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With a new beta build right around the corner, we just want to remind everyone that if you'd like to have your name omitted from the credits, or shown differently than your Patreon handle, please let us know in the comments, by direct message or on Discord!  If you've already told us previously, you're all set ^^

Thanks so much for your support!



I just realized I had you in the credits as both "Ethan S.C" from this request, and "Ethura" from a previous request! Do you prefer one over the other?


Just put me down as Sean B. please!


May I be put down as Quentin please?


Making it formal then, with: Martin Rønning

Ethura Grym

For me, just put "Ethan S.C" it will be simpler than putting "Stone-Copper" in its entirety.

Brian Stuckert

Not sure how my name shows up, but put me down by my real name: Brian Stuckert. Just like to be known for helping make this excellent game happen, even though this is for another beta build, which I am very much looking forward to it and eventually the rest of the game in a Alpha build or full official game.

Fox Face

No need fir me in credits. Happy to be a patron and little more.


Just put my name as the same one as before. (Connery Cateni (ccateni) in case your wondering)

iRose (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:44:39 Either iRose or Rose Freya M. are good <3 So exciting that the beta is so soon!!
2019-08-04 05:16:21 Either iRose or Rose Freya M. are good <3 So exciting that the beta is so soon!!

Either iRose or Rose Freya M. are good <3 So exciting that the beta is so soon!!


It's here now! I'll make a general post about it soon, and I'll have you down as iRose in the next patch!