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Changeling Tale doesn't stop at the transformations; it's as much about learning to live with them and what happens next.  Now that you've had a chance to read through the MacLeod's bio's and have a taste of what's in store with some of the game's romance options, we wanted to give you a chance to throw out some neat ideas on what this might entail.

You're living on a remote Scottish farm with one of your newly transformed girlfriends.  How do you picture a day-in-the-life?  What sorts of funny or compelling scenarios might crop up?

Have fun with this one! :3


Bradley The Blue Fox

Eeesh that's super duper hard!!! I love them all!!! So I'll just keep it general. I love the idea of (if they're struggling with their form) helping them cope with it and consoling them. If they are down then I wouldn't mind trying out their new abilities and having some nice cuddles, maybe helping them with work


Getting dreesed and having clothing get caught up in fur, needing to be brushed, food choices changing


For Jessie: You relax on the couch and Jessie flops backwards her head in your lap. You tenderly brush her cheek and absently scratch her belly. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Jessie's foot shakes spastically at your scratches. You freeze. She freezes. You are surprised. She is surprised. You grin. She frowns. "I will eat your face if youuuuUUUOOOOOH-" You figure if you keep scratching she can't make good on her promise. Either way, completely worth it.


Being a crazed nymphomaniac you can work out what would happen during 75% of the time I spend with them. But for the remaining 25% probably just adopt some sort of cute BDSM relationship because pet play in a literal sense. My preference for the girl involved would be Grace.

Austin Judes

I can only imagine the doorway issues Grace's new size would cause.


[Waking up one morning and checking the fridge] "Aw man, we're out of milk." [Turn around and see Marion transformed.] "Oh, guess not anymore."


I feel like you might need to learn how to swim if you romanced Grace :V Also, I'd imagine Marion would require regular milking... I wonder if Jessie could slow dance as a woof V:


Marion disappearing occassionally for a nice moment of grazing, maybe?


A case of moo'staken identity: One morning a cow wanders up to the house, and you freak out thinking that Marion transformed all the way. In the middle of your frantic attempts to communicate with it the real Marion comes up. Lots of potential in THAT conversation tree.

Paul Revere

I imagine Jessie would be quite like resistant to being a woof, doing her best to hide her changes with her clothing choices and hating the little behavioral ticks. Much like Karen probably XD

Xylophone (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:49:11 Grace with her new size & flippers probably can't read/write anymore. Maybe you can offer her a helping hand?
2017-05-28 19:24:41 Grace with her new size & flippers probably can't read/write anymore. Maybe you can offer her a helping hand?

Grace with her new size & flippers probably can't read/write anymore. Maybe you can offer her a helping hand?


I hadn't thought about whether or not Malcolm could swim - nice idea! And maybe not slow dance, but Jessie can do a mean Charleston.


Werewolfism would make it hard to be a modern girl and make it big in the city, wouldn't it?


You probably have no choice but to listen to the 8ft tall cetacean. There's got to be a $3.50 joke somewhere in there.

Austin Judes

How bout Jessie going to grab a snack in the kitchen only to grab a piece of raw meat without realizing it.

Mr Nibz

This being 1919 all the women will probably cook for Malcom. I imagine the meals they present will evolve with time.

Mr Nibz

In the same vein, Marion catches you ordering a steak in the pub...

Mr Nibz

With Grace's size she could wreck a building or at least a fruit cart. Cue villagers hunting the lake monster...


Becoming a personal masseuse for daily paw, udder, belly, large behind and breast rubs. Trying to keep tourists away from taking pictures of growing Grace, since they think she is something else. Jessie wanting walkies, and having to let "her out" each morning, as well as trying to keep her from chasing the bobby. Giving each a bath, grace with a big scrub brush and hose. And of course fulfilling each ones sexual desires as their heat comes in. Actually having to shoo other animals away from them might become a thing too.


I would think that due to the transformation whom ever they are with over time might change as well. be it sexual fluids or just some kinda love magic over time, whoever they are with would become like them.

James Parsons

What about Malcolm's changes? In the Fea World Ark, Malcolm will have to deal with not only adapting to life in a strange new world, but also his own transformations into a fea and possibly a female one at that. The ways of the fea are bound to confuse him and cause all kinds of misunderstandings. Like knowing what foods he can eat and what foods are deadly to humans and/or the fea race he is becoming. Not to mention a lot of the other problems that come with a change of race and/or gender. He'll need a guild and a caretaker to help Malcolm learn the rules and deal with his transformations.


You're too good at this whole pun thing you know hehe. I also saw that sneaky "what would crop up" when the setting is a farm. But don't underestimate what a femdom can do ,50 shades is child's play lmao.

Paul Revere

Yea, especially when your werewolf tail keeps lifting up the back of your flapper dress. :p

Mephia Keibin

Amusingly enough, it's actually come up among casual conversation with some friends. "So... what'd you think'd happen if you had .. well, furries or mythological creatures around in the world? Like. If you were a dragon, you'd have people with buckets and stuff following you and going 'Yay! Dragon Scales!' when it's just some dandruff or some shed pieces of 'armor.' Or, being on a bus with a gryphon, and the first thing he says is: "... can'y you fly?" or: "It's a BUS in the city. Dude's cramping the place." let along with those with huge tails/legs, like Nagas or centaurs.


This would be an interesting consequence of more, intimate relations with the love interests.


I think it would be interesting because you would have a a relationship and if you were really willing to love somebody and i mean love who they are not what they are you would do what it takes to be with them. so the changes would be welcomed to bring a bond that would bring them closer. you would really get to find out if somebody wants to be with you or not. and it would be interesting because it might be something slow and interesting to experiment with. visual. like they might be half changed and want to see if they can feel it change while they were close. so it is something that happens together.


I'm gonna focus on the girls below, but Malcolm would obviously have a major role as initiator and arbitrator since he's the player character. Just assume he's present at all of these things. Marion's complacency puts her at risk of fading into the backdrop and becoming a part of the farm, oblivious to everything else. She needs her sisters to pull her away from things and show her more to life than the farm. Jessie could take her shopping as she quickly grows out of her clothes; To town celebrations to loosen up and express herself a little. Grace seems to be the most introspective one, and can go on walks with Marion to give her a chance to really think about who she is and what her interests are outside of the farm. Maybe she is encouraged to take up painting or poetry etc. It might be necessary for the growth of several characters to have a few fights. Marion could become sick of playing mother caretaker to Jessie while she runs off every chance she gets. This could be pivotal, as Jessie's aspirations rest heavily on Marion's compliance. In the end, they may even sell the farm (I mean what's the point of keeping it if everyone moves on?) Jessie seems bound to run into the wrong crowd every now and then as she gets more and more desperate to escape her pastoral town. The dangerous atmosphere may change her beyond the obvious wolf bits. She is likely to make some bad mistakes, but her sisters might just be able to help her reconcile with others and defend Jessie when trouble comes to claim her. Marion can be the rock that Jessie grabs hold of when she needs to shelter from the growing storms in her life. Helping her to mend torn sheets and prepare gifts to apologize for damages. Grace who seems more likely to join Jessie on her adventures could be the voice in her ear keeping her from being reckless or cruel, but is less tolerant of the hustle that seems to thrill her sister, and when Grace leaves for home Jessie's conscience and inhibitions leave with her. She might feel alive running wild but a wolf is strongest among her pack. Hopefully she realizes how much she's taken for granted. Grace seems like the thoughtful one, the loneliest, and maybe the most guarded. Were it not for her sisters, it seems like she would drift away and lose touch with the rest of the world. At the same time she seems to live vicariously through them. Not exactly joining in on anything by herself, but adapting to what she needs to be to help her sisters. While Marion seems to be wholly independent socially, Grace needs a buffer between herself and other people, usually her sisters. Not necessarily shy, she just sees things differently and might not act like others would. That could make the world around her frustrating and difficult. She might not notice it enough to try and reach out but Malcolm could see it, and encourage Jessie not to push Grace away. Malcolm, Grace, and Marion could go walk along the water and explore a bit about who they are. And when she's become comfortable enough, Grace could leave her sisters behind and go into town with Malcolm and have her own chance to grow. Geez. Looking back at the question I hope I gave an appropriate answer. More broad ideas and personal impressions than anecdotes :/ Eh, treat it like a lobster. Take the tasty bits and chuck the rest. PS - The thought of a drunken Marion on the floor, dizzy and mooing is hilarious to me.


Jesse seems like she would be very helpful Sheephearding


Good stuff! This is probably something we'll ask for input on as well, but I'll whip up some more bios so you guys have more context before we do!


That is seriously inspiring, and a bit of a paradigm shift given that we were generally focused on how Malcolm would serve in these roles- but you're absolutely right how the sisters might contribute, and these are some wonderful ideas that will help round them out and contribute to progressing their character arcs even when it's not necessarily their specific story line! Thanks a ton for all this fantastic story fodder!

James Parsons

Good to hear. This was the best I could think of with the info available to me at the time. On the matter of Malcolm's guild/caretaker. I'd say Effie and/or Rhoswen will be the best options. For Effie it would be like "community service". She brought Malcolm to the Fea World in the first place. So he's her responsibility now. Rhoswen would be something like their parole officer. There to make sure everything is going right and to report their progress to Wynn.


That's what I figure. These interactions were just ideas for set pieces or background elements to the romantic progression of the story. It creates the potential for alternate endings where you can keep the whole family together or one family member runs off or you run away with them. Imagine the difference in how they would behave if the bad end happened to one of the girls while they were a side character because Malcolm wasn't there for them or actively antagonized them and Malcolm had to be there for the active love interest. It feels like a shame to condone tragedy, but it can be a big moment in a romance and it can show the player that they can make a wrong choice and the story still moves on. But even then it could just be a temporary loss, it's not like they have to die or lose all memory of who they are. Like if Jessie runs off and a little while later comes back pregnant!

Klandaghi Silentclaws

I don't know, I'm not sure I see Jessie conforming to the ladies image so much. I sort of imagine her trying to take Malcom to pubs to dance and have a good time. Possibly trying to eat out a lot.

Klandaghi Silentclaws

Honestly, latching onto Jessie a bit. It sounds like she is trying to save to get out, but it also sounds like she has some expensive possible habits. Possibly even self defeating in her goal to leave. She wants to get out, but the only thing that seems to give her solace outside of her sisters is the dream of that life. I'd imagine she might grab at any piece of it she can get no matter the cost, possibly even trying to spend time out and about more, drink and having a good time with the very money she wants to use to get out. I'd imagine finding the Yanks' Jazz might be hard to come by other than on the radio. Imagine gift options should Malcom get his hands on a record for her among other things =^_^= For Grace, what do you get someone that spends most of their time spending time away from it all? What would happen if Malcom learned to swim with her? What if he found a submerged cave that had an air pocket, was damp, and had phosphorescent moss that lit it and he took her there one day? With Marion, it seems like she's been the practical one that may have given up on some dreams to take care of the farm. Imagine a little probing to get into her head and what she had wanted. Again gift option ideas. What if she had an excellent voice for Jazz but never pursued it because she was needed on the farm. Possible tension item for Jessie and her, who knows.

Mephia Keibin

I know it's been two weeks ago, but it's more like they always make sure not to step or tug on the kitsune's tail!