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Without further ado, here it is: your Changeling Tale Demo!  Find the zip file (for PC) attached.

Note that this build is currently NSFW only.  We will be introducing the SFW toggle mechanic, as well as chapter navigation, achievements and an in-game gallery, soon in an upcoming build.  In the meantime don't forget that you can save anywhere in the story!  It comes in handy when you want to explore the different branching dialogue paths.

Enjoy, and please let us know how you like it in the comments below!  Also, if you encounter any issues, feel free to comment and we will help as best we can.





This game is amazing! :B


awsom work finished demo cant w8 for full game.


Any chances of getting a linux build?


My understanding is that there should be a linux build, but he might need to figure out how to compile it for linux before he can guarantee anything.

Lord Zero 1606

Great Demo, looks even better than imagined. You guys did a great job so far.


<a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/3o85xqFlS9BU7S3jby/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/3o85xqFlS9BU7S3jby/giphy.gif</a>


Really loved it so far. cant wait for full Game release


Congratulations! You're officially 3% complete!

Austin Judes

Awesome is there any plan for a android/IOS build?

Mr Nibz

Congrats! And its a very nice start :D Can't wait for the full game!

Bradley The Blue Fox

Truly spectacular!!! I was with Malcolm the whole way, I truly felt the tension and the love between them. I can't wait to see what else happens!


That was quite amazing. Looking forward to the rest.


I'm debating whether I should try it out now, or wait later for the full game for more surprises?


I'm not sure how well it works since I don't have a Linux machine myself, but here is a Linux build that you can try! Let us know how well it works for you! <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/jm4zaa8bwln4h1x/ChangelingTaleDemo-1.0-linux.tar.bz2?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/jm4zaa8bwln4h1x/ChangelingTaleDemo-1.0-linux.tar.bz2?dl=0</a>


Thanks! We'll have a post about the release schedule next weekend once people have had a chance to play the demo!


The game engine I'm using, Ren'Py, has a function for mobile builds but does not guarantee all of the elements will necessarily work. It's definitely worth trying though!


There's lots of work ahead of us, but all this encouragement is just making us itch to see it through too!


Totally up to you! There are definitely a fair number of spoilers in it, but on the flip side, the full game is many months away, yet!


Loved how the story played out and now I want more!


The portion that is present is fairly melancholy in tone. A sweet, yet sad story. I think it is worth playing to even get a taste of the caliber in storytelling here.


quick question whats the file size? i got some bad mountain internet


Amazing work! The! Hopefully in the next demo batch we'll get to see more on Marion. Happy to patreon an awesome project! 😁


Really great! It definitely left me wanting more.


Fantastic work and two transformed paws up for a great job. Excited for the main build. ^^


I think we will leave this section as the "demo" since it is a good cross-section of what the game has to offer, but we're considering releasing some builds in advance of the final game, if people are receptive to the idea. Look for a Patreon post about it soon!

Little Librarian

What a great game! I can't wait to play it again and again!

Rye black

Awesome Demo! I had high hopes and it was better than that so awesome job! Now my only problem is that I want more! But I'm glad I still don't know anything about Marion's playthrough I got a funny feeling she will be my favorite because of her personality and that I'm a cattle farmer for a living haha. I can wait to dig into her story with the full Game!

Lord Zero 1606

I really would love to see the character be present during the first transformation of one of the girls. It would make an even stronger impact than watching your loved one transform back. Sadly it would also remove some mystery but I guess that would be a worthy price to pay.


Woooo, go team Marion! Thank you so much - I was biting my nails on release, so comments like this are super-encouraging (and an enormous relief XP)!


Well I must say that it was an incredibly good demo and even very tense in many spots, the music is great and the backgrounds and art are fantastic! I will say though, there is one thing that seems to stick out, that also might just be me. The writing while extremely good for the most part, in conversations and such it is really good, seems to snag when it's Malcolm on his lonesome. I feel the use of the term "I" especially to start him doing something *almost everything solo* is far over used since it happens many times in a row at the beginning of a sentence. Also the use of "I" makes me feel like it isn't me playing at all, since Malcolm does what he wants. Like if it's him telling the story, then why am I making a choice anywhere at all! *laughs* That is ok, but if he is going to do it, then he should just do it. So in a way it feels misplaced for some reason. *At least to me* Since we already know it is him doing whatever as he is the only person present. The rest is great though! So do not let me dishearten, I figured it would just be something to think about.


Also sorry for the block of text, is silly it didn't separate paragraphs. I hate reading stuff when that happens. lol


Is this done differently in other visual novels?


I'm not really sure honestly? Really most visual novels I would think are translations of Japanese to English, and probably aren't even correct. It just depends on how you want the plot to flow. But the repetition like *these are just examples* "I went to the window." "I looked inside." "I could see Jessie sitting upon the bed" "I wanted to go to her but I was hesitant" Just the many times in a row sounds odd.. does it not? Maybe it could be, Sauntering up to the window I looked inside. There upon the bed was my love Jessie. How my heart wanted to be with her, but hesitation gripped me. etc. I'm not an English major or anything, it's just my thoughts


Thanks for the feedback! We'll definitely keep a close eye on it to make sure we don't overuse the same sentence structure over and over!


Dis music tho

Jennifer Friedl

Loved the demo but was left sad by my current outcome in chapter 2. Look very forward to delving deeper into the characters and to being a bigger part of the story. Loved the music and the content of the storytelling. Hope for slightly more interaction? But very pleased with our sneak peak :D

Kyera Angelus

Just finish the demo. The music and the writing, along side with the beautiful artwork... everything just pulled on my heart strings towards the end. If this is just a small piece of the pie, I'm certainly looking forward to the full thing. Once the money is in my hands, you'll find yourself with another backer.


Make sure you get both endings! Well, one's not really an ending, but it's as far as the demo goes, and it leaves off on a much happier note than the other one ^^; And thank you so much! We'll definitely include more interaction going forward ;)

Jennifer Friedl

Finally had the chance to get the second ending! It was super cute and I loved it :D

Eduardo Valenzuela Gutiérrez

I looooove it! I gotta say, it gave me shivers all the way to the end, and your art is fantastic as always. Please keep it up! I can't wait to see more ;)


Thank you so, so much!!! We'll have an update to the demo out tonight with all sorts of new features and a new look, too :) Enjoy!