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Hey guys!  While we set up the next chapter, Marion's Chapter 3, we've been taking the opportunity to polish up the images and videos players see when they first run across Changeling Tale.  Things have come a long way since we made those first screenshots and trailer back in early 2017, and it's about time they reflect the current state of the game!  The thing is, now that the game is in full swing, we no longer have the time to make a new trailer ourselves D:

That's where you guys can come in!  We're looking for someone with digital video-making experience to make a new 2-3 minute long game trailer for us!  One that includes the latest assets and music, and gives Changeling Tale the polished, professional look it deserves.  Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?  Send us a sample of your work and a quote by DM here or in Discord!  We'd love to have your help.  Submissions will be open through Sunday Dec. 16th!

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On the subject of updates, we're proud to unveil our new logo!  We owe a big thanks to TGWonder who crafted this lovely design, a big step up from the original.  Check out how far the game's logo has come:


Current Logo:

Previous Logo Concept:

New Logo:

Love the arching effect and how the symbol echoes the curvature of the C.  Nice job, Wonder!

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Hope you all are enjoying the new release!  Next week, once everyone has had a chance to play the build, we'll have a poll to see which chapter we do after Marion's Chapter 3.  And again, if you have any thoughts, feedback, or bug reports, give us a shout here or on Discord!  Thanks everyone!




That is seriously a great logo wow


WONDA! >:V was busy drawing that Logo instead of a Lago(morph). Looks really nice though.

Tmothy B. Ross

The new logo looks great. Looking forward to the new chapters that will be released in 2019.


I don't know if I am qualified but I know my things when editing stuff and such, so I would love to try it, where do I send you my stuff?


Awesome! You can send things to littlenapoleon0@gmail.com, or reach out to Little Napoleon #2921 on Discord. Thanks!


Sent you an email to your Gmail account.