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We did it!!!  We met the last funding goal, a Patron-Decided Romance!  That means you guys will help us invent a character from the ground up, who you will get to romance in the game!  Pretty exciting, huh?

This character most likely will fit best in the second part of the Changeling Tale story, but we'll want to figure out how this new romance fits in sooner than later so we can start planning the story around him or her.  We'll start the ball rolling soon, so keep an eye out for polls asking for your input!  Thanks for making it happen!!!

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In other news, we're putting the final touches on our Animation Update, a taste of which is above ^^  All the backgrounds are now moving and there is a small amount of new content to improve story pacing and continuity, along with a whole bunch of small tweaks and polish.  If folks want to take the new assets for a spin, the build should be ready for release to the Beta Tester Tier in the next week or two!

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Finally - and the original thrust of this post before I found out we met the funding goal - a huge thank you to all of you who participated in our survey!  A quarter of you responded, and it's been enormously insightful. We'll leave the survey open a bit longer for newcomers, but in the meantime, here's a summary of the results:

Patreon Section

  • Most of you found us from an art gallery website, and mainly FurAffinity.  About 11% of you found us through TFGamesSite.com, though, so we'll make sure we keep that site up to date with the latest CT news!
  • Folks pledged mainly for the in-process and end product game builds, as well as access to the NSFW posts.  Most are happy with the rewards, and would just like to see builds released more often (we'll do our best!)
  • The response to the content and rate of Patreon posts, and our engagement with patrons, was mostly positive.  People like to see sneak peeks of assets, and, to our surprise development insight, so I will try to post more about what work goes on behind the scenes!
  • Patrons are evenly split on viewing spoiler content, so I will try to figure out a way to share the more spoiler-y sneak peeks in a way that can be hidden for those who don't wish to view them.

Game Section

  • The game is headed in the right direction overall - folks especially appreciate the quality of the art (thanks!).
  • Folks are excited to see more transformation and get more detail on how it feels, etc.  We got a lot of great feedback here in the suggestions section! We'll make sure Grace goes into plenty of detail in her upcoming chapter, as well as have Malcolm present for the transformations themselves!
  • People are split on the inclusion of minigames. Most folks like the idea of minigames, but a slight majority prefer they be optional or avoided entirely.  Based on that, we'll definitely try to include more minigames, but as optional easter eggs only.

Discord Section

  • A little over a third of you are on the project Discord Server.
  • Separate channels for General Discussion, Spoilers Discussion and Feedback are preferred. We may also add a channel to pin CT-related fanart, so folks have an easy place to browse it!
  • Most folks did not feel strongly about the community, structure and use of the Discord.  This tells me that us developers could do more to generate interest in the server as a place to hang out!

Merchandise Section

  • About half of you would be interested in merchandise, of which prints and bookmarks would be in highest demand.  Based on your response, and since it's still a little early in the game's development, we will probably hold off on making merchandise widely available now. We may consider making a small run for sale at conventions, though!
  • Marion is the most popular character - but that may be because we just released her chapter ;)

If you guys have any questions or want to know more, leave a comment here or in the Discord!  And thanks a ton, everybody, for all of your support.  Can't wait to start building a character with you!




Put in the dragon lady. Problem solved! Is it done yet?


To be honest, I’d like to see you guys add the dragon girl from the April Fools post, but I have a feeling you guys didn’t just have her lying around for any old reason... Hidden character in the Fae section perhaps?


Can I get an invite to dicord again. My has expired. Pls keep up the good work. I would wish for another BIG Tf-Char. Like a Orca or Elephant (dont know how that would fit;)).


I love Marion


Haha, you know that was just a random doodle of Wat's that I inked and colored ^^; But yeah, that's definitely a possibility!


yay ^w^ that's good to hear the animation is almost here


Absolutely, here you go! <a href="https://discord.gg/Z6EUKD2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/Z6EUKD2</a> Hm... an elephant might be tough to justify for Scotland, but whales are around! I wonder if there's enough room in the loch for two sea giants? XD


Congratulations, also you’re under arrest for making that gif far too adorable, Rhoswyn, take him away!


Marion is the favorite because say it with me. Marion is best girl!!!! X3


Could always just add in Ellen &gt;///&gt;


Oh geez that cute tail wag. *clutches heart*


I would recommend a gender-bending knight of the draconic variety.


I just answer the survey. I hope I am not too late.


There's no rush, it's just a progress report, we'll probably shut it down in a week or two when the next build is out.

James Parsons

I'm having trouble accessing the "Project Discussion" chat more on Discord. You know for awhile there. i thought we'd never make it to the finale funding goal! So glad I was wrong. :D I had this idea for a character in the game who is basically Arthur Weasley(Ron's dad) from "Harry Potter" meets Maurice(Belle's dad) from "Disney's Beauty and the Beast". A Fae who is absolutely fascinated with the inventions and machines of humanity. He/she loves learning how they work and even experimenting on them with Fea magic to crate something new. Often with explosive results. :D


"Project Discussion" is the developer voice chat channel that myself and LN use to communicate project stuff with each other. There's almost never anyone in it, and it's only for voice communications, sorry if that's confusing!


And your idea sounds really neat, I wonder if this mechanically inclined fae would create some sort of treaded vehicle in their experiments... :V Even if it's just a small scale model.. Would certainly be fun to design and draw this tank-like thing...

James Parsons

Thank you. I first had this character idea for the "Fae Villager", but scraped it because the i couldn't buy a $100 a mouth. I was never really sure about what race of Fea this character would be, because I know next to nothing about Scottish mythology. Recently I've been thinking maybe some kind of gremlin or goblin, but like the idea of a hybrid beast. Something like a gryphon, hippogriff, or a chimera. I think it fits with the idea of taking two or more different things and making some new with them. :D


I'm a great fan of deer Malcolm! I want him to transform again!


Nice idea! We've been talking about the curiosity/researcher motif quite a bit as something that's missing from the current game and would be a good fit, so we're definitely open to something along those lines!

James Parsons

Great! :D I've been thinking that we know next to nothing about Malcolm's service during the war. What if he picked-up some mechanic skills during that time? It might be a good way for him and this character to connect. Aside from the fact that he is a human and he/she is a big fan of their work! :D Imagine this character to be something of an outcast, with most other fea seeing him/her as insane and/or a danger to society. Only a few others call him/her friend. Despite his/her explosive failures and the hardships. He/her maintains a positive attitude because "from the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success"! :D


Will there be a vote for the patreons for the extra romance goal that was just met?


Several votes and feedback posts, but first we have a build to get out and then we have to figure out how we're going to start :B

Aaron Cardarelli

I'm always a sucker for dragons :). I do keep wondering if there is more to Hazel... like a horse lady in the future? She does have that mysterious unknown background.

Zerion Magna

A question for the team, are you guys ever intending to sell your game (in the future) through the Steam platform?


Thank you for the updates on what you've been up to.


I recall that a tg section/ending for Malcom is planned, does he have a male romantic interest/fling already planned or could the new romantic interest be used to fill that niche?


We do have one planned, yes, but that doesn't prohibit the Patron-Decided Romance from filling a similar role!


So, I noticed that the money has dropped back below the goal on the front page. Does that effect anything?


Just a quick question. So far, how many characters have 'stuff' ? I know about Wolf Lady and Cow Lady, and I think Mermaid? Lady... But, it seems there 'might' be at least 2 others ?


Yeah, Patreon had a major crisis this month due to a bank change, causing a huge number of pledges to be declined by credit card companies. Don't worry, we're still treating the funding goal as met!


I meant ''currently implemented for the 2 chapters''. Like, I'm guessing the horse (with that obvious horse-charm) might be a transformed Lady, and there's Bunny? Lady... is there 'content' for them, right now ?


Ah, gotcha! So far we've completed all three MacLeod girls' chapter 1's, and Jessie & Marion's chapter 2. We haven't gotten to anyone else's specific chapters yet. Grace's chapter 2 is up next!