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Hey guys!  Going through the latest draft build, it struck us that we could make one of the scenes have a little more pizazz, and we wanted to open it up to you guys for input!

So here's the scene:

You've just gotten your farmgirl neighbor a lovely little silver cowbell trinket from the market.  You decide you will visit her home to give her the gift, and find her doing the laundry outside.  How do you present the gift to her?   (you've had time to prepare!)

Let us know your ideas!  If one jumps out, we just might use it :D

Update: We were to able to incorporate several of your ideas to make for what (we think) turned out to be a really cute scene!  We hope you'll like it too.  Thank you so much, guys!



I love my neighbor so I'd make my way over and give her a hug, hiding the cowbell which I attach to a string and tie around her neck as we're hugging.

Keatan Royce

Distract Marion and hide the cowbell in the laundry basket so she finds it when she returns

Isac Arellano

malcolm chimes/rings the bell causing marione to investigate where the sound is coming from and surprises her in the barn with the bell as a necklace and places it around her neck "endearing moment"


Ring the bell and have her guess what it is


Talk to her as you get to marion asking how the laundry work is for marion and later tell that you have a gift that malcom found at the market and present her the bell.


I would hold onto that necklace until just the right moment presented itself, but then I'd forget and miss the right moment and I'd have to wait for the perfectly wrong moment - such as right after she awkwardly turned into a cow girl. "So uh, this probably isn't the right time, but I got you this after we milked a cow together..." ... "I swear I bought it before I found out you were a cow.."


I like the idea of Malcolm being super shy while he tells Marion he has a gift for her. Marion teases him and asks if he'll model the Bell for her.

Tmothy B. Ross

Be thoughtful, but a little nervous. Maybe have an option before visiting Marion where Malcolm starts to second guess himself on his choice of gift.


Perhaps he finds her doing the laundry when shes putting it up to dry, and the look of the poor tired girl makes me want to surprise her even more so tell her to take a break and lay on one of the picnic blankets and when shes laying there asleep after you finish you put it on her and ring it to try and wake her up.


Depends kinda if he wants to be present when she finds it. I certainly agree with hiding it in the laundry basket like overall, but she might not even find it while he is there. Or he could just go super fancy put it in a little ornate box and give it to her from behind his back. If he didn't mind not being there when she found it, he could sneak in her room and put it on her pillow lol


Might as well put this here too: My thought: Malcom asks Marion to close her eyes so he can tie it around her neck, as he leans in to put it on her, a jealous horse or cat/bird jumps him causing him to fall over, sending him and Marion into the laundry water and creating a mess. Or just leave out the silly part if you’re looking for a more romantic tone.


You know, I just had another very random extra idea, where she has started to grow an udder, or maybe very slight other features that are easy to hide. Maybe tail? Ears? Horns? She is hiding them, and malcom does not know yet. So he presents it to her saying he thought she might enjoy it. She is like "How did you know?!" *referring to her changes* he says something silly like "I've always known" referring to her likes of cows. And eventually she flat out shows him, cause she thinks he already knows, which surprises him. You can totally see where it's going from there. Could be a good lead in?

Reginald Trout

hmm.. I think there have been quite a few good suggestions. Perhaps Malcolm could be indecisive upon buying the necklace and Balgair would happen to be in the area and you could ask his opinion. A silver bell..that sounds like a plot point to me.

Reginald Trout

Makes me think, maybe she could misunderstand the little ornate box as somthing else and think Malcolme is going abit too fast.


We were able to integrate a few of the ideas and did indeed manage to squeeze in some animal-related comedy! ;) Thanks Zod!


it will be interesting to see which suggestions you went with. I have been dying to see Marion's TF since the game was announced.


We grabbed a few people's ideas here, and mixed them together-- there's even a hidden easter egg, too, if you guys can find it :3