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Patron Decided Romance - Color Scheme (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)

  • Nature 71
  • Fire 48
  • Fae 47
  • Skintone 31
  • Colorless 27
  • Ash 80
  • Sky 47
  • Sun 35
  • 2019-06-07
  • —2019-06-23
  • 386 votes
{'title': 'Patron Decided Romance - Color Scheme (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Nature', 'votes': 71}, {'text': 'Fire', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Fae', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Skintone', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Colorless', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Ash', 'votes': 80}, {'text': 'Sky', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Sun', 'votes': 35}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 23, 7, 0, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 7, 1, 4, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 386}


Design #1 beat out Design #3 last week by a handful of votes, so we now know the base of what our Patron-Decided Romance will look like transformed!  All that's left to decide now is what color scheme she will have.

If you want the character's design to be a surprise, don't read on!  Otherwise, if you don't mind some small spoilers, we'd love your input on what colors you like best.

The following are based on your suggestions and represent basic color schemes for the upcoming character (we may add some accents or flair later that fit the theme).  Which ones do you like best?  Vote for as many as you like!

A larger resolution image is attached for a closer look ; )  If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know in the comments or on Discord!  Good luck and may the best dragon win!



Liane Rabbitfangs

I think Nature fits best in the environment they inhabit.

Lunatico Ursus

I'm between nature and fire, but I think I chose fire


Take none but selected stash,/ a colour suit best with hue of ash.

Sean Parker

It's all about the prosthetics. So for those i choose Sun and Nature for strong contrast color.

James Parsons

I like most of Nature's color scheme, but I wish we could swap out Ash or Sun's hair colors and change the eye color.


Dang, tough choices! In the end Nature is my fav though. Green+brown is just a soothing happy color pairing.


Considering the war veteran background, I reckon Ash is more suitable. Besides... it's a very kickass color combination in a subtler sort of way. Goes great with the red!


"Fae" ...pssssssh, I know "poptart" when I see it


fire and ash are my choices, they look really good and are made so very well, nature is not one of my favorites but I can see why people choose it

James Parsons

I think a warm amber eye color would look great and the red hair colors of ether Ash or Sun would make for a nice contrast with Nature's green scales. Plus, I love me a redhead!!! :D

Chau-ta-u-auch-ca Rollings

where is the ginger love man blonde brown I mean ash has a lovely red hue but one would think sunny would have more of a that fiery crimson but nope , and fire's eyes while blue I would prefer a nice azure for contrast if she had that. Whew! she'd win hands down nothing beats crimson scales black hair and azure eyes.


Nature makes the most sense to me because of the prosthetics. I mean, looking like they're made of wood. I like the colors of ash, but the prosthetics don't translate clearly to other colors imo. Maybe if there's more detail put on them later, like making them look like they're made of charred wood or obsidian or something.


We kinda figured that we had a lot of redheads in the story already, so we thought we might explore some other options with this one ^^


wow, ash, nature and then fire, there should be color swaps in the game but that could be asking too much XD