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This is something we've been hoping to add for a while now, which was just made possible by a recent update to our source engine, Ren'Py.

Now when you open the Preferences screen, you will see there are two available hint options to choose from:

The first, "Show Major Decisions," is the previous build's Butterfly Effect option, which highlights the decisions that have an impact on the game's ending.  Thanks to the Ren'Py update, we can now have the butterfly effect icon play while the menu is open!

The second option, "Show Romance Paths," reveals which choices lead to which romanceable characters, as indicated by their icons.  Hopefully this will help people out if they get stuck trying to woo their favorite romance (although I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someday there'll be a Changeling Tale Wiki for that, too!).

Feel free to use either, both, or neither hint options as you play through the game!  We'll be rolling this feature out with the next build.

Just a reminder again that some of the team is visiting AnthroCon this weekend!  Be sure to say hi and pick up flyers/bookmarks if you're there.  And to our North American supporters, hope you guys have a great Canada Day and Independence Day this week!



Excellent idea! Now I can revisit Marion or romance one of the other girls :) Can't help it I have a soft spot for cows :P

Brian Stuckert

Yeah, this will be extremely helpful for the future when more of the romance options/stories are added. Love to check out the other paths. And like Phil, I love Marion as well, she is my favorite and likes how her character develops and changes. This actually reminds me of a hint system in Sable's Gilmore, which is an excellent game with romanceable monster/demihuman girls. Hope future updates of it come soon.


A nice feature added. It helps a lot in gameplay. Tho i figured that butterfly thing, but the choises weren't always clear to where lead.

Brian Stuckert

Same here MrWhiskers. Was hoping some different decision lead to part of another girl's path other then the 3 sister, but I don't think other ones have been made nor ready yet. I am looking forward to the paths of the rabbit/bunny girl, the former male dragon girl and I have a feeling the main character's horse Hazel (I think) might be a possible path in some way.

Brian Stuckert

Guess if skipped the part that the new option will not be available until the next build, LOL. I look forward to the next update/build and hope there might be more then just the option like a continuation of a path and/or a new girl to romance.

BlackfootFerret (Robert E Taylor IV)

I just finished the demo, you really spent a lot of time developing the story! I'm here for the duration :) And the hints will certainly come in handy ^_^


I love Jessie. Her story is so good written. Is like the perfect girl, the one that wants to love but can't love because of *reasons* and is willing to leave someone that she loves her and her him for both safety. Respect maxim for who wrote her. I can't wait to see what's next for her. ;D Also her shapes aren't hard to the eye or maybe i'm just a horny dog ... :P