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Hi all!

It's been a week since we released the demo, and we have been thrilled with all the positive responses it has been getting!  Now that most of you have had a chance to play it, we were hoping to hear your thoughts with this quick 5 minute survey.

The first part is about the Patreon release schedule (you can answer these even if you haven't played the demo!), and the second part is about some specific elements of the game itself.

All survey responses are anonymous, so be honest and let us know how we are doing!

Thank you so much for your support!

(P.S.- If you have already let us know your game feedback on Discord or in the comments, we appreciate it!  We've recorded everything we've received in a list, so don't feel obligated to rewrite it ; )  However, you may still want to check out the survey, since there are some important questions in there that will help direct the next build of the game!)


Patron Feedback Survey

Thank you for supporting Changeling Tale! We are always excited to share our progress, but also understand if you just prefer updates at major milestones. How frequently would you like updates?



I took the survey, do I get a "I voted on changeling tale pin" somewhere? :D


voted, do I get dork status now :V


I voted but uhh was surprisingly neutral for most of the question sorry if it doesn't help


Haha, that's fine! That just means things are already pretty well balanced! Thanks a ton ^^


I voted


You get a tail! You get tail! She gets a tail! EVERYONE GETS A TAIL!


You didn't have a 6 on your 1-5 for more tf. 0/10


I took your survey but was disappointed by the lack of George Wendt or George Wendt eating beans.


Hah, we couldn't afford the royalties it would cost us to use his likeness XD Maybe we could make it a funding goal!