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Now that Grace's chapter is released and Marion's next chapter is well underway, let's come back to the new romance that you guys voted into the story!

Last time you guys elected — by a nose — for a character who's a veteran friend of Malcolm's, disabled in the war.  It'll be a positive story about camaraderie and overcoming disability... oh, and he's going to turn into a female dragon :)

We want to know what you guys think he (and later, she) should look like!

What color's his hair (or her scales)?  Should his outfit include pants or a kilt?  Is he going to become a dragon proper?  A wyvern?  A wyrm?  How big should her boobs get — or does she get any at all?  We'd love to hear your thoughts on these questions and more!

Let us know your design ideas, both for his human & her dragon forms.  Feel free to link us to designs you like, too.  We'll read and look at your feedback and then sketch up a few designs that you guys can vote on!

Speaking of votes, don't forget that there are only two days left to decide what chapter we work on after Marion's, and currently there's just a 4 vote difference for the lead!  If you're part of the voting tier, be sure to click here and cast your vote! 


Finally, I want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU from myself and the whole team for all of the enthusiasm, encouragement and kind words each of you have given us this year.  Through your support, not only are we able to do our dream job, but we're also able to make a game from the heart for all TF and Visual Novel fans alike to enjoy.  We hope each new chapter we add to the story brings as much joy to you as your support does to us!

Happy Holidays from Little Napoleon & the Changeling Tale Team!




If you've got some visual reference I'd be happy to look at that too! :V Whatever you have that might influence the design is fine!


Took the time to write a comment but it was deleted? Was that on purpose, did I break a rule?


Hmmm, so Jessie has a warm color palette, Marion has palette of natural colors, and Grace has an aquatic centered palette, so how about the new character has a sort of dark, volcanic sort of palette? Charcoal blacks and greys shot through with fiery yellows and dark oranges like a lava flow to compliment her draconian nature? It could also reflect the shared darkness Malcolm and his friend have lived through together. Oh, and wyvern, because wing arms are lovely, and she should end up walking on all fours, but not fully quadrupedal. Also, I love the idea of her standing on all fours, yet still having her eyes level with Malcolm's. I'm thinking something along the lines of a pterosaur stance, but equally able to walk on two limbs or four like a classic wyvern. <a href="https://goo.gl/images/SqiK96" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/SqiK96</a> <a href="https://goo.gl/images/CL4b5j" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/CL4b5j</a> <a href="https://goo.gl/images/XNxnqd" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/XNxnqd</a> <a href="https://goo.gl/images/6mPjRw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/6mPjRw</a>


If your comment was deleted it wasn't by the Changeling Tale team, maybe a site error?


I thought that the dragon relationship was a straight up female character when it was voted? Also, would leg paralysis, wheelchair due to being unable to walk, becomes something like a western dragon, but buff and with huge breasts. Bigger than Grace's set. Flying dragon at a cost of transformation. Can she lay eggs too?


I saw an email come in with your comment, but when I checked the post it wasn't here! Really weird @_@ I've got the comment in my email, let me post it so you don't have to re-type it: "Here's my thoughts: For the guy, I think a kilt and more traditional Irish garb. He's probably a farmer living near this village (a reason to bond with main character even before the war) and while he put on the uniform during the war its back to what his family has always worn before it. Maybe an open collar somewhat loose shirt, family design on kilt and an easy going attitude that helped him deal with what he saw in the trenches. Like he has humor to help deal with stress. For the dragon: I've always liked the style of this artist: <a href="https://sixthleafcloverstore.com/;" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sixthleafcloverstore.com/;</a> very prismatic dragons in the more western/European mythos style. I think you'd need it to be visually distinctive from Grace's new form, so maybe some horns, an opposing color, and given the nature of this game I'd add boobs :P. I think a defined chest would help bring home the shock that this new form is very much a different gender then the character is used too. Humor can only go so far in disarming your stress levels and turning into a different gender AND a different species would be a lot to take in. My question of your team would be is there any repressed feelings between the main character and this good friend? Bromance of the battlefield becomes a bit more uncomfortable when one is suddenly anatomically a girl? Would there be egglaying involved? (Can't remember if that was one of the kinks on the game list). Would they breathe fire and accidently spook a horse or burn something down? Anyways, great progress so far, can't wait for more."




YESSSSSS Durg tgtf!!! That said, you know what Durg design I like... :V :V But in more specifics, I'd advise the classic Lizard scenario where they've lost a limb to a plot device, and the magic makes them regrow it all scaly and nice. I'd love some friendship bonding before the magic starts taking hold, and they need to hide the progressions while your friendship increases. Oh! And a cool facial scar would add character/recognition (Zuko or Anime Protagonist styled) between forms!


The concept that was approved was a service member that served with Malcolm being injured and he turns into a female dragon. The female only options were a nurse, the otter, and the bird.


Ok then. Try these designs but with more muscles and scars: - <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/29664314/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/29664314/</a> - <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/22486675/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/22486675/</a> - <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/50366/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/50366/</a>


I think this would be kind of funny from a story standpoint if the character has a leg problem as a human, and then when transformed the leg problem is gone BUT now has a wing/arm problem.


Kinda sucks that the mobile app only lets you reply to the first comment in a thread.

Tmothy B. Ross

I think he should have blond hair. Short at the start but gets longer the more female he gets. at least mid back or waist length. Pants or Kilt? Why not both. Start him in pants, then have him try hiding some of the changes with a kilt. Not only does he suffer from PTSD from the war, he's missing his left arm. Blown off toward the war's end. I like the idea of a scar on his face. Starts out with the same height and build as Malcolm. Proper dragon for the final form. Not only does he get his left arm back with these changes, he now needs to cope with two extra limbs (the wings). Give him (now Her) a muscular yet feminine figure with scales of green, red and blue. With a chest size similar to Grace's final form. Horns that start red at the base and darken to black at the tips.


I support a scene where they breathe fire up into the air on orgasm, unintentionally.


Red Dragon, best dragon. I'm also fond of spikey dragons, which would help make her visually different from most of malcom's fluffier girlfriends


Red dragon is good but pink dragon is best.


platinum drgaoness like a female bahamut, and large breasts, like beach balls, physical back strengths not an issue make them large!


Brown wyvern or better something like saphira from the eragon franchise?

Lunatico Ursus

a red wyvern with medium-sized breasts


Blond hair is not a bad idea. No scars please. I also wouldnt mind a petite dragon (smaller in size and bust). Pink/White colored scales isn't a bad idea.


the bigger the better the boobs


I like the idea of short hair originally that grows long as the transformation progresses. Perhaps it eventually turns into a sort of mane (or whatever you want to call it) that grows along the spine. Maybe even a furry and feathery dragon like Flammie from The Secret of Mana?


The most common injuries in ww1 were to the face. So having this guys disability being a seriously messed up face that requires him to wear lots of face prosthetics would make things interesting. Brown eyed dapper gentleman in a suit with black hair slicked back. Meticulously put together. <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/cf/42/68cf42c112f9bc8acd1c34e99863ebfe.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/cf/42/68cf42c112f9bc8acd1c34e99863ebfe.jpg</a> Putting on little plays in the trenches as a traditional Shakespearean actor would be a great way for him and Malcolm to become friends. It would also give him experience with wearing ladies clothing in a socially respectable way for the time period. As a lady (for however long that may be), an elegant dress that hugs a modest figure, long hair running down her back, and makeup skillfully applied. As a dragon... I don't really have any ideas, but I did come across this form an illuminated manuscript <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d9/26/a6/d926a60ebbe24cd7491b3ee7d72f6be6.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d9/26/a6/d926a60ebbe24cd7491b3ee7d72f6be6.jpg</a>

Art of GI

I haven't read all the comments yet so might add more later, however first reaction is to think the friend being disabled from losing legs would make both a great Lt. Dan reference as well as a subtle Visual Novel no one has legs joke in a low key meta sense (I...Don't have any legs!). Also as a lizard they should probably regrow at some point of the TG magic, giving them a sense of renewed chance at life but maybe it goes away if they leave the fae world for too long which would give yet another incentive to wanting to stay in another realm (besides the tragedy of seeing how horrible humanity was in the great war), if that is the way the story leans since we're not sure how the magic works yet. Another thing I think TG without much of a chest is pretty boring, the more the difference the better so a bulky buff man to a petite girl or a lanky and thin to large chested well endowed and voluptuous body would give those proper TGTF feels of contrast, so maybe he can just have Grace's left over flotation devices. As much as I like the idea of a Wyvern style, it really depends on if they go full anthro or not, since Wyvern hands can be a nightmare on anthros and rarely look very good, where with the back wings they can be turned into capes, belts or used in various other fashionable ways that add to the character, where as wyvern arms just make you question how they can even put a shirt on. As a Feral though Wyvern arms are more realistic and reasonable and often aesthetically pleasing. I feel the fan character should feel unique and different enough than the other characters that they stand apart as their own thing rather then just a lite version of an existing character so I recommend the dragons colors be unique enough to not be confused as another Macleod yet harmonizing with theirs, so it'd have to have some orange in it somewhere, since literally every spirted character so far has a little on them. I think purple red and blue are the least used colors so far with most being earthly colors of green brown and of course orange, so either a combination with some of those or go black or white since no one else is using much of those colors. It's hard to explain this here however as an artist I think you know what I mean, hopefully! Might want to give a character specific accessory the way Jessie has her feather and sash, Marion her bows, Effie her scarf, Balgair his kilt, Grace and Alana their attitude. :V Maybe he was a boxer before the war, or has a tophat or something period specific yet stylish that could be part of the past he lost before the war "I was almost a great boxer, but now I have no legs." sort of thing, I don't really know that era's professions or fashion too well for examples, maybe a doctor or something would have been neat, was a field medic if they had any and got injured trying to save lives. Would be a great excuse for a post TG "You were a doctor, but now I'd say you'd make a rather fine nurse" joke in there (plus fanart) for all us nurse voting runner ups lol. (Of course all I suggest are ideas for jokes.)

Art of GI

I think the first ref would be a great design! Second isn't too bad either, they both have a style that looks like something that would fit well with Changeling Tale's. :V

Fox Face

Wonderful to see this post. As for the soldier's design, I think blond, as others have said, and wearing trousers initially. He should be scarred across the face and missing a limb, and experiencing sorrow over his injuries and ennui over his current existence. I think his transformation should initially be restorative at first, providing a sense of elation and Godly intervention. But then he begins transitioning, first to a woman and then to a female dragon. My preferences is that she takes on the form of a humanoid dragon with a feminine bust and wings out her back, along with a fine tail. I'm a sucker for green dragons, but pink also. The picture posted earlier was a good representation: <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/29664314/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/29664314/</a>

Fox Face

As others have also said, egg-laying would also be a fine addition. Not only does it heighten the strangeness of the transformation and make it unique compared to the others, it also provides a nice thenatic character arc: from a morose soldier broken by death and the reality of war, to a dragon woman free if these things, capabke if creating life instead of taking it away.


Well it's from the members artwork pics so it would be easier to understand. The last one was for the muscle details, and Boob size.


I feel like being handicapped, paralyzed waist down, would be less gruesome than losing their legs, though I understand were your angle on the characters setup.

Aaron Cardarelli

I'd say dragoness with back wings, long hair/main, large breasts, athletic/femininely muscular, long agile tail, and on the large side (~6'6" tall) with egg laying. I'm also a fan of lactation but not sure how that will fit here. :)


I would like to see a dragon lady with a little more weight on her. Perhaps something similar to this Lugia: <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/full/27721707/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/full/27721707/</a> I think it is great when there are girls with round, squishy tummys. The breasts on Lugia aren't absolutely perky and point down a bit, and there is that round pudge just above the pubic bone. Muscular and tone gals are great, but round, soft dragons are under-loved! I think that the egg laying is a nice touch.


some deep blue sapphire color scales would be great and it would be interesting to see the change in a kinda anthro state a large breasted "dragongirl" that eventually turns more into a western style dragon, 4 legs 2 wings etc also im not sure if this is how your story will end up being in the end but it would be amazing if somehow the main character, (who you control their choices) also ends up able to change with their romance choice so that they both can be happy in some way or make 2 different ending where you choose to change with them or not etc. if you are going that route that will be AMAZING and cant wait for it but if the endings are still in question and such here is an idea


Human: A man with black or brown hear and a beard. He wears a red cap and the same kind of clothes as Malcom, but no kilt. Dragon: He turns into a western dragon with black or dark blue scales and should run all four.

LittleNapoleon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 21:55:36 I just want to say, GI, that in addition to the great ideas, you gave LL &amp; me a lot of good laughs with this XD
2018-12-26 01:34:55 I just want to say, GI, that in addition to the great ideas, you gave LL & me a lot of good laughs with this XD

I just want to say, GI, that in addition to the great ideas, you gave LL & me a lot of good laughs with this XD

Aaron Cardarelli

Perhaps not the spot for it but I think it would be cool to have the possibility of Malcolm being able to TF to match each of the girls. Why should they have all the fun...?


Dragon: He should have the ability to become anthro anytime he wants, and similarly change to go on all four when ever he wants as well.


Sorry can I ask you in your game gonna be impregnation and pregnancy? I mean like when mc choose his girl with who he he want to leave or maybe few girls. Its gonna be shown how they married and then its gonna be shown their future kids. Like their kids gonna be look like


The story lines are going to focus on the initial romances, but we do plan on including illustrated epilogues for each. I won't spoil anything beyond that ;)


Ok thanks for answer. Because really in the epilogue it very interesting to see the mc wedding and how his future kids gonna be look like with different furry girl

Aaron Cardarelli

I was thinking of it as an optional end-game path were he transforms to match his mate (wolf, bull, dragon, etc). Maybe with assistance or perhaps a function of his own innate power. He seems to have the ability to amplify magic through close personal contact...


that is something I suggest in my post actually that in the stories he actually turns into the male version of what they are turning into if you choose ther ight path

Sean Parker

Given this setting i'm very much a fan of a dark or sharp green color for the scales with possibly golden colored horns and maybe spikes growing out to match the blond hair color. Kinda of a transition from hair to horns that also helps Malcolm recognize the character on color palate alone. along with the scars.


All I can think is red dragon, fire breather....maybe some tattered wings or missing scales. Definitely bustier than the others, a more mature woman, maybe with an eyepatch. Or maybe something like Ballalaika from black lagoon.


I really like the idea of a persistent scar. Blues and greens would be my choice for colors, maybe blonde too. That would make her look a lot like Grace though. We already have a warm scheme, an aquatic one and earth tones, so maybe black as the primary color would be nice. A persistent color scheme would be nice too. My vote's always for digitigrade.

Art of GI

Glad to hear it! Also for an accessory I thought an eye patch might work well, those are neat and add a lot of character, plus someone here mentioned face wounds were common. Not sure if the eye can regrow though as a style choice it'd be pretty interesting, lots of great designs out there using an eye patch!