continues to grow with the way things are going she could end being taller than Malcom.


Also I did play the demo love it hopefully support when I can but I hope Marion gets her next chapter first please.😭🙏

Kaliya Bitty Bat

Hello, just became a Patron and downloaded the story file 'changelingtalealpha-windows.zip' and I have played it through to its conclusion right after Marion and Malom discuss searching for Jesse. Is that all there is at this point? I read that there are other chapters but I can not find them.


It sounds like you got to one of the early endings, and probably not one of the more satisfying ones ; ) Try some of the other choices at the decision points, and you'll open up lots more of the game! And if you have any trouble, feel free to ask here or in our Discord-- folks are happy to help!

Kaliya Bitty Bat

I have another stupid question and I know this isn't the best place to ask but I dislike Discord with a passion that would scorch a thousand suns. Does the core Story download 'changelingtalealpha-windows.zip' only cover the first two chapters? I have played up through the final dance scene with Jessie and to the point of Marion's transformation under the Alders but no matter what combination of events I try I can't seem to get past those points. I have had no luck at all unlocking a story path for Grace. I have seen that there is a chapter three out there but I can't find it.

Kaliya Bitty Bat

Oh, just a small detail I noted in the McLeod home. The picture above the mantel, Malcolm remembers it from when he used to visit the home as a child and how the home had not changed in the years he had been away. Yet in the picture all of the girls are their current ages and Jessie is wearing her Flapper dress something Malcom was clearly shocked about. Small detail I know but odd things like that catch my eye.


The current early access build, 0.6.5, has up through Marion's ch. 3, Jessie's ch. 2, and Grace's ch. 2 ^^ It sounds like you are playing the game's demo, because that is where they both end (If on the game's title menu it says "Changeling Tale Demo," that would be a way to confirm it). Here's the download link for the current early access version: https://littlenapoleon.itch.io/changelingtalealpha/patreon-access If you've already downloaded that, perhaps both the early access and the demo are on your PC in the same place, and that's causing an issue? I'd recommend downloading from the link above, extracting it all to a new folder, and trying from there. Let me know if that helps!


Haha, yep! That's one of the polish things on our to-do list for this upcoming build ^^ Good eyes!


Regarding making the stories as satisfying as possible I have no doubts aabout that. Your visual game is great. All I ask is that Marion grow a bit more taller and bigger in her final chapter nothing else please.


I love the story and that art with or without the mature factor this game and story is some good stuff


Thanks a ton, raging moose! We're doing our best to make this the best game and story we can ^^