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Patch Release

We've made a patch that fixes a few bugs in last week's release!  If you've already played through, feel free to skip this one—but we did add an Easter Egg for the completionists among you!  The full change log is attached.  Thanks for playing!

> >  Download the Patch from Itch.io Here < <

Year in Review

With new people following, and 2017 behind us, it feels like a good time to review what we've accomplished so far and what's in store!  It was right around this time last year that I started creating everything to pitch this wild idea of a game to you guys (including my wife, who had never heard of Visual Novels).  We publicly  announced the project in February, and I never imagined it would take  off the way it did!  Thanks to you, we were able to put together a  talented team and create a really strong foundation: a Trailer to tease  at what's to come, a Demo to show what kind of game it would be, a custom GUI with loads of extras, and lots—I mean lots—of assets!

  • 11 character Sprites (194 variations)
  • 17 painted Backgrounds of unique locations (49 variations)
  • 11 full Scenes (26 variations)
  • 79 "Frame" scene elements
  • 13 original Songs
  • 62 Sound Effects procured and balanced

With all that now in the library, this year we're able to shift from a  foundation focus to a chapter production focus.  We're coding the second  half of Chapter 1 now, and to let our authors keep out in front, we  just released a poll asking you which girl's story line we should continue fleshing out next!  Be sure to vote if you are in the voting tier!

2018 Plans

So, when will the game be done? Ah, the big question.

At this point I estimate the -whole- game will be finished in late 2019 (depending on funding goals met). 

When I conceptualized this project I created a fancy Gantt chart that  showed how we could finish Changeling Tale by mid-2018.  Poor, naive 2016 LN.  We  promptly sailed past 8 funding goals, and while making the Demo &  Alpha I found out just how much effort a game of this scope takes, even with working on it full time and a team to help.  Please know that all of the CT team appreciates your ongoing support—we absolutely could not do this without you!

For 2018, we'll be releasing story segments as they are finished!  2016 LN also didn't realize that anyone would want to play in-progress versions of the game.  So, starting with last week's release, instead of having to wait for the game's completion, we're excited to roll out game segments to you more quickly as they are finished, along with the usual new content and weekly updates.  And we'll be  soliciting your input along the way!  (So go vote on that poll!)

Have any comments, questions or suggestions about game progress or the new release?  Please leave a comment below, send us a message, or give us a  shout in Discord!  We love hearing from you!  And thank you all again from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us in 2017, and as we keep the Changeling Tale party going into the new year!


James Parsons

Definitely come a long way. I'm truly grateful for the extended time it will take to complete the game. That gives us more time to reach the next two funding goals. I really want to reach the "Limited Animated Effects" goal. From what I've seen, that will be amazing to have in CT. Plus, I wouldn't mind reaching the "Patron Funded Romantic Interest" goal. I'm personally hoping to charm another inhabitant of the Fae world, because most of the love interest are found in the human world, and it might mean another transformation for Malcolm. :D


Thank you for the update and continuing communication. These game roll outs almost feel like weekly episodes. "Tune in next week. . .!" ^_^

Reginald Trout

Very wonderful work so far, and fantastic music. Keep up the good work. This might be the wrong place for this, but if I could make a suggestion. When the game is finally released there may be some viewers who don't bother to look at the options menu. Perhaps a prompt when clicking on New game saying "would you like to toggle mature content" or just a pop up message "here be dragons, see options menu".


I'm curious to know about the decision to choose Jessie's love story as the first demo. If that hasn't been answered already.


We felt the second chapter of Jessie's story made a good cross-section of what the game has to offer, mainly, and gave a good demonstration of the overall tone of the game ^^