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UPDATE- TF Theme Poll is live! 


It's official!  The Relationship Type results are in, and M/F won over F/F by just 1 vote @_@  I never would have guessed the race would be so tight.  The full results are attached-- thanks to everyone who participated!

Next up we're deciding what TF Themes will be involved with the Patron-Decided Romance.

What sort of TF Themes would you like to see in the Patron-Decided Romance story line?

  • What do we mean by "themes?" Well, they can mean anything that characterizes the TF element of the story line!  Examples could include TG-TF, Feral TF, Instinct, Eggs, Multibreast, etc.  Be creative, and try to keep the themes broad to make them easy to apply to a variety of character concepts!
  • These themes can apply to either Malcolm or the new romantic interest (or both!). 

Give us your ideas in the comments below!  We'll take the ones that are popular and/or good story fits and build a poll with them next week.  Looking forward to hearing what you all come up with!



Ngrasta (edited)

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2021-09-06 19:46:30 I'm a huge fan of tf induced 'going into heat' >///>
2018-09-16 01:22:52 I'm a huge fan of tf induced 'going into heat' >///>

I'm a huge fan of tf induced 'going into heat' >///>


Feral to Anthro TF. There is not enough of that.


Eggs, definitely eggs.




Let's select most of them all! How about they both TG-TF, and go Feral TF with Instinct and Eggs!


tg -tf would be interesting, be interesting to see malchom become a sea monster anthro girl like grace at one point.


Actually like that idea. It would fit for either fox or dragon TF stories, and there are many stories that do involve them turning into human for love and mischief.


Say here's an idea! What if this character has a reverse roll? What if the new character seeks love in order to change back into their human form, but doesn't want to be human anymore? (Dragon). She will be something like Norse Valkyrie in appearance and behavior. Make her firebreath while getting drunk and likes warriors and soldiers alike. Making her older and wiser than her appearance, but vain and proud all the same. Imagine a winged armored lady just walk into a bar one day, everybody is just gazing at her, but she only looks at our hero and that's how we begin. She lays unfertilized eggs too!


tg tf, human to feral and multibreast would all be incredible!


As for the Fox, she's kitsune from the ninetails story, not from Naruto, were this is a continuation of the original story: <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_spirit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_spirit</a> the fox disguised herself as a woman to be with the human she fell in love with, but was discovered of her true self, and had to flee further West to avoid being killed. This story is how she finds this village and tries to settle here, far from the ninetails homeland, saying that there are many of her kind like her, except that she's a special case. Now our hero will find out about it, and will try to accept her in all forms, though she was feral by birth. She can also help others with their TF, and be friendly towards them, making a harem route possible with her. A very challenging story route for them. Make her a magical witch too to make her even more interesting! Multibreasts would be just the perfect touch!


TF induced by kissing, maybe one of them lays some eggs XD

Anonymous (edited)

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2021-09-06 19:46:29 I'd love to see a size growth tf. What size could be decided upon, but I personally think I giant roamance would be adorable! &lt;3
2018-09-16 01:50:07 I'd love to see a size growth tf. What size could be decided upon, but I personally think I giant roamance would be adorable! <3

I'd love to see a size growth tf. What size could be decided upon, but I personally think I giant roamance would be adorable! <3


I'm always a fan of tgtf along with feral! Identity loss is always fun too


TGTF has to be a staple!


Lactation or Eggs (depending on tf)


Instincts would be fun flavor. Unable to help a tail wag when happy, purring, or a sudden taste for red meat, etc. On the more adult side, how about heat/estrus? Also, if we have a cowgirl, I feel like some lactation play should be on the list perhaps.


I think the cow has lactation in the story. Nice to have another character with it though!


While paw/feet could be an interesting idea, I'm more into feral, but that's just me. Anthro TF can work great as well for Malcolm and our new character.

Fr0g (edited)

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2021-09-06 19:46:29 Male-human, female-human --&gt; dragon, dragon lays eggs. Keep it simple stupid. You guys already do normal TFs exceptionally well. Just do what already works but with a twist. There will always be another game with the amount of support the game already has. Save the more exotic stuff for the next game. Or not. That's just my two cents.
2018-09-16 02:20:23 Male-human, female-human --> dragon, dragon lays eggs. Keep it simple stupid. You guys already do normal TFs exceptionally well. Just do what already works but with a twist. There will always be another game with the amount of support the game already has. Save the more exotic stuff for the next game. Or not. That's just my two cents.

Male-human, female-human --> dragon, dragon lays eggs. Keep it simple stupid. You guys already do normal TFs exceptionally well. Just do what already works but with a twist. There will always be another game with the amount of support the game already has. Save the more exotic stuff for the next game. Or not. That's just my two cents.


Although I will admit that Malcolm becoming a girl could be fun. I'm still sticking with what I said above.

Sam wolf (edited)

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2021-09-06 19:46:29 TG-TF! I wanna see Malcolm become a girl &gt;_&gt;
2018-09-16 02:24:07 TG-TF! I wanna see Malcolm become a girl >_>

TG-TF! I wanna see Malcolm become a girl >_>


I would love to see forced Ovipos from a Dragon TF, Though TG would also be amazing with that. Though I wouldn't mind a corrupting item, something that was locked onto someone, slowly turning them into another creature.


I would like to toss my vote in for a double TF-TG with both characters experiencing it simultaneously. That or a trigger involving alcohol induced hallucinations would be fun.


How about a Mtf/mtf wombo combo 👍


Eggs. Eggs would be so great.

Fox Face

Dragon TG-TF plus laying eggs would be great.


Public TF, like at the market with cloth ripping in the process ;) I like the idea of something "forced" the transformation. otherwise go wild.

Sean Parker

How about a semi-feral instinct transformation. Say with a dragon, but as they slowly start turning into one, the instincts bleed over into conversation, so normal instincts for a dragon start sounding good to the transforming character, but sound strange to everyone else. Like hunting for shiny stuff for a hoard or something.

Val Salia

1st person POV TF, gettin' all girly and romanced by some magical fey prince equivalent LET'S GO


I would definitely say a slow tf like marion's rather than something like jessie's....maybe some sort of experiment gone wrong? the multibreast idea sounds neat, but the species would definitely have to be put into consideration....like for fox it would make sense, not so much for avian. I'm an otter supporter but i have no idea how many nipples they have, lol


I would love to see MTF on malcom with the same sort of love induced change that is implied with the gals so far. Like everytime the romantic interest does something nice or malcom thinks about him too fondly he'd start to change. This would lead to some fun/interesting interactions with the existing female cast. Especially in conjunction with a forced tf in public. multibreast sounds delightful if the final species ends up being mammal. I'm not sure if this is outside the scope of the character but it would be fun if malcom ends up in a 3 way relationship with the new romantic interest and an existing one for some fantastic 3-way action.

Austin Judes

My vote would be a sudden TF-TG in a public place like the market but with no mental effect. The change happens quickly and suddenly and the effected are just left to deal with the fallout.


How about a British veteran moving into town to try to find some peace of mind, only to find himself transformed into an animal woman.


Tossing in for a possible Feral TF


Shrinking and imprenation with eggs are two themes I'd love to see


How about role reversal? Something involving the two character swapping characteristics and attributes, would incorporate tg into the idea naturally as well! :B


If the lead winner was Dragon, then definitely fit eggs in there. Another idea is a size difference: One could be much bigger than the other and feel a sense to protect the other, could also go towards body building. There could also be a sense of...'hoarding'. Doesn't have to be money or valuables.


M/F you say ? Malcolm the female and the new char the boy? :3 like Wat suggested above, role reverasal.


Tgtf definitely and I’d love to see a pregnancy theme. I think it’d be cool for Malcolm to undergo the change but I think I lean towards the other character being the one who transforms


So I would most definite want to see slow changes, with dragon in the lead I would like to also see some growth as it would make sense. Any of the other three wouldn't see much in the way of size change. Perhaps possessiveness with the dragon, you know the whole hoarding thing. Perhaps strong instincts becoming an issue. Having Malcolm undergo some kind of sympathetic change to match the love interest would be interesting. Also, with dragon in the lead I would like to see some flying time.

Isac Arellano

Slow feral T/F with growth going either way involved for both and maybe some humiliation tied in for fun :p


This may not fit all the possible tfs but maybe have as an element of the tf, one of the characters going into heat. Also I've seen people mention growth but what about weight gain. A chubby otter or dragon would be nice. And lastly diet change maybe, in terms of what they crave. Also is avian still a possibility or is it just the top 3?


i second humiliation, it's my favorite element of tfs


Chubby otter weight gain definitely would also not say no to some multibreasts on any of the tfs


Size change, and multibreast would definitely go well. Perhaps even some hypno? Seeing as it's dragons involved, why not...

Edward Dubois

It would be fun if a TF could progress as a consequence of how heated the relationship gets (something we've already sort of seen with the MacLeod girls going through their changes as they get closer to the protagonist). But yeah, something along the lines of the protagonist himself undergoing a change while he's making out with one of the new girls. With options to keep going because it feels good even if it is weird, or backing off to slow down the TF.


TGTF with pregnancy

James Parsons

I'm not sure if this would count as a TF theme. I'd like the TF to be the result of an accident. Slow burning at first, to give Malcolm time august and for the Romance to slow Malcolm the benefits of his/her new form. All so that Malcolm's acceptance of this new life feels natural.


To many to count for me, but would go with TG-TF, feral, eggs (dragon?). Multibreast would fit on Canine or Feline like Anthros or Ferals.


tftg feral sounds lovely


being one to get changed into a female as the more they change the more eggs they need to lay, once they are fully in their form they will lay clutches of eggs, they only start laying eggs once they are fully female but they wont become a dragoness immediately.


multibreasts are always fun on anything where they would make sense, I personally hope for a pregnancy route, *possibly with extras growing* on all the girls ^^ maybe extreme size difference either direction? I've seen some fun things with humans and mouse sized characters, *it always fit no matter how small, must be furry logic* so a very tiny otter or fox girlfriend would be cute, anthro or feral would be fine I think. Shrinking situations involved might be fun to see. Or the other direction and a really massive dragoness might make for some interesting stuff, even possible accidental unbirth etc. *giggles* teeny dragoness, or really gigantic otter sounds adorable too. haha!


Although not the biggest feral fan, tg-tf would be fantastic! I also love the idea of size difference. lil otter boi/girl. with multibreast! Maybe Malcolm would also turn into the species that got second in the final vote maybe?


Also maybe product of an accident? Like an experiment or cursed jewelry or something. Or maybe you find some kind of little statue or idol together, then your tfs would be synced over the long process


I have various ideas, but the pregnancy route that Guardianslade says is also good! After that Malcolm drinks cow's Marion milk and TG-TF to something ... By the way, are Malcolm transformed beyond deer? Although I am sorry, I am able to understand a part because I am using a translation site, but it may be misinterpretted because there is no accuracy for some translation sites.

Drek the Bat

Loving the suggestions so far, but I'm gonna suggest some things that haven't been suggested yet: Pet - Malcolm (or the interest) takes on a pet role, so they need attention, food, and that type of affection etc Mental shift - to happen before or after the physical change Burdensome superability to make decision difficult - take this how you will, but, say, the Romantic interest becomes a dragon that lives forever, and the player must decide if they want to stay with this being despite the fact one (or both) of them would live longer than anyone else they will ever know. Just thoughts :)


Another idea, if malcom undergoes the tg, then perhaps the multibreast happens before the animal part of the transformation so we could have scenes where he gets help hiding his extra assets....

Art of GI

Suggesting late so won't get any up votes (RIP) however it'd be neat to see Malcolm become a Doe eyed lass just in time for a Foxy bartender who'll act like a true Scott and help with the change. That idea aside MtF Malcolm would be a cute Doe, FtM TGTF for the new character would be neat. Specifics like multiboob or eggs would depend on the race. It'd be nice if the fan romance is a bit different than the others, I like the slow onset TF like in Marions, if it were a dragon ancient feral durgon from fae village that gets to like Malcolm and TFs to antro would be an interesting inversion to the story. Considering how hurt Malcolm is from the great war, it'd be an interesting choice if he rejected humanity and decided to stay in the fae village and end up a monster girl mommy. Still whatever you might say when deciding who to lay choose the one with booze at the end of the day.


I also like the idea of a mtf malcom tf/tg along the tg happens first as well.


Why is everyone so interested in having Malcolm becoming a female for? What's with this obsessive them of T/G?


Gender shifting is a pretty popular subject, it's already going to be in the game in at least one romance, and a lot of our fans are from our personal works which feature it a bit :V


Regarding avian, we'll see how many ideas we can come up with that are good fits for the game! At least 3, 4 if we can.


will there be endings with more than one girl? Or maybe even a harem type ending?


I believe they said that there wouldn't be a harem type ending outside of a possible gag ending they sneak into the game.


Shorewood's right-- we're not planning on any harem endings with this game, except as easter eggs ^^;


I see. Thanks. Love it so far. Hope you there will be some endings with Malcolm having children with one of them. I can already see Grace with a nest of eggs... or do nessies give birth to live offspring? Can't wait to see her transform (hope it will be a gradual TF like Marion.) Anyway, looking forward to the next alpha release.


Would love to see them get a little too into it and have instincts seep in, followed by a regression to feral.


Would make for a heck of an easter egg though!