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Hello Beta Testers!

Today we have a new build for you to try out if you like, which we've been calling the "Animation Update." It's more than just animation though! In addition to animating all remaining backgrounds (and all but a few cg scenes), we've added three big new features - an Experiences page, Achievements & Cheat Codes - as well as some minor new content and lots of general polish.  The full changelog is attached!

Windows Download 

Macintosh Download 

Linux Download 

If you're mainly interested in new story content, feel free to pass on this build until Grace's Chapter 2 comes out next. But if there are any brave souls who want to try the new systems, we would love your feedback! Things to keep an eye on include:

  • The looping background animations
  • Cheat code functionality
  • Achievements firing and unlocking (and not double-firing)
  • Scene replays in the "Experiences" page working and smoothly transitioning

Of course anything is fair game, so for those of you who do play it, let us know if you spot any problems, and/or what you think about the new features!  We'll do our best to fix any bugs and target releasing this to the rest of the group in a week.

I'll be sending along info on how to access the cheat, and what it does, under separate cover tomorrow.

Happy gaming everyone, and thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your support!



i can't download it :/


Uh oh! Here's a link to the PC version- does this one work? <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/f371gowscxbuuf0/ChangelingTale-0.3.3-pc.zip?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/f371gowscxbuuf0/ChangelingTale-0.3.3-pc.zip?dl=0</a>